
在SQL SERVER 2008 R2 上亲测可用,






  1. CREATE proc [dbo].[spHTTPRequest]
  2. @URI varchar(2000) = '',
  3. @methodName varchar(50) = '',
  4. @requestBody varchar(8000) = '',
  5. @SoapAction varchar(255),
  6. @UserName nvarchar(100), -- Domain\UserName or UserName
  7. @Password nvarchar(100),
  8. @responseText varchar(8000) output
  9. as
  11. IF @methodName = ''
  12. BEGIN
  13. select FailPoint = 'Method Name must be set'
  14. return
  15. END
  16. set @responseText = 'FAILED'
  17. DECLARE @objectID int
  18. DECLARE @hResult int
  19. DECLARE @source varchar(255), @desc varchar(255)
  20. EXEC @hResult = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP', @objectID OUT
  21. IF @hResult <> 0
  22. BEGIN
  23. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  24. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  25. source = @source,
  26. description = @desc,
  27. FailPoint = 'Create failed',
  28. MedthodName = @methodName
  29. goto destroy
  30. return
  31. END
  32. -- open the destination URI with Specified method
  33. EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @objectID, 'open', null, @methodName, @URI, 'false', @UserName, @Password
  34. IF @hResult <> 0
  35. BEGIN
  36. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  37. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  38. source = @source,
  39. description = @desc,
  40. FailPoint = 'Open failed',
  41. MedthodName = @methodName
  42. goto destroy
  43. return
  44. END
  45. -- set request headers
  46. EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @objectID, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8'
  47. IF @hResult <> 0
  48. BEGIN
  49. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  50. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  51. source = @source,
  52. description = @desc,
  53. FailPoint = 'SetRequestHeader failed',
  54. MedthodName = @methodName
  55. goto destroy
  56. return
  57. END
  58. -- set soap action
  59. EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @objectID, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'SOAPAction', @SoapAction
  60. IF @hResult <> 0
  61. BEGIN
  62. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  63. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  64. source = @source,
  65. description = @desc,
  66. FailPoint = 'SetRequestHeader failed',
  67. MedthodName = @methodName
  68. goto destroy
  69. return
  70. END
  71. declare @len int
  72. set @len = len(@requestBody)
  73. EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @objectID, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'Content-Length', @len
  74. IF @hResult <> 0
  75. BEGIN
  76. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  77. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  78. source = @source,
  79. description = @desc,
  80. FailPoint = 'SetRequestHeader failed',
  81. MedthodName = @methodName
  82. goto destroy
  83. return
  84. END
  85. /*
  86. -- if you have headers in a table called RequestHeader you can go through them with this
  87. DECLARE @HeaderKey varchar(500), @HeaderValue varchar(500)
  88. DECLARE RequestHeader CURSOR
  90. FOR
  91. SELECT HeaderKey, HeaderValue
  92. FROM RequestHeaders
  93. WHERE Method = @methodName
  94. OPEN RequestHeader
  95. FETCH NEXT FROM RequestHeader
  96. INTO @HeaderKey, @HeaderValue
  98. BEGIN
  99. --select @HeaderKey, @HeaderValue, @methodName
  100. EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @objectID, 'setRequestHeader', null, @HeaderKey, @HeaderValue
  101. IF @hResult <> 0
  102. BEGIN
  103. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  104. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  105. source = @source,
  106. description = @desc,
  107. FailPoint = 'SetRequestHeader failed',
  108. MedthodName = @methodName
  109. goto destroy
  110. return
  111. END
  112. FETCH NEXT FROM RequestHeader
  113. INTO @HeaderKey, @HeaderValue
  114. END
  115. CLOSE RequestHeader
  116. DEALLOCATE RequestHeader
  117. */
  118. -- send the request
  119. EXEC @hResult = sp_OAMethod @objectID, 'send', null, @requestBody
  120. IF @hResult <> 0
  121. BEGIN
  122. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  123. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  124. source = @source,
  125. description = @desc,
  126. FailPoint = 'Send failed',
  127. MedthodName = @methodName
  128. goto destroy
  129. return
  130. END
  131. declare @statusText varchar(1000), @status varchar(1000)
  132. -- Get status text
  133. exec sp_OAGetProperty @objectID, 'StatusText', @statusText out
  134. exec sp_OAGetProperty @objectID, 'Status', @status out
  135. select @status, @statusText, @methodName
  136. -- Get response text
  137. exec sp_OAGetProperty @objectID, 'responseText', @responseText out
  138. IF @hResult <> 0
  139. BEGIN
  140. EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objectID, @source OUT, @desc OUT
  141. SELECT hResult = convert(varbinary(4), @hResult),
  142. source = @source,
  143. description = @desc,
  144. FailPoint = 'ResponseText failed',
  145. MedthodName = @methodName
  146. goto destroy
  147. return
  148. END
  149. destroy:
  150. exec sp_OADestroy @objectID
  153. GO


1.@URI: the URI of the web service
2.@MethodName: this would be ‘GET’ or ‘POST’
3.@RequestBody: this is your SOAP xml that you want to send
4.@SoapAction: this the operation that you want to call on your service
5.@UserName: NT UserName if your web service requires authentication
6.@Password: the password if using NT Authentication on the web service
7.@ResponseText: this is an out parameter that contains the response from the web service


  1. declare @xmlOut varchar(8000)
  2. Declare @RequestText as varchar(8000);
  3. set @RequestText=
  4. '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">
  5. <soapenv:Header/>
  6. <soapenv:Body>
  7. <tem:CreateOrder>
  8. <!--Optional:-->
  9. <tem:OrderRequest>
  10. <tem:OrderId>200</tem:OrderId>
  11. <!--Optional:-->
  12. <tem:OrderName>something</tem:OrderName>
  13. </tem:OrderRequest>
  14. </tem:CreateOrder>
  15. </soapenv:Body>
  16. </soapenv:Envelope>'
  17. exec spHTTPRequest
  18. 'http://localhost/testwebservices/helloworldservice.asmx',
  19. 'POST',
  20. @RequestText,
  21. 'http://tempuri.org/CreateOrderForMe',
  22. '', '', @xmlOut out
  23. select @xmlOut

转载请注明出处,by lazyneal 2017

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