《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 9.4
- %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Output Info about this m-file
- fprintf('\n***********************************************************\n');
- fprintf(' <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 9.4.1 \n\n');
- banner();
- %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % ------------------------------------------------------------
- % PART 1
- % ------------------------------------------------------------
- % Discrete time signal
- n1_start = 0; n1_end = 100;
- n1 = [n1_start:1:n1_end];
- xn1 = cos(0.15*pi*n1); % digital signal
- D = 4; % downsample by factor D
- OFFSET = 0;
- y = downsample(xn1, D, OFFSET);
- ny = [n1_start:n1_end/D];
- % ny = [n1_start:n1_end/D-1]; % OFFSET=2
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Problem 9.4.1 xn1 and y')
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); stem(n1, xn1, 'b');
- xlabel('n'); ylabel('x(n)');
- title('xn1 original sequence'); grid on;
- subplot(2,1,2); stem(ny, y, 'r');
- xlabel('ny'); ylabel('y(n)');
- title(sprintf('y sequence, downsample by D=%d offset=%d', D, OFFSET)); grid on;
- % ----------------------------
- % DTFT of xn1
- % ----------------------------
- M = 500;
- [X1, w] = dtft1(xn1, n1, M);
- magX1 = abs(X1); angX1 = angle(X1); realX1 = real(X1); imagX1 = imag(X1);
- max(magX1)
- %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% START X(w)'s mag ang real imag
- %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Problem 9.4.1 X1 DTFT');
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); plot(w/pi,magX1); grid on; %axis([-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.15, 0.5, 1, 2]);
- title('Magnitude Response');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Magnitude |H|');
- set(gca, 'xtick', [-2,-1.85,-1.5,-1,-0.15,0,0.15,0.5,1,1.5,1.85,2]);
- subplot(2,1,2); plot(w/pi, angX1/pi); grid on; %axis([-1,1,-1.05,1.05]);
- title('Phase Response');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Radians/\pi');
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Problem 9.4.1 X1 DTFT');
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); plot(w/pi, realX1); grid on;
- title('Real Part');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Real');
- subplot(2,1,2); plot(w/pi, imagX1); grid on;
- title('Imaginary Part');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Imaginary');
- %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% END X's mag ang real imag
- %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
- % ----------------------------
- % DTFT of y
- % ----------------------------
- M = 500;
- [Y, w] = dtft1(y, ny, M);
- magY_DTFT = abs(Y); angY_DTFT = angle(Y); realY_DTFT = real(Y); imagY_DTFT = imag(Y);
- max(magY_DTFT)
- ratio = max(magX1)/max(magY_DTFT)
- %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% START Y(w)'s mag ang real imag
- %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Problem 9.4.1 Y DTFT');
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); plot(w/pi, magY_DTFT); grid on; %axis([-2,2, -1, 2]);
- title('Magnitude Response');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Magnitude |H|');
- set(gca, 'xtick', [-2,-1.4,-1,-0.6,0,0.6,1,1.4,2]);
- subplot(2,1,2); plot(w/pi, angY_DTFT/pi); grid on; %axis([-1,1,-1.05,1.05]);
- title('Phase Response');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Radians/\pi');
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Problem 9.4.1 Y DTFT');
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); plot(w/pi, realY_DTFT); grid on;
- title('Real Part');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Real');
- subplot(2,1,2); plot(w/pi, imagY_DTFT); grid on;
- title('Imaginary Part');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Imaginary');
- %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% END Y's mag ang real imag
- %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
- figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', sprintf('Problem 9.4.1 X1 & Y--DTFT of x and y, D=%d offset=%d', D,OFFSET));
- set(gcf,'Color','white');
- subplot(2,1,1); plot(w/pi,magX1); grid on; %axis([-1,1,0,1.05]);
- title('Magnitude Response');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Magnitude |H|');
- set(gca, 'xtick', [-2,-1.85,-1.4,-1,-0.6,-0.5,-0.15,0,0.15,0.5,0.6,1,1.4,1.85,2]);
- set(gca, 'ytick', [-0.2, 0, 13.5, 20, 40, 51, 60]);
- hold on;
- plot(w/pi, magY_DTFT, 'r'); gtext('magY(\omega)', 'Color', 'r');
- hold off;
- subplot(2,1,2); plot(w/pi, angX1/pi); grid on; %axis([-1,1,-1.05,1.05]);
- title('Phase Response');
- xlabel('digital frequency in \pi units'); ylabel('Radians/\pi');
- hold on;
- plot(w/pi, angY_DTFT/pi, 'r'); gtext('AngY(\omega)', 'Color', 'r');
- hold off;
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