#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring> const int maxn = ;
int f[maxn];
char P[maxn];
char T[maxn];
void getfail(char* P, int *f) {
f[] = f[] = ;
int n = strlen(P);
for(int i = ; i < n; i++) {
int j = f[i];
while(j && P[i] != P[j]) j = f[j];
f[i+] = P[i] == P[j] ? j+ : ;
} void KMP(char* T, char* P, int* f) {
int n = strlen(T), m = strlen(P);
getfail(P, f);
int j = ;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++) {
while(j && T[i] != P[j]) j = f[j];
if(T[i] == P[j]) j++;
if(j == m) {
printf("%d\n", i-m+);
j = ;


  1. 马拉车——模版+KMP——模版

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