We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


In the past most of us had learned in our historical textbooks that history is created by the public, not just by those elites.

But as we gradually grew up, we have our own view about the world, the history, we may raise some doubts about such opinion, and we may think that the history may be created by those elites and those great men who had enough power and considerable influences on the public.

They were the people who created the history, they were the ones who were looking at the stars.

The rest of us, the ordinary ones, nevertheless, are just trival ones, and often have no influence on the whole society as a single one.

However, sometimes, if we can unite together, our negilible strengthes can converge into a powerful strength that can't be ignored, and the powerful strength, can produce some heroes and giants that can create the history.

Remember, heroes create their times, and the times can produce their heroes.

And if you see the opportunities and start somethings to seize them, maybe you can become a giant.

Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.


That was said by a famous athlete and he really suffered a lot in his early life, especially in the early stage of his career.

He was knocked down by his rivals again and again, but he didn't give up, he didn't quit, he stood up once again every time he was knocked down, and through continuous efforts and persistent exercises, he knocked down most of his rivals and won great honors.

He was qualified to say that, but I am not.

Because there were many times that I chose to quit, and those quits made me suffer many bad things.

If I don't give up from now on, can I have some improvements and promotions in my life?

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