Model是model的基类,该类的metaclass是modelbase,在生成model类对象时是采用modelbase的。django.setup()时,apps会把app建立app_config ,知道了每个app的models。每个model类属性_meta是Option类的对象。


def fields(self):
Returns a list of all forward fields on the model and its parents,
excluding ManyToManyFields. is_not_an_m2m_field = lambda f: not (f.is_relation and f.many_to_many)
is_not_a_generic_relation = lambda f: not (f.is_relation and f.one_to_many)
is_not_a_generic_foreign_key = lambda f: not (
f.is_relation and f.many_to_one and not (hasattr(f.remote_field, 'model') and f.remote_field.model)
return make_immutable_fields_list(
(f for f in self._get_fields(reverse=False) if
is_not_an_m2m_field(f) and is_not_a_generic_relation(f)
and is_not_a_generic_foreign_key
def concrete_fields(self):#获取当前model及其父的实体field
Returns a list of all concrete fields on the model and its parents. Private API intended only to be used by Django itself; get_fields()
combined with filtering of field properties is the public API for
obtaining this field list.
return make_immutable_fields_list(
"concrete_fields", (f for f in self.fields if f.concrete)
) @cached_property
def local_concrete_fields(self):#获取当前model的实体field
Returns a list of all concrete fields on the model. Private API intended only to be used by Django itself; get_fields()
combined with filtering of field properties is the public API for
obtaining this field list.
return make_immutable_fields_list(
"local_concrete_fields", (f for f in self.local_fields if f.concrete)
def _get_fields(self, forward=True, reverse=True, include_parents=True, include_hidden=False,
Internal helper function to return fields of the model.
* If forward=True, then fields defined on this model are returned.正向,自己的field
* If reverse=True, then relations pointing to this model are returned.逆向,关联的对象
* If include_hidden=True, then fields with is_hidden=True are returned.在model隐藏的field
* The include_parents argument toggles if fields from parent models包括父的field
should be included. It has three values: True, False, and
PROXY_PARENTS. When set to PROXY_PARENTS, the call will return all
fields defined for the current model or any of its parents in the
parent chain to the model's concrete model.
if include_parents not in (True, False, PROXY_PARENTS):
raise TypeError("Invalid argument for include_parents: %s" % (include_parents,))
# This helper function is used to allow recursion in ``get_fields()``
# implementation and to provide a fast way for Django's internals to
# access specific subsets of fields. # We must keep track of which models we have already seen. Otherwise we
# could include the same field multiple times from different models.
topmost_call = False
if seen_models is None:
seen_models = set()
topmost_call = True
seen_models.add(self.model) # Creates a cache key composed of all arguments
cache_key = (forward, reverse, include_parents, include_hidden, topmost_call) try:
# In order to avoid list manipulation. Always return a shallow copy
# of the results.
return self._get_fields_cache[cache_key]
except KeyError:
pass fields = []
# Recursively call _get_fields() on each parent, with the same
# options provided in this call.
if include_parents is not False:
for parent in self.parents:
# In diamond inheritance it is possible that we see the same
# model from two different routes. In that case, avoid adding
# fields from the same parent again.
if parent in seen_models:
if (parent._meta.concrete_model != self.concrete_model and
include_parents == PROXY_PARENTS):
for obj in parent._meta._get_fields(
forward=forward, reverse=reverse, include_parents=include_parents,
include_hidden=include_hidden, seen_models=seen_models):
if hasattr(obj, 'parent_link') and obj.parent_link:#如果field有父link,不加入
if reverse:
# Tree is computed once and cached until the app cache is expired.
# It is composed of a list of fields pointing to the current model
# from other models.
all_fields = self._relation_tree
for field in all_fields:
# If hidden fields should be included or the relation is not
# intentionally hidden, add to the fields dict.
if include_hidden or not field.remote_field.hidden:
fields.append(field.remote_field)#如果远程field不隐藏的话就加入 if forward:
field for field in chain(self.local_fields, self.local_many_to_many)
# Virtual fields are recopied to each child model, and they get a
# different model as field.model in each child. Hence we have to
# add the virtual fields separately from the topmost call. If we
# did this recursively similar to local_fields, we would get field
# instances with field.model != self.model.
if topmost_call:
f for f in self.virtual_fields
) # In order to avoid list manipulation. Always
# return a shallow copy of the results
fields = make_immutable_fields_list("get_fields()", fields) # Store result into cache for later access
self._get_fields_cache[cache_key] = fields
return fields


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