
Central monitoring tool in R/3 for asynchronous data transfer when using the queued Remote Function Call (qRFC) between two R/3 Systems or between R/3 and external systems. There is an qRFC monitor for the outbound queue and the inbound queue. It is used for: Displaying the current status of a queue (e.g. status or number of entries in a queue) and Locking or unlocking specified queues.

分隔线上面是 SAP 标准文档中提供的说明
在两个 R/3 系统或者 R/3 和外部系统之间使用队列远程函数调用(qRFC)时,用于监视异步数据传输的核心 R/3 监视工具。对于出站队列和入站队列都有 qRFC 监视器。它用于:显示队列的当前状态(例如队列中条目的状态或数量),锁定或解锁指定的队列。


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