# Comments can be written like this.

# File should be named Makefile and then can be run as `make <target>`.
# Otherwise we use `make -f "filename" <target>`. # Warning - only use TABS to indent in Makefiles, never spaces! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Basics
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rules are of the format
# target: <prerequisite>
# where prerequisites are optional. # A rule - this rule will only run if file0.txt doesn't exist.
echo "foo" > file0.txt
# Even comments in these 'recipe' sections get passed to the shell.
# Try `make file0.txt` or simply `make` - first rule is the default. # This rule will only run if file0.txt is newer than file1.txt.
file1.txt: file0.txt
cat file0.txt > file1.txt
# use the same quoting rules as in the shell.
@cat file0.txt >> file1.txt
# @ stops the command from being echoed to stdout.
-@echo 'hello'
# - means that make will keep going in the case of an error.
# Try `make file1.txt` on the commandline. # A rule can have multiple targets and multiple prerequisites
file2.txt file3.txt: file0.txt file1.txt
touch file2.txt
touch file3.txt # Make will complain about multiple recipes for the same rule. Empty
# recipes don't count though and can be used to add new dependencies. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Phony Targets
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # A phony target. Any target that isn't a file.
# It will never be up to date so make will always try to run it.
all: maker process # We can declare things out of order.
touch ex0.txt ex1.txt # Can avoid phony rules breaking when a real file has the same name by
.PHONY: all maker process
# This is a special target. There are several others. # A rule with a dependency on a phony target will always run
ex0.txt ex1.txt: maker # Common phony targets are: all make clean install ... #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Automatic Variables & Wildcards
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- process: file*.txt #using a wildcard to match filenames
@echo $^ # $^ is a variable containing the list of prerequisites
@echo $@ # prints the target name
#(for multiple target rules, $@ is whichever caused the rule to run)
@echo $< # the first prerequisite listed
@echo $? # only the dependencies that are out of date
@echo $+ # all dependencies including duplicates (unlike normal)
#@echo $| # all of the 'order only' prerequisites # Even if we split up the rule dependency definitions, $^ will find them
process: ex1.txt file0.txt
# ex1.txt will be found but file0.txt will be deduplicated. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Patterns
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Can teach make how to convert certain files into other files. %.png: %.svg
inkscape --export-png $^ # Pattern rules will only do anything if make decides to create the
# target. # Directory paths are normally ignored when matching pattern rules. But
# make will try to use the most appropriate rule available.
small/%.png: %.svg
inkscape --export-png --export-dpi 30 $^ # make will use the last version for a pattern rule that it finds.
%.png: %.svg
@echo this rule is chosen # However make will use the first pattern rule that can make the target
%.png: %.ps
@echo this rule is not chosen if *.svg and *.ps are both present # make already has some pattern rules built-in. For instance, it knows
# how to turn *.c files into *.o files. # Older makefiles might use suffix rules instead of pattern rules
@echo this rule is similar to a pattern rule. # Tell make about the suffix rule
.SUFFIXES: .png #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables
# aka. macros # Variables are basically all string types name = Ted
name2="Sarah" echo:
@echo $(name)
@echo ${name2}
@echo $name # This won't work, treated as $(n)ame.
@echo $(name3) # Unknown variables are treated as empty strings. # There are 4 places to set variables.
# In order of priority from highest to lowest:
# 1: commandline arguments
# 2: Makefile
# 3: shell environment variables - make imports these automatically.
# 4: make has some predefined variables name4 ?= Jean
# Only set the variable if environment variable is not already defined. override name5 = David
# Stops commandline arguments from changing this variable. name4 +=grey
# Append values to variable (includes a space). # Pattern-specific variable values (GNU extension).
echo: name2 = Sara # True within the matching rule
# and also within its remade recursive dependencies
# (except it can break when your graph gets too complicated!) # Some variables defined automatically by make.
echo $(CC)
echo ${CXX)}
echo $(FC)
echo ${CFLAGS)}
echo $(CPPFLAGS)
echo ${CXXFLAGS}
echo $(LDFLAGS)
echo ${LDLIBS} #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables 2
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # The first type of variables are evaluated each time they are used.
# This can be expensive, so a second type of variable exists which is
# only evaluated once. (This is a GNU make extension) var := hello
var2 ::= $(var) hello
#:= and ::= are equivalent. # These variables are evaluated procedurally (in the order that they
# appear), thus breaking with the rest of the language ! # This doesn't work
var3 ::= $(var4) and good luck
var4 ::= good night #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # make has lots of functions available. sourcefiles = $(wildcard *.c */*.c)
objectfiles = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(sourcefiles)) # Format is $(func arg0,arg1,arg2...) # Some examples
ls: * src/*
@echo $(filter %.txt, $^)
@echo $(notdir $^)
@echo $(join $(dir $^),$(notdir $^)) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Directives
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include other makefiles, useful for platform specific code
include foo.mk sport = tennis
# Conditional compilation
ifeq ($(sport),tennis)
@echo 'game, set, match'
@echo "They think it's all over; it is now"
endif # There are also ifneq, ifdef, ifndef foo = true ifdef $(foo)
bar = 'hello'

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