1.扩展方法 (Extension Methods)
- Public Module PersonExtension
- <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
- Public Sub Print(ByVal aPerson As Person)
- If aPerson IsNot Nothing Then
- Console.WriteLine("Istance of Person : " & aPerson.ToString())
- Else
- Console.WriteLine("No instance of Person.")
- End If
- End Sub
- End Module
- Public Class Person
- Private m_Name As String
- Public Property Name() As String
- Get
- Name = m_Name
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_Name = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
- ToString = Name
- End Function
- End Class
- Public Class Student : Inherits Person
- Private m_ClassGroup As String
- Public Property ClassGroup() As String
- Get
- ClassGroup = m_ClassGroup
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_ClassGroup = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
- ToString = Name & " (" & ClassGroup & ")"
- End Function
- End Class
- Public Class Example1
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim person1 As Person = New Person With {.Name = "John"}
- Dim person2 As Person = New Student _
- With {.Name = "Jane", _
- .ClassGroup = "Visual Basic .NET"}
- Dim person3 As Person
- '
- person1.Print() ' (1)
- person2.Print()
- person3.Print()
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Istance of Person : John
- Istance of Person : Jane (Visual Basic .NET)
- No instance of Person.
- Public Interface SomeInterface
- Sub SomeFirstMethod()
- End Interface
- Public Module SomeInterfaceExtension
- <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
- Public Sub SomeSecondMethod(ByVal aSomeInterface As SomeInterface)
- Console.WriteLine("SomeInterface.SomeSecondMethod() implementation.")
- End Sub
- End Module
- Public Class SomeClass : Implements SomeInterface
- Public Sub SomeFirstMethod() Implements SomeInterface.SomeFirstMethod
- Console.WriteLine("SomeClass.SomeFirstMethod() implementation.")
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class Example3
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim object1 As New SomeClass
- object1.SomeFirstMethod()
- object1.SomeSecondMethod()
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Interface Interface1
- End Interface
- Public Interface Interface2
- End Interface
- Public Module InterfaceExtensions
- <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
- Public Sub Method1(ByVal aInterface1 As Interface1)
- Console.WriteLine("Interface1.Method1")
- End Sub
- <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
- Public Sub Method2(ByVal aInterface2 As Interface2)
- Console.WriteLine("Interface2.Method2")
- End Sub
- End Module
- Public Class Class1 : Implements Interface1, Interface2
- End Class
- Public Class Example4
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim object1 As New Class1
- object1.Method1()
- object1.Method2()
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
2.对象初始化器(Object Initializers)
- Class Person
- Private m_Name As String
- Public Property Name() As String
- Get
- Name = m_Name
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_Name = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private m_Address As Address
- Public Property Address() As Address
- Get
- Address = m_Address
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Address)
- m_Address = value
- End Set
- End Property
- End Class
- Class Address
- Private m_Street As String
- Public Property Street() As String
- Get
- Street = m_Street
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_Street = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private m_City As String
- Public Property City() As String
- Get
- City = m_City
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_City = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private m_ZipCode As String
- Public Property ZipCode() As String
- Get
- ZipCode = m_ZipCode
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_ZipCode = value
- End Set
- End Property
- End Class
- Class Counter
- Public Sub New(ByVal value As Integer)
- m_Value = value
- End Sub
- Private m_Value As Integer
- Public ReadOnly Property Value() As Integer
- Get
- Value = m_Value
- End Get
- End Property
- Private m_StepValue As Integer
- Public Property StepValue() As Integer
- Get
- StepValue = m_StepValue
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Integer)
