机器学习 coursera_ML
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2.刷新浏览器dns地址,ipconfig/flushdns,good! 这里贴出machine-learning of courase的address, maybe friends can learn a lot.
chapter 00 introduction
structure and usage of machine learning
the definition of ML
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E
supervised learning
In supervised learning, we are given a data set and already know what our correct output should look like, having the idea that there is a relationship between the input and the output.
there are two types of supervised learning, that are regression and classification. one sign is whether the relationship of input and output is continuous.
unsupervised learning
there are no labels for the unsupervised learning, and we hope that the computer can help us to labels some databets.
chapter 01 model and cost function
topic1 模型导入:
training examples(x(i),y(i)),i=1,2,3...,m,m is trainging set;
h(x) si a 'good' predictor for the goal of housing price of y,and h(x) here is called hypothesis;
if we are trying to predict the problem continuously, such as the housing price, we call the learning problem a regression problem.
topic2 some figures of linear regression
cost function
choose a suitable hθ(x) for making the error with y to the minimum
make a cost function
topic3 cost function - intuition I
when θ0=0 and θ1=1,the cost function and function of the parameter is as below
the relationship between the function of hypothesis function and the cost function, that is to say, there are different values of cost function that is corresponding to the the function of hypothesis
topic 4 Intuition II
now, it is fixed values of θ0,θ1,
the curve face to the ground is the height of the J(θ0,θ1),we can see the description in the picture as below
it is also called contour plots or contour figures to the left graph as below, and we can get the minimal result as much as possible,
topic 5 algorithm of function of hypothesis to minimize the cost function of J
the best algorithm is to find a function to make the value of cost function which is a second-order function to the minimum, and then the inner circle point is what we need get. It is also corresonding to the two values θ0 and θ1.
chapter 02 parameter learning
topic 1 gradient descent
the theory of gradient descent, like a model going down the hill, it bases on the hypothesis function(theta0 and theta1), and the cost function J is bases on the hypothesis function graphed below.
the tangential line to a cost function is the black line which use athe derivative.
alpha is a parameter, which is called learning rate. A small alpha would result in a small step and a larger alpha would result in a larger step. the direction is taken by the partial derivative of J(θ0,θ1)
theta 0 and theta1 need update together, otherwise they will be replaced after operation, such as the line listed for theta 0, and next it is incorrect when replace the value of theta0 in the equation of temp1
topic 3 Gradient Descent Intuition
if alpha is to small, gradient descent can be slow; and if alpha is to large, gradient descent can overshoot the minimum. may not be converge or even diverge.
gradient descent can converge to a local minimum, whenever a learning rate alpha
gradient descent will automatically take smaller steps to make the result converge.
Use gradient descent to assure the change of theta, when the gradient is positive, the gradient descent gradually decrease and when the gradient is negative, the gradient descent gradually increase.
gradient for linear regression
partial derevative for theta0 and theta1
convex function and bowl shape
Batch gradient descent: every make full use of the training examples
gradient descent can be subceptible to local minima in general. gradient descent always converges to the global minimum.
vector is a matric which is nx1 matrix
R refers to the set of scalar real numbers.
Rn refers to the set of n-dimensional vectors of real numbers.
topic 4 Addition and scalar Multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 5 Matrix vector multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 6 Matrix Multiplication Properties
identity matrix
topic 7 review and review Inverse and Transpose of matrix
through computing, Matrix A multiply inverse A is not equal inverse A multiply Matrix A
topic 1 Multiple features(variables)
compute the value xj(i) = value of feature j in ith training sets
x3(2), x(2) means the line 2 and the x3 means the third number, that is to say it is 2.
put the hypothesis to the n order, that is multivariable form of the hypothesis function
to define the function hθ(x) of the n order, we need to make sense its meaning, there is an example to explain.
topic 2 gradient descent for multiple variables
topic 3 gradient descent in practice 1 - feature scaling
mean normalization
appropriate number of mean normalization can make the gradient descent more quick.
use xi := (xi - ui) / si,
is the average of all the values for feature (i) and si is the range of values (max - min), or si is the standard deviation.
is the average of all the values for feature (i) and si is the range of values (max - min), or si is the standard deviation.
topic 4 Graident descent in practice ii - learning rate
how to adjust the parameter of learning rate, it is also a type a debug, so may be use a 3 to multiply the original learning rate to adjust the value to the optimal.
If J(θ) ever increases, then you probably need to decrease α.
when the curve is fluctuent, it needs a smaller learning rate.
To summarize:
If α is too small: slow convergence.
If α is too large: may not decrease on every iteration and thus may not converge.
