Jack Straws(poj 1127) 两直线是否相交模板
When n=0,the input is terminated.
There will be no illegal input and there are no zero-length straws.
Sample Input
- 7
- 1 6 3 3
- 4 6 4 9
- 4 5 6 7
- 1 4 3 5
- 3 5 5 5
- 5 2 6 3
- 5 4 7 2
- 1 4
- 1 6
- 3 3
- 6 7
- 2 3
- 1 3
- 0 0
- 2
- 0 2 0 0
- 0 0 0 1
- 1 1
- 2 2
- 1 2
- 0 0
- 0
Sample Output
- 给你 n 个木棍, 每根木棍 4 个坐标, 给你两个编号, 问这两个编号的木棍是否相交(可以间接相交)
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- #define N 20
- const double eps=1e-;
- struct Point
- {
- int x, y;
- };
- struct node
- {
- Point a;
- Point b;
- }P[N];
- int G[N][N], n;
- /**--------- 判断两线段相交 模板 ------------**/
- int Judge(int x, int y)
- {
- Point a, b, c, d;
- a = P[x].a, b = P[x].b;
- c = P[y].a, d = P[y].b;
- if ( min(a.x, b.x) > max(c.x, d.x) ||
- min(a.y, b.y) > max(c.y, d.y) ||
- min(c.x, d.x) > max(a.x, b.x) ||
- min(c.y, d.y) > max(a.y, b.y) ) return ;
- double h, i, j, k;
- h = (b.x - a.x) * (c.y - a.y) - (b.y - a.y) * (c.x - a.x);
- i = (b.x - a.x) * (d.y - a.y) - (b.y - a.y) * (d.x - a.x);
- j = (d.x - c.x) * (a.y - c.y) - (d.y - c.y) * (a.x - c.x);
- k = (d.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y) - (d.y - c.y) * (b.x - c.x);
- return h * i <= eps && j * k <= eps;
- }
- void Slove()
- {
- int i, j, k;
- for(i=; i<=n; i++)
- for(j=i+; j<=n; j++)
- {
- if(Judge(i, j))
- G[i][j] = G[j][i] = ;
- }
- for(k=; k<=n; k++)
- for(i=; i<=n; i++)
- for(j=; j<=n; j++)
- {
- if(G[i][k] && G[k][j])
- G[i][j] = ;
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- while(scanf("%d", &n), n)
- {
- int i, u, v;
- for(i=; i<=n; i++)
- scanf("%d%d%d%d", &P[i].a.x, &P[i].a.y, &P[i].b.x, &P[i].b.y);
- memset(G, , sizeof(G));
- Slove();
- while(scanf("%d%d", &u, &v), u+v)
- {
- if(G[u][v] || u==v) printf("CONNECTED\n");
- else printf("NOT CONNECTED \n");
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
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