


原文:we build models of complex systems because we cannot comprehend such a system in its entirety



1we build models to communicate the desired structure and behavior of our system

2we build models to visualize and control the system’s architecture and behavior of our system

3we build models to better understand the system we are buildingoften exposing opportunities for simplification and reuse

4we build models to manage risk


1、 在需求阶段(inception),为了理解系统的需求。

2、 在构建阶段(construct),可视化系统的结构。

3、 在迭代阶段(transition),为了更好的理解系统,优化系统。

4、 在整个阶段,掌控系统的风险。



1、Models help us to visualize a system as it is or as we want it to be.


2、Models permit us to specify the structure or behavior of a system.


3、Models give us a template that guides us in constructing a system.


4、Models document the decisions we have made



1、 The choice of what models to create has a profound influence on how a problem is attacked and how a solution is shaped


2、 Every model may be expressed at different levels of precision


3、 The best models are connected to reality


4、 No single model or view is sufficient. Every nontrivial system is best approached through a small set of nearly independent models with multiple viewpoints



有两种通俗的建模方式,algorithmic perspective and an object-oriented perspective。

  1、 algorithmic perspectivethe main building block of all software is the procedure or functionthis view developers to focus on issue of control and the decomposition of large algorithmic into small one


  2、 object-oriented perspectivethe main building block of all software is the object or class. Simply butan object is a thinggenerally drawn from the vocabulary of the problem or the solution space



公用技术——面向对象领域——UML图——《The Unified Modeling Language User Guide》V2读书笔记——第一章节(建模的意义)的更多相关文章

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