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2.刷新浏览器dns地址,ipconfig/flushdns,good! 这里贴出machine-learning of courase的address, maybe friends can learn a lot.
chapter 00 introduction
structure and usage of machine learning
the definition of ML
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E
supervised learning
In supervised learning, we are given a data set and already know what our correct output should look like, having the idea that there is a relationship between the input and the output.
there are two types of supervised learning, that are regression and classification. one sign is whether the relationship of input and output is continuous.
unsupervised learning
there are no labels for the unsupervised learning, and we hope that the computer can help us to labels some databets.
chapter 01 model and cost function
topic1 模型导入:
training examples(x(i),y(i)),i=1,2,3...,m,m is trainging set;
h(x) si a 'good' predictor for the goal of housing price of y,and h(x) here is called hypothesis;
if we are trying to predict the problem continuously, such as the housing price, we call the learning problem a regression problem.
topic2 some figures of linear regression
cost function
choose a suitable hθ(x) for making the error with y to the minimum
make a cost function
topic3 cost function - intuition I
when θ0=0 and θ1=1,the cost function and function of the parameter is as below
the relationship between the function of hypothesis function and the cost function, that is to say, there are different values of cost function that is corresponding to the the function of hypothesis
topic 4 Intuition II
now, it is fixed values of θ0,θ1,
the curve face to the ground is the height of the J(θ0,θ1),we can see the description in the picture as below
it is also called contour plots or contour figures to the left graph as below, and we can get the minimal result as much as possible,
topic 5 algorithm of function of hypothesis to minimize the cost function of J
the best algorithm is to find a function to make the value of cost function which is a second-order function to the minimum, and then the inner circle point is what we need get. It is also corresonding to the two values θ0 and θ1.
chapter 02 parameter learning
topic 1 gradient descent
the theory of gradient descent, like a model going down the hill, it bases on the hypothesis function(theta0 and theta1), and the cost function J is bases on the hypothesis function graphed below.
the tangential line to a cost function is the black line which use athe derivative.
alpha is a parameter, which is called learning rate. A small alpha would result in a small step and a larger alpha would result in a larger step. the direction is taken by the partial derivative of J(θ0,θ1)
theta 0 and theta1 need update together, otherwise they will be replaced after operation, such as the line listed for theta 0, and next it is incorrect when replace the value of theta0 in the equation of temp1
topic 3 Gradient Descent Intuition
if alpha is to small, gradient descent can be slow; and if alpha is to large, gradient descent can overshoot the minimum. may not be converge or even diverge.
gradient descent can converge to a local minimum, whenever a learning rate alpha
gradient descent will automatically take smaller steps to make the result converge.
Use gradient descent to assure the change of theta, when the gradient is positive, the gradient descent gradually decrease and when the gradient is negative, the gradient descent gradually increase.
gradient for linear regression
partial derevative for theta0 and theta1
convex function and bowl shape
Batch gradient descent: every make full use of the training examples
gradient descent can be subceptible to local minima in general. gradient descent always converges to the global minimum.
vector is a matric which is nx1 matrix
R refers to the set of scalar real numbers.
Rn refers to the set of n-dimensional vectors of real numbers.
topic 4 Addition and scalar Multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 5 Matrix vector multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 6 Matrix Multiplication Properties
identity matrix
topic 7 review and review Inverse and Transpose of matrix
through computing, Matrix A multiply inverse A is not equal inverse A multiply Matrix A
topic 1 Multiple features(variables)
compute the value xj(i) = value of feature j in ith training sets
x3(2), x(2) means the line 2 and the x3 means the third number, that is to say it is 2.
put the hypothesis to the n order, that is multivariable form of the hypothesis function
to define the function hθ(x) of the n order, we need to make sense its meaning, there is an example to explain.
topic 2 gradient descent for multiple variables
topic 3 gradient descent in practice 1 - feature scaling
mean normalization
appropriate number of mean normalization can make the gradient descent more quick.
use xi := (xi - ui) / si,where
μi is the average of all the values for feature (i) and s_isi is the range of values (max - min), or s_isi is the standard deviation.
μi is the average of all the values for feature (i) and s_isi is the range of values (max - min), or s_isi is the standard deviation.
