Error when clicking other button after displaying Popup window(转)
原文地址:Error when clicking other button after displaying Popup window
Hi, I'm developing a custom page which calls a popup window in r12, below is the error encountered. Error: Cannot Display Page You cannot complete this task because you accessed this page using the browser's navigation buttons (the browser Back button, for example). To proceed, please select the Home link at the top of the application page to return to the main menu. Then, access this page again using the application's navigation controls (menu, links, and so on) instead of using the browser's navigation controls like Back and Forward. On my base page, I have other buttons like Save, Back, and the button to invoke the popup window. I can display the popup window without error, but when i clicked on the base page's other buttons after invoking the popup window, the error above is shown. I'm not clicking any browser's navigation buttons. Please let me know how to solve this error. Thanks!
The custom popup is not supported by OAF. This will be incorporated as new feature in 12.1.2. Regards, Guru Prasandh.
Check this link for the pop-up window options. It would use javascript and i guess javascript is not recommended in OAF.
Hi, The error because of the AM state will lost whenever you are accessing the pop-up window. Try with AM state = true. Thanks, Kumar
Hi Prasandh, Can you give a link to the notes or docu about this? Thanks!
Hi Kumar, I already added retainAM=Y in my button's Destination URI Function already and still not working. Please let me know more of your thoughts on this. Thanks!
Thanks Pradeep for the link
Hi, Just want to update... The error occurred because I have isBackNavigationFired checking, this becomes true when clicking the other buttons in the base page after displaying the popup. Is there a workaround where I can make this work without removing my back browser navigation checking? Thanks!
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