
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine; /// <summary>
/// A base class for creating editors that decorate Unity's built-in editor types.
/// </summary>
public abstract class DecoratorEditor : Editor
// empty array for invoking methods using reflection
private static readonly object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new object[]; #region Editor Fields /// <summary>
/// Type object for the internally used (decorated) editor.
/// </summary>
private System.Type decoratedEditorType; /// <summary>
/// Type object for the object that is edited by this editor.
/// </summary>
private System.Type editedObjectType; private Editor editorInstance; #endregion private Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> decoratedMethods = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>(); private static Assembly editorAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Editor)); protected Editor EditorInstance
if (editorInstance == null && targets != null && targets.Length > )
editorInstance = Editor.CreateEditor(targets, decoratedEditorType);
} if (editorInstance == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not create editor !");
} return editorInstance;
} public DecoratorEditor (string editorTypeName)
this.decoratedEditorType = editorAssembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.Name == editorTypeName).FirstOrDefault(); /*System.Type[] types = editorAssembly.GetTypes();
for (int i=0; i<types.Length; i++)
string name=types[i].Name;
}*/ Init (); // Check CustomEditor types.
/*var originalEditedType = GetCustomEditorType(decoratedEditorType);
if (originalEditedType != editedObjectType)
throw new System.ArgumentException(
string.Format("Type {0} does not match the editor {1} type {2}",
editedObjectType, editorTypeName, originalEditedType));
} private System.Type GetCustomEditorType(System.Type type)
var flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; var attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomEditor), true) as CustomEditor[];
var field = attributes.Select(editor => editor.GetType().GetField("m_InspectedType", flags)).First(); return field.GetValue(attributes[]) as System.Type;
} private void Init()
var flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance; var attributes = this.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomEditor), true) as CustomEditor[];
var field = attributes.Select(editor => editor.GetType().GetField("m_InspectedType", flags)).First(); editedObjectType = field.GetValue(attributes[]) as System.Type;
} void OnDisable()
if (editorInstance != null)
} /// <summary>
/// Delegates a method call with the given name to the decorated editor instance.
/// </summary>
protected void CallInspectorMethod(string methodName)
MethodInfo method = null; // Add MethodInfo to cache
if (!decoratedMethods.ContainsKey(methodName))
var flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public; method = decoratedEditorType.GetMethod(methodName, flags); if (method != null)
decoratedMethods[methodName] = method;
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Could not find method {0}", method));
method = decoratedMethods[methodName];
} if (method != null)
method.Invoke(EditorInstance, EMPTY_ARRAY);
} public void OnSceneGUI()
} protected override void OnHeaderGUI ()
} public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
} public override void DrawPreview (Rect previewArea)
EditorInstance.DrawPreview (previewArea);
} public override string GetInfoString ()
return EditorInstance.GetInfoString ();
} public override GUIContent GetPreviewTitle ()
return EditorInstance.GetPreviewTitle();
} public override bool HasPreviewGUI ()
return EditorInstance.HasPreviewGUI ();
} public override void OnInteractivePreviewGUI (Rect r, GUIStyle background)
EditorInstance.OnInteractivePreviewGUI (r, background);
} public override void OnPreviewGUI (Rect r, GUIStyle background)
EditorInstance.OnPreviewGUI (r, background);
} public override void OnPreviewSettings ()
EditorInstance.OnPreviewSettings ();
} //5.x才有以下方法
/*public override void ReloadPreviewInstances ()
EditorInstance.ReloadPreviewInstances ();
}*/ public override Texture2D RenderStaticPreview (string assetPath, Object[] subAssets, int width, int height)
return EditorInstance.RenderStaticPreview (assetPath, subAssets, width, height);
} public override bool RequiresConstantRepaint ()
return EditorInstance.RequiresConstantRepaint ();
} public override bool UseDefaultMargins ()
return EditorInstance.UseDefaultMargins ();


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