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2.刷新浏览器dns地址,ipconfig/flushdns,good! 这里贴出machine-learning of courase的address, maybe friends can learn a lot.
chapter 00 introduction
structure and usage of machine learning
the definition of ML
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E
supervised learning
In supervised learning, we are given a data set and already know what our correct output should look like, having the idea that there is a relationship between the input and the output.
there are two types of supervised learning, that are regression and classification. one sign is whether the relationship of input and output is continuous.
unsupervised learning
there are no labels for the unsupervised learning, and we hope that the computer can help us to labels some databets.
chapter 01 model and cost function
topic1 模型导入:
training examples(x(i),y(i)),i=1,2,3...,m,m is trainging set;
h(x) si a 'good' predictor for the goal of housing price of y,and h(x) here is called hypothesis;
if we are trying to predict the problem continuously, such as the housing price, we call the learning problem a regression problem.
topic2 some figures of linear regression
cost function
choose a suitable hθ(x) for making the error with y to the minimum
make a cost function
topic3 cost function - intuition I
when θ0=0 and θ1=1,the cost function and function of the parameter is as below
the relationship between the function of hypothesis function and the cost function, that is to say, there are different values of cost function that is corresponding to the the function of hypothesis
topic 4 Intuition II
now, it is fixed values of θ0,θ1,
the curve face to the ground is the height of the J(θ0,θ1),we can see the description in the picture as below
it is also called contour plots or contour figures to the left graph as below, and we can get the minimal result as much as possible,
topic 5 algorithm of function of hypothesis to minimize the cost function of J
the best algorithm is to find a function to make the value of cost function which is a second-order function to the minimum, and then the inner circle point is what we need get. It is also corresonding to the two values θ0 and θ1.
chapter 02 parameter learning
topic 1 gradient descent
the theory of gradient descent, like a model going down the hill, it bases on the hypothesis function(theta0 and theta1), and the cost function J is bases on the hypothesis function graphed below.
the tangential line to a cost function is the black line which use athe derivative.
alpha is a parameter, which is called learning rate. A small alpha would result in a small step and a larger alpha would result in a larger step. the direction is taken by the partial derivative of J(θ0,θ1)
theta 0 and theta1 need update together, otherwise they will be replaced after operation, such as the line listed for theta 0, and next it is incorrect when replace the value of theta0 in the equation of temp1
topic 3 Gradient Descent Intuition
if alpha is to small, gradient descent can be slow; and if alpha is to large, gradient descent can overshoot the minimum. may not be converge or even diverge.
gradient descent can converge to a local minimum, whenever a learning rate alpha
gradient descent will automatically take smaller steps to make the result converge.
Use gradient descent to assure the change of theta, when the gradient is positive, the gradient descent gradually decrease and when the gradient is negative, the gradient descent gradually increase.
gradient for linear regression
partial derevative for theta0 and theta1
convex function and bowl shape
Batch gradient descent: every make full use of the training examples
gradient descent can be subceptible to local minima in general. gradient descent always converges to the global minimum.
vector is a matric which is nx1 matrix
R refers to the set of scalar real numbers.
Rn refers to the set of n-dimensional vectors of real numbers.
topic 4 Addition and scalar Multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 5 Matrix vector multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 6 Matrix Multiplication Properties
identity matrix
topic 7 review and review Inverse and Transpose of matrix
through computing, Matrix A multiply inverse A is not equal inverse A multiply Matrix A
topic 1 Multiple features(variables)
compute the value xj(i) = value of feature j in ith training sets
x3(2), x(2) means the line 2 and the x3 means the third number, that is to say it is 2.
put the hypothesis to the n order, that is multivariable form of the hypothesis function
to define the function hθ(x) of the n order, we need to make sense its meaning, there is an example to explain.
topic 2 gradient descent for multiple variables
topic 3 gradient descent in practice 1 - feature scaling
mean normalization
appropriate number of mean normalization can make the gradient descent more quick.
use xi := (xi - ui) / si,
is the average of all the values for feature (i) and si is the range of values (max - min), or si is the standard deviation.
is the average of all the values for feature (i) and si is the range of values (max - min), or si is the standard deviation.
topic 4 Graident descent in practice ii - learning rate
how to adjust the parameter of learning rate, it is also a type a debug, so may be use a 3 to multiply the original learning rate to adjust the value to the optimal.
If J(θ) ever increases, then you probably need to decrease α.
when the curve is fluctuent, it needs a smaller learning rate.
To summarize:
If α is too small: slow convergence.
If α is too large: may not decrease on every iteration and thus may not converge.
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2.刷新浏览器dns地址,ipconfig/flushdns,good! 这里贴出machine-learning of courase的address, maybe friends can learn a lot.
chapter 00 introduction
structure and usage of machine learning
the definition of ML
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E
supervised learning
In supervised learning, we are given a data set and already know what our correct output should look like, having the idea that there is a relationship between the input and the output.
there are two types of supervised learning, that are regression and classification. one sign is whether the relationship of input and output is continuous.
unsupervised learning
there are no labels for the unsupervised learning, and we hope that the computer can help us to labels some databets.
chapter 01 model and cost function
topic1 模型导入:
training examples(x(i),y(i)),i=1,2,3...,m,m is trainging set;
h(x) si a 'good' predictor for the goal of housing price of y,and h(x) here is called hypothesis;
if we are trying to predict the problem continuously, such as the housing price, we call the learning problem a regression problem.
