Logical OR Operator 按位或

This operator has higher precedence than the next section and lower precedence than the previous section. NOTE, you can click on the operator to go the details page with examples.

x | y – logical or bitwise OR. Use with integer types and enum types is generally allowed.

Conditional OR Operator  条件或

This operator has higher precedence than the next section and lower precedence than the previous section. NOTE, you can click on the operator to go the details page with examples.

x || y – logical OR. If the first operand is true, then C# does not evaluate the second operand.

Logical AND Operator  按位与

This operator has higher precedence than the next section and lower precedence than the previous section. NOTE, you can click on the operator to go the details page with examples.

x & y – logical or bitwise AND. Use with integer types and enum types is generally allowed.

Conditional AND Operator  条件与

This operator has higher precedence than the next section and lower precedence than the previous section. NOTE, you can click on the operator to go the details page with examples.

x && y – logical AND. If the first operand is false, then C# does not evaluate the second operand.


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