In this lesson you will learn to say what you need. 在本课中,您将学习如何说出您的需求。

Words list

elevator  电梯      That's an  elevator  那是一部电梯

hotel 酒店    apartment 公寓

a sing room  单间

a double room  带一张双人床的房间

twin room  两张单人床的双人房

The 2nd floor ;  2层楼   The 1nd floor = The First floor 第一层

a credit card 一张信用卡

The reception 接待处

room number 房间号

above  上面

According   依照

Act out the story    把这个故事说出来                   Act out 把…表演出来;把…付诸行动

What's this?

That's a hotel ...   那是一家酒店

That's an ...  那是...

Those are ... 那些是...

Mike is tired. It's late. He is staying in Hong Kong for one night.  麦克累了,天色已晚。他准备在香港待上一晚

1. Good evening. May I help you?  晚上好,我能帮你什么吗?

2. Yes.I'd like a room for the night. 是的,我想要住一晚

3. A single or a double?  单间还是双人间?

4. I'd like a single room,please. 请给我一间单间

5.How much is it?  多少钱?

6.It's $150 per night.      150/晚                    # per    prep. 每;经;按照;每一                prep = preposition 介词

7.Can I pay by credit card?  我能用信用卡支付吗?

8. Yes. Could you fill in this form. please?  可以,请做下登记。


10 Here's your key. Your room number is 304, on the third floor.  这是你的钥匙,你的房间号是304,在3楼

11.Thank you. Where is the elevator?  谢谢你,电梯在哪里?

12. It's over there 就在那边


After a long journey from Heathrow,John finally arrives at his hotel in King's Cross. He goes to the reception area to checkin.

从希思罗机场坐飞机经过漫长的旅途,约翰最终到达了他的国王十字酒店. 他准备去前台接待办理入住

Receptionist: Hello. Can I help you?

John: Yeah hi, I've got a reservation(预约), my name's John Arquit(约翰·阿尔奎特)

Recepstionist: Ah,yes. You booked(预定)a shared room for 1 week? 你预订了共享房间一周?

John: Yes, a shared room, but perhaps I'll stay loger.

Recepstionist: OK,but let us know as soon as you decide?

John: Yes, of course. How much is that?

Recepstionist:It's £ 18.50 for a shared room. Can I see your passport?     # £  = 英镑  pound     便士 pence

John: Here you are.

a shared room - a room with other people  共用房间 - 与其他人共用的房间

let us know - tell us   让我们知道 - 告诉我们

reservation - the room is booked in advance   预约 - 房间提前预订

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