Keywords  Descriptions
 FWIW  For what it's worth(不管结果怎样)
 ASAP  As Soon As Possible(尽快)
 FYI  For Your Information(信息供您参考)
AFAIK  As Far As I Know(据我所知)
LMK  Let Me Know(让我知道)
BTW  By The Way(顺便说一句)
WIP  Work In Progress(工作在进行中)
BRB  I'll be right back(我会马上回来)
BBL  Be back later(稍后回来)
CU  See you(再见)
CUL  See you later(下次再会)
FE  For example(举例)
FTF  Face to face(面对面)
IAE  In any event(无论如何)
IC  I see(我明白)
IMO  In my opinion(依我所见)
IOW  In other words(换句话说)
PEM  Privacy enhanced mail(保密邮件)
TIA  Thanks in advance(先谢谢啦)
TTUL  Talk to you later(以后再讲)
VG  very good(很好)
WRT  With respect to(关于)
GTG  got to go(得走了)
LTNS  long time no see(好久不见)
NVM  Never mind(别担心)
IDK   I don't know(我不知道)
IDC  I don't care(我不在意)
BR  Best Regards(诚挚的问候)
TBH  To be honest(说实话)
SPOF  Single point of failure(单点故障)
NIC  Network interface config(网络接口配置)
IMHO  In My Humble Opinion(恕我直言)
relmgt  Release Management(发布管理)
AFAIU  As Far As I Understand(据我所知)
HPC  High Performance Computing(高性能计算)
OOO  Out Of Office(不在办公室)

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