- m_StepValue = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Sub Raise()
- m_Value += StepValue
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class Example
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim person1 As Person = New Person() With {.Name = "John"}
- Console.WriteLine(person1.Name)
- '
- Dim person2 As Person = New Person() ' (1)
- With person2 ' (1)
- .Name = "Paul" ' (1)
- End With ' (1)
- '
- Dim person3 As Person = New Person() _
- With {.Name = "Jane", _
- .Address = New Address() _
- With {.City = "New York"}} ' (2)
- Console.WriteLine(person3.Name)
- Console.WriteLine(person3.Address.City)
- '
- Dim counter1 As Counter = New Counter() With {.StepValue = } ' (3)
- Console.WriteLine(counter1.Value)
- counter1.Raise()
- Console.WriteLine(counter1.Value)
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
3.匿名类型(Anonymous Types)
- Option Infer On
- Option Strict On
- Class Example1
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim address1 = New With {.City = "New York", .Street = "Parklane"}
- Console.WriteLine(address1.City)
- Console.WriteLine(address1.Street)
- '
- Dim address2 = New With {.City = "London", .Street = "Oxford Street"}
- Console.WriteLine(address2.City)
- Console.WriteLine(address2.Street)
- '
- Dim address3 = New With {.City = "San Fransico", .Street = }
- Console.WriteLine(address3.City)
- Console.WriteLine(address3.Street)
- '
- Dim address4 = New With {.City = "Paris"}
- Console.WriteLine(address4.City)
- '
- Dim city As String = "Brussels"
- Dim address5 = New With {city} ' (1)
- Console.WriteLine(address5.City)
- address5.City = "Amsterdam"
- Console.WriteLine(address5.City)
- '
- Dim someInstance As New SomeFirstClass
- Dim address6 = New With {someInstance.City, someInstance.Street()}
- Console.WriteLine(address6.City)
- Console.WriteLine(address6.Street)
- '
- Dim address7 = New With {someInstance.City, someInstance.Street(), _
- someInstance.Number} ' (2)
- Console.WriteLine(address7.City)
- Console.WriteLine(address7.Street)
- Console.WriteLine(address7.Number)
- '
- Dim address8 = New With {SomeSecondClass.City, SomeSecondClass.Street, _
- SomeSecondClass.Number} ' (3)
- Console.WriteLine(address8.City)
- Console.WriteLine(address8.Street)
- Console.WriteLine(address8.Number)
- '
- Console.WriteLine(address1.GetType().Equals(address2.GetType()))
- Console.WriteLine(address1.GetType().Equals(address3.GetType()))
- Console.WriteLine(address1.GetType().Equals(address4.GetType()))
- Console.WriteLine(address4.GetType().Equals(address5.GetType()))
- Console.WriteLine(address1.GetType().Equals(address6.GetType()))
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class SomeFirstClass
- Public Number As Integer
- Public ReadOnly Property City() As String
- Get
- City = "someCity"
- End Get
- End Property
- Public Function Street() As String
- Street = "someStreet"
- End Function
- End Class
- Class SomeSecondClass
- Public Shared Number As Integer
- Public Shared ReadOnly Property City() As String
- Get
- City = "someCity"
- End Get
- End Property
- Public Shared Function Street() As String
- Street = "someStreet"
- End Function
- End Class
4.局部方法 (Partial Methods)
'定义局部方法 需要用 Partial 做修饰符
'局部方法不一定总是有执行内容的,也就是说定义的方法 可以一句操作语句都没有
- Class SomeClass
- Partial Private Sub somePartialMethod1()
- End Sub
- Partial Private Sub somePartialMethod2()
- End Sub
- '
- Private Sub somePartialMethod1() ' (1)
- Console.WriteLine("somePartialMethod1")
- End Sub
- '
- Public Sub TestSomePartialMethod1()
- somePartialMethod1()
- End Sub
- Public Sub TestSomePartialMethod2()
- somePartialMethod2()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Partial Class SomeClass
- Private Sub somePartialMethod2() ' (2)
- Console.WriteLine("somePartialMethod2")
- End Sub
- End Class
- Class Example1
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim someObject As New SomeClass
- someObject.TestSomePartialMethod1()
- someObject.TestSomePartialMethod2()
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Option Infer On
- Option Strict On
- Public Class Example1
- Public Delegate Function SomeDelegate(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim value1 As Integer
- '
- Dim delegate1 As SomeDelegate = _
- New SomeDelegate(AddressOf SomeFunction) ' (1)