topic2 some figures of linear regression
cost function
choose a suitable hθ(x) for making the error with y to the minimum
make a cost function
topic3 cost function - intuition I
when θ0=0 and θ1=1,the cost function and function of the parameter is as below
the relationship between the function of hypothesis function and the cost function, that is to say, there are different values of cost function that is corresponding to the the function of hypothesis
topic 4 Intuition II
now, it is fixed values of θ0,θ1,
the curve face to the ground is the height of the J(θ0,θ1),we can see the description in the picture as below
it is also called contour plots or contour figures to the left graph as below, and we can get the minimal result as much as possible,
topic 5 algorithm of function of hypothesis to minimize the cost function of J
the best algorithm is to find a function to make the value of cost function which is a second-order function to the minimum, and then the inner circle point is what we need get. It is also corresonding to the two values θ0 and θ1.
chapter 02 parameter learning
topic 1 gradient descent
the theory of gradient descent, like a model going down the hill, it bases on the hypothesis function(theta0 and theta1), and the cost function J is bases on the hypothesis function graphed below.
the tangential line to a cost function is the black line which use athe derivative.
alpha is a parameter, which is called learning rate. A small alpha would result in a small step and a larger alpha would result in a larger step. the direction is taken by the partial derivative of J(θ0,θ1)
theta 0 and theta1 need update together, otherwise they will be replaced after operation, such as the line listed for theta 0, and next it is incorrect when replace the value of theta0 in the equation of temp1
topic 3 Gradient Descent Intuition
if alpha is to small, gradient descent can be slow; and if alpha is to large, gradient descent can overshoot the minimum. may not be converge or even diverge.
gradient descent can converge to a local minimum, whenever a learning rate alpha
gradient descent will automatically take smaller steps to make the result converge.
Use gradient descent to assure the change of theta, when the gradient is positive, the gradient descent gradually decrease and when the gradient is negative, the gradient descent gradually increase.
gradient for linear regression
partial derevative for theta0 and theta1
convex function and bowl shape
Batch gradient descent: every make full use of the training examples
gradient descent can be subceptible to local minima in general. gradient descent always converges to the global minimum.
vector is a matric which is nx1 matrix
R refers to the set of scalar real numbers.
Rn refers to the set of n-dimensional vectors of real numbers.
topic 4 Addition and scalar Multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 5 Matrix vector multiplication
The knowledge here is similar with linear algebra, possibly there is no necessity to learn it.
topic 6 Matrix Multiplication Properties
identity matrix
topic 7 review and review Inverse and Transpose of matrix
through computing, Matrix A multiply inverse A is not equal inverse A multiply Matrix A
topic 1 Multiple features(variables)
compute the value xj(i) = value of feature j in ith training sets
x3(2), x(2) means the line 2 and the x3 means the third number, that is to say it is 2.
put the hypothesis to the n order, that is multivariable form of the hypothesis function
to define the function hθ(x) of the n order, we need to make sense its meaning, there is an example to explain.
topic 2 gradient descent for multiple variables
topic 3 gradient descent in practice 1 - feature scaling
mean normalization
appropriate number of mean normalization can make the gradient descent more quick.
use xi := (xi - ui) / sj
where μi is the average of all the values for feature (i) and si is the range of values (max - min), or si is the standard deviation.
topic 4 Gradient Descent in Practice II - Learning Rate
to summarize:
if alpha is too small, there is a slow convergence;
if alpha is too large, may not decrease on every iteration and thus may not converge.
topic 5 features and polynomial regression
feature scaling is to find a new function that can fit the range of training examples, such as if the price is up to the feets ranging from 1 to 1000, and then the polinomial regression is used to change the type of the original function.
like this, we use two functions to compute the result, and x1 and x2 are that
topic 6 Normal equation
for an example of normal equation
in programming:
x' means transpose X
pinv(x) means inverse Matrix
normal regression formula
the comparasion of the gradient descent and normal regression
topic 7 Normal Equation Noninvertibility
feature scaling: 特征缩放
normalized features:标准化特征
topic 7 practice of octive
some basic operation for octive, it is like some operations in matlab or python.numpy
topic 8 vectorization
h(theta) is the original sythphasis function relate with theta0 and theta1, now use octave to vectorize it. prediction = theta' * x + theta(j) * x(j)
its programming in C++ below
download octave to programming, GNU octave docs is here.
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1.原系统的备份 避免重装遇到故障无法恢复,给自己留一条后路. 重装系统之前首先进行一次系统备份,我使用的备份软件是dism++,这个软件还可以完成其他的诸如空间回收.系统优化等操作: 软件地址:ht ...
- openprocess提升为测试权限
BOOL EnableDebugPrivilege() { HANDLE hToken; BOOL fOk=FALSE; if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess() ...