php yii 敲回车

This is Yii version 2.0.11.

The following commands are available:

- asset Allows you to combine and compress
your JavaScript and CSS files.
asset/compress (default) Combines and compresses the asset
files according to the given
asset/template Creates template of configuration
file for [[actionCompress]].

- cache Allows you to flush cache.
cache/flush Flushes given cache components.
cache/flush-all Flushes all caches registered in the
cache/flush-schema Clears DB schema cache for a given
connection component.
cache/index (default) Lists the caches that can be

- cron 计划任务

- delete-msg-info
delete-msg-info/index (default) 预览
delete-msg-info/run 执行

- email
email/daily-email 每天下午6点

- fixture Manages fixture data loading and
fixture/load (default) Loads the specified fixture data.
fixture/unload Unloads the specified fixtures.

- help Provides help information about
console commands.
help/index (default) Displays available commands or the
detailed information
help/list List all available controllers and
actions in machine readable format.
help/list-action-options List all available options for the
$action in machine readable format.
help/usage Displays usage information for

- message Extracts messages to be translated
from source files.
message/config Creates a configuration file for the
"extract" command using command line
options specified
message/config-template Creates a configuration file
template for the "extract" command.
message/extract (default) Extracts messages to be translated
from source code.

- migrate Manages application migrations.
migrate/create Creates a new migration.
migrate/down Downgrades the application by
reverting old migrations.
migrate/history Displays the migration history.
migrate/mark Modifies the migration history to
the specified version.
migrate/new Displays the un-applied new
migrate/redo Redoes the last few migrations.
migrate/to Upgrades or downgrades till the
specified version.
migrate/up (default) Upgrades the application by applying
new migrations.

- move-mongo-files
move-mongo-files/index (default)

- msg-schedule
msg-schedule/index (default)

- pro-cost-stat 统计任务成本
pro-cost-stat/index (default)

- resque
resque/index (default) This command echoes what you have
entered as the message.

- resque-schedule
resque-schedule/index (default) This command echoes what you have
entered as the message.

- serve Runs PHP built-in web server
serve/index (default) Runs PHP built-in web server

- shell Runs interactive shell. That is
especially useful when developing an
application and you want to try
shell/index (default) Runs interactive shell

- tmp

- tools
tools/contribution 设置贡献率(最近半年
tools/device Des:更新apply_list报名表的设▒
tools/get-contribution-stat Des:统计贡献率区间
tools/recall Des:定时执行召回方法
tools/set-bug-red-bags 设置bug红包
tools/set-pay-unusual-info Des:异常打款老数据处理

- user-contribution-stat 贡献率统计数据
user-contribution-stat/index (default)

To see the help of each command, enter:

yii help <command-name>

其中tools/packjs 会打包js

php yii tools/packjs 打包js和css 图片等资源

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