- value1 = delegate1.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate2 As SomeDelegate = AddressOf SomeFunction ' (2)
- value1 = delegate2.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate3 = New SomeDelegate(AddressOf SomeFunction) ' (3)
- value1 = delegate3.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate4 As Func(Of Integer, Integer) = _
- New Func(Of Integer, Integer)(AddressOf SomeFunction) ' (4)
- value1 = delegate4.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate5 As Func(Of Integer, Integer) = _
- AddressOf SomeFunction ' (5)
- value1 = delegate5.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate6 = _
- New Func(Of Integer, Integer)(AddressOf SomeFunction) ' (6)
- value1 = delegate6.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- Public Shared Function SomeFunction(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
- SomeFunction = value *
- End Function
- End Class
- Public Class Example2
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim value1 As Integer
- '
- Dim delegate1 As Example1.SomeDelegate = _
- Function(value As Integer) value * ' (1)
- value1 = delegate1.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate2 As Func(Of Integer, Integer) = _
- Function(value As Integer) value * ' (2)
- value1 = delegate2.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Dim delegate3 = Function(value As Integer) value * ' (3)
- value1 = delegate3.Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- value1 = (Function(value As Integer) value * ).Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Console.WriteLine((Function(value As Integer) value * ).Invoke())
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class Example4
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim delegate1 = Function(arg1 As Integer) _
- Function(arg2 As Integer) arg1 + arg2
- Dim value1 As Integer = delegate1.Invoke().Invoke()
- Console.WriteLine(value1)
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
6.语言集成查询 (Lambda or Inline Functions)
以下为LinQ to Object的例子。
从persons查找"New York",并按Name排序
- Option Infer On
- Option Strict On
- Public Class Person
- Private m_Name As String
- Public Property Name() As String
- Get
- Return m_Name
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_Name = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private m_City As String
- Public Property City() As String
- Get
- Return m_City
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As String)
- m_City = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Private m_IsMale As Boolean
- Public Property IsMale() As Boolean
- Get
- Return m_IsMale
- End Get
- Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
- m_IsMale = value
- End Set
- End Property
- Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
- ToString = "Female "
- If IsMale Then ToString = "Male "
- ToString &= Name & ", from " & City & "."
- End Function
- End Class
- Public Class Example1
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim persons As Person() = New Person() { _
- New Person With {.Name = "John", .City = "New York", .IsMale = True}, _
- New Person With {.Name = "Bo", .City = "New York", .IsMale = False}, _
- New Person With {.Name = "Jane", .City = "London", .IsMale = False}, _
- New Person With {.Name = "Paul", .City = "New York", .IsMale = True}}
- '
- Dim personsNY As IEnumerable(Of Person) = _
- persons.Where(Function(person) person.City = "New York") _
- .OrderBy(Function(person) person.Name) _
- .Select(Function(person) person)
- '
- For Each person As Person In personsNY
- Console.WriteLine(person)
- Next
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
- Public Class Example2
- Public Shared Sub Main()
- Dim persons As Person() = New Person() { _
- New Person With {.Name = "John", .City = "New York", .IsMale = True}, _
- New Person With {.Name = "Bo", .City = "New York", .IsMale = False}, _
- New Person With {.Name = "Jane", .City = "London", .IsMale = False}, _
- New Person With {.Name = "Paul", .City = "New York", .IsMale = True}}
- '
- Dim personsNY As IEnumerable(Of Person) = _
- From person In persons _
- Where person.City = "New York" _
- Order By person.Name _
- Select person
- '
- For Each person As Person In personsNY
- Console.WriteLine(person)
- Next
- '
- Console.ReadLine()
- End Sub
- End Class
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