Now by Zeit has recently been updated and now supports multi-language monorepos. In this lesson we'll build and deploy a simple app with an API powered by Node.js and Go.

If you want to follow along with this lesson, you will need to install now-cli.


npm i -g now

Create now.json:

"version": ,

If we have a index.html, already. We can still run:


to deploy the site.

Let's say we have current folder structure:


-- index.js

index.html (it includes index.js by inline - script)

We need to include index.js file as well when deploy:


"version": ,
"builds": [
{ "src": "src/index.js", "use": "@now/node" },
{ "src": "index.html", "use": "@now/static" }

If you are using npm modules which installed by yarn or npm, switch to @now/node-server

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