

[root@1st-kvm ~]# rpm -qa|grep dracut

[root@222-comecs ~]# rpm -qf /var/log/dracut.log
[root@222-comecs ~]# rpm -ql dracut|more

dracut - low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
   47  dracut aa.img
   49  lsinitrd  aa.img
   50  file aa.img
   51  dracut --print-cmdline
   57  dracut --list-modules|more

lsinitrd shows the contents of an initramfs image. if <image> is omitted, then lsinitrd uses the default image
/boot/<machine-id>/<kernel-version>/initrd or /boot/initramfs-<kernel-version>.img.

[root@222-comecs ~]# cat /etc/dracut.conf
# Sample dracut config file

# Specific list of dracut modules to use

# Dracut modules to omit

# Dracut modules to add to the default

# additional kernel modules to the default

# list of kernel filesystem modules to be included in the generic initramfs

# build initrd only to boot current hardware

# install local /etc/mdadm.conf

# install local /etc/lvm/lvm.conf


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