
Application Controller添加captcha()

public static void captcha() {
Images.Captcha captcha = Images.captcha();



GET     /captcha                                Application.captcha


访问 http://localhost:9000/captcha



	public static void captcha(String id) {
Images.Captcha captcha = Images.captcha();
String code = captcha.getText("#E4EAFD");
Cache.set(id, code, "10mn");



public static void show(Long id) {
Post post = Post.findById(id);
String randomID = Codec.UUID();
render(post, randomID);




<label for="content">Your message: </label>
<textarea name="content" id="content">${params.content}</textarea>
<label for="code">Please type the code below: </label>
<img src="@{Application.catcha(randomId)}">
<br />
<input type="text" name="code" id="code" size="18" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="randomId" value="${randomId}" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit your comment" />



修改postComment 方法

public static void postComment(
Long postId,
@Required(message="Author is required") String author,
@Required(message="A message is required") String content,
@Required(message="Please type the code") String code,
String randomId) {
Post post = Post.findById(postId);
validation.equals(code, Cache.get(randomId)).message("Invalid code. Please type it again"); if(validation.hasErrors()) {
render("Application/show.html", post);
} post.addComment(author, content);
flash.success("Thanks for posting %s", author);



<p class="error">


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