Code First development with Entity Framework:

Entity Framework supports three different development approaches to use entity framework in your application.

  1. Code First
  2. Model First
  3. Database first

Code First:

In the Code First approach, you avoid working with visual model designer (EDMX) completely. You write your POCO classes first and then create database from these POCO classes.

Developers who follow the path of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles, prefer to begin by coding their domain classes first and then generating the database required to persist their data.

Please visit Code-First Tutorials section to learn code-first from scratch.

Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(11):Code First的更多相关文章

  1. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(1):Introduction

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  2. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(4):Setup Entity Framework Environment

    Setup Entity Framework Environment: Entity Framework 5.0 API was distributed in two places, in NuGet ...

  3. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(43):Download Sample Project

    Download Sample Project: Download sample project for basic Entity Framework tutorials. Sample projec ...

  4. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(42):Colored Entity

    Colored Entity in Entity Framework 5.0 You can change the color of an entity in the designer so that ...

  5. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(41):Multiple Diagrams

    Multiple Diagrams in Entity Framework 5.0 Visual Studio 2012 provides a facility to split the design ...

  6. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(37):Lazy Loading

    Lazy Loading: One of the important functions of Entity Framework is lazy loading. Lazy loading means ...

  7. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(36):Eager Loading

    Eager Loading: Eager loading is the process whereby a query for one type of entity also loads relate ...

  8. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(34):Table-Valued Function

    Table-Valued Function in Entity Framework 5.0 Entity Framework 5.0 supports Table-valued functions o ...

  9. Entity Framework Tutorial Basics(33):Spatial Data type support in Entity Framework 5.0

    Spatial Data type support in Entity Framework 5.0 MS SQL Server 2008 introduced two spatial data typ ...


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