题目链接 : https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/valid-number/




"0"` => `true`
`" 0.1 "` => `true`
`"abc"` => `false`
`"1 a"` => `false`
`"2e10"` => `true`
`" -90e3 "` => `true`
`" 1e"` => `false`
`"e3"` => `false`
`" 6e-1"` => `true`
`" 99e2.5 "` => `false`
`"53.5e93"` => `true`
`" --6 "` => `false`
`"-+3"` => `false`
`"95a54e53"` => `false

说明: 我们有意将问题陈述地比较模糊。在实现代码之前,你应当事先思考所有可能的情况。这里给出一份可能存在于有效十进制数字中的字符列表:

  • 数字 0-9
  • 指数 - "e"
  • 正/负号 - "+"/"-"
  • 小数点 - "."




class Solution:
def isNumber(self, s: str) -> bool:
num = float(s)
return True
return False






class Solution:
def isNumber(self, s: str):
s = s.strip()
dot_seen = False
e_seen = False
num_seen = False
for i, a in enumerate(s):
if a.isdigit():
num_seen = True
elif a == ".":
if e_seen or dot_seen:
return False
dot_seen = True
elif a == "e":
if e_seen or not num_seen:
return False
num_seen = False
e_seen = True
elif a in "+-":
if i > 0 and s[i - 1] != "e":
return False
return False
return num_seen


class Solution:
def isNumber(self, s: str) -> bool:
state = [
# 状态1,初始状态(扫描通过的空格)
{"blank": 1, "sign": 2, "digit": 3, ".": 4},
# 状态2,发现符号位(后面跟数字或者小数点)
{"digit": 3, ".": 4},
# 状态3,数字(一直循环到非数字)
{"digit": 3, ".": 5, "e": 6, "blank": 9},
# 状态4,小数点(后面只有紧接数字)
{"digit": 5},
# 状态5,小数点之后(后面只能为数字,e,或者以空格结束)
{"digit": 5, "e": 6, "blank": 9},
# 状态6,发现e(后面只能符号位, 和数字)
{"sign": 7, "digit": 8},
# 状态7,e之后(只能为数字)
{"digit": 8},
# 状态8,e之后的数字后面(只能为数字或者以空格结束)
{"digit": 8, "blank": 9},
# 状态9, 终止状态 (如果发现非空,就失败)
{"blank": 9}
cur_state = 1
for c in s:
if c.isdigit():
c = "digit"
elif c in " ":
c = "blank"
elif c in "+-":
c = "sign"
if c not in state[cur_state]:
return False
cur_state = state[cur_state][c]
if cur_state not in [3, 5, 8, 9]:
return False
return True

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