* removeLineEndSpace
* 声明:
* 该程序是之前alignBySpace的逆向补充程序,去掉行尾的空格。
* 2015-8-11 阵雨 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h> int main ( int argc, char ** argv ) { int ret = ;
char *tempFile = "generateFile.txt";
char *readBuffer = NULL;
size_t bufferSize = ;
int readBufferIndex = ; if ( argc != ) {
printf ( "USAGE:\n" );
printf ( " removeLineEndSpace <file>.\n" );
return -;
} FILE *readfile = fopen ( argv[], "r" ); // only read
FILE *writefile = fopen ( tempFile, "w" ); // only write /**
* man datasheet:
* If *lineptr is NULL, then getline() will allocate a buffer for storing the line,
* which should be freed by the user program. (In this case, the value in *n is ignored.)
while ( ( ret = getline( &readBuffer, &bufferSize, readfile ) ) != - ) { readBufferIndex = ret - ; // index for real position while ( ( readBuffer [ readBufferIndex ] == ' ' ) || // del ' ', '\t', '\n' character
( readBuffer [ readBufferIndex ] == '\n' ) || ( readBuffer [ readBufferIndex ] == '\t' ) )
readBuffer [ readBufferIndex-- ] = '\0'; readBuffer [ readBufferIndex + ] = '\n'; fputs ( readBuffer, writefile ); // write to file bzero ( readBuffer, ret ); // clean buffer
} free ( readBuffer ); // referrence getline() fclose ( readfile );
fclose ( writefile ); remove ( argv[] ); // delete source file
rename ( tempFile, argv[] ); // tempfile rename to source file



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