
Hi Huang,

For the better performance of the test the Con 6 should be connected all the time, the Remote will send the command to the UI/ACC to provide the power to the Con 6, checks the current, then it sends command to stop the power on Con 6 and checks the current again.

This test tests the switch which provides the power to Con 6, and at the same time tests the current measurement circuit, to do that, the Con 6 has to be connected all the time, otherwise, if in case the switch is on all the time, but there is no load resistor, the test will pass, because there is no current flow, but it is only because the load resistor is not connected.

When restarting the test, please try to remove and plug back again the batteries to the Remote, it might be that I forgot to clear the last test state. I will test it whenever we will receive the hardware in Hong Kong.


I have found two bugs in the software why the test is failing:

1)      Sometimes the transducer current sensor returns a low negative value, I was interpreting it as unsigned, so it was above my threshold. Please update the test remote software to v1.1 to solve this.

The TEST_ONLY software is not compatible with UI_v0.1, that is why the button press test was failing. Please update the UI to the version v1.0 to issue the key test.

Founded in 1973, Glen Dimplex is a leading international group, with annual revenues in excess of two billion euro and over ten thousand employees across four continents. Glen Dimplex is the world's largest manufacturer of electrical heating, and also holds significant global market positions in domestic appliances, cooling, ventilation, and renewable energy solutions. Over half a century, we have built a solid global business reputation, and our customers have come to trust in our brands, our products, and our people. Today we are at the vanguard of a low carbon revolution, with an unrivalled range of solutions in space and water heating, cooling, ventilation and heat recovery. Across the world these innovative low carbon systems enable our customers to reduce CO2 emissions and eliminate cost. With our dynamic portfolio of leading brands and low carbon technologies the Glen Dimplex Group is strategically positioned to meet the market challenges of tomorrow. Glen Dimplex is a leading international industrial group, with over 30 businesses and 8,500 employees around the world, including, Europe, North America, Asia, and Australasia.

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