
int ev_run (EV_P_ int flags)
#endif assert (("libev: ev_loop recursion during release detected", loop_done != EVBREAK_RECURSE)); loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL; EV_INVOKE_PENDING; /* in case we recurse, ensure ordering stays nice and clean */ do
#if EV_VERIFY >= 2
ev_verify (EV_A);
#endif #ifndef _WIN32
if (expect_false (curpid)) /* penalise the forking check even more */
if (expect_false (getpid () != curpid))
curpid = getpid ();
postfork = ;
#endif #if EV_FORK_ENABLE
/* we might have forked, so queue fork handlers */
if (expect_false (postfork))
if (forkcnt)
queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)forks, forkcnt, EV_FORK);
/* queue prepare watchers (and execute them) */
if (expect_false (preparecnt))
queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)prepares, preparecnt, EV_PREPARE);
#endif if (expect_false (loop_done))
break; /* we might have forked, so reify kernel state if necessary */
if (expect_false (postfork))
loop_fork (EV_A); /* update fd-related kernel structures */
fd_reify (EV_A); /* calculate blocking time */
ev_tstamp waittime = .;
ev_tstamp sleeptime = .; /* remember old timestamp for io_blocktime calculation */
ev_tstamp prev_mn_now = mn_now; /* update time to cancel out callback processing overhead */
time_update (EV_A_ 1e100); /* from now on, we want a pipe-wake-up */
pipe_write_wanted = ; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE; /* make sure pipe_write_wanted is visible before we check for potential skips */ if (expect_true (!(flags & EVRUN_NOWAIT || idleall || !activecnt || pipe_write_skipped)))
waittime = MAX_BLOCKTIME; if (timercnt)
ev_tstamp to = ANHE_at (timers [HEAP0]) - mn_now;
if (waittime > to) waittime = to;
if (periodiccnt)
ev_tstamp to = ANHE_at (periodics [HEAP0]) - ev_rt_now;
if (waittime > to) waittime = to;
#endif /* don't let timeouts decrease the waittime below timeout_blocktime */
if (expect_false (waittime < timeout_blocktime))
waittime = timeout_blocktime; /* at this point, we NEED to wait, so we have to ensure */
/* to pass a minimum nonzero value to the backend */
if (expect_false (waittime < backend_mintime))
waittime = backend_mintime; /* extra check because io_blocktime is commonly 0 */
if (expect_false (io_blocktime))
sleeptime = io_blocktime - (mn_now - prev_mn_now); if (sleeptime > waittime - backend_mintime)
sleeptime = waittime - backend_mintime; if (expect_true (sleeptime > .))
ev_sleep (sleeptime);
waittime -= sleeptime;
assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_RECURSE, )); /* assert for side effect */
backend_poll (EV_A_ waittime);
assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL, )); /* assert for side effect */ pipe_write_wanted = ; /* just an optimisation, no fence needed */ ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_ACQUIRE;
if (pipe_write_skipped)
assert (("libev: pipe_w not active, but pipe not written", ev_is_active (&pipe_w)));
ev_feed_event (EV_A_ &pipe_w, EV_CUSTOM);
} /* update ev_rt_now, do magic */
time_update (EV_A_ waittime + sleeptime);
} /* queue pending timers and reschedule them */
timers_reify (EV_A); /* relative timers called last */
periodics_reify (EV_A); /* absolute timers called first */
#endif #if EV_IDLE_ENABLE
/* queue idle watchers unless other events are pending */
idle_reify (EV_A);
#endif #if EV_CHECK_ENABLE
/* queue check watchers, to be executed first */
if (expect_false (checkcnt))
queue_events (EV_A_ (W *)checks, checkcnt, EV_CHECK);
while (expect_true (
&& !loop_done
&& !(flags & (EVRUN_ONCE | EVRUN_NOWAIT))
)); if (loop_done == EVBREAK_ONE)
#endif return activecnt;


ev_run (EV_P_ int flags)
assert (("libev: ev_loop recursion during release detected", loop_done != EVBREAK_RECURSE)); loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL;
EV_INVOKE_PENDING; /* in case we recurse, ensure ordering stays nice and clean */ do
if (expect_false (curpid)) /* penalise the forking check even more */
if (expect_false (getpid () != curpid))
curpid = getpid ();
postfork = ;
} if (expect_false (loop_done))
break; /* update fd-related kernel structures */
fd_reify (EV_A);//把更改的事件进行更新 /* calculate blocking time */
ev_tstamp waittime = .;
ev_tstamp sleeptime = .; /* remember old timestamp for io_blocktime calculation */
ev_tstamp prev_mn_now = mn_now; /* update time to cancel out callback processing overhead */
time_update (EV_A_ 1e100); /* from now on, we want a pipe-wake-up */
pipe_write_wanted = ; ECB_MEMORY_FENCE; /* make sure pipe_write_wanted is visible before we check for potential skips */ if (expect_true (!(flags & EVRUN_NOWAIT || idleall || !activecnt || pipe_write_skipped)))
waittime = MAX_BLOCKTIME; if (timercnt)
ev_tstamp to = ANHE_at (timers [HEAP0]) - mn_now;
if (waittime > to) waittime = to;
} /* don't let timeouts decrease the waittime below timeout_blocktime */
if (expect_false (waittime < timeout_blocktime))
waittime = timeout_blocktime; /* at this point, we NEED to wait, so we have to ensure */
/* to pass a minimum nonzero value to the backend */
if (expect_false (waittime < backend_mintime))
waittime = backend_mintime; /* extra check because io_blocktime is commonly 0 */
if (expect_false (io_blocktime))
sleeptime = io_blocktime - (mn_now - prev_mn_now); if (sleeptime > waittime - backend_mintime)
sleeptime = waittime - backend_mintime; if (expect_true (sleeptime > .))
ev_sleep (sleeptime); //以上这么大一堆,都是在计算必要的sleep事件,其实就是阻塞嘛
waittime -= sleeptime;
} assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_RECURSE, )); /* assert for side effect */
backend_poll (EV_A_ waittime);//这里开始调用上层封装的epool,select进行轮询,收集pending事件
assert ((loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL, )); /* assert for side effect */ pipe_write_wanted = ; /* just an optimisation, no fence needed */ ECB_MEMORY_FENCE_ACQUIRE;
if (pipe_write_skipped)
assert (("libev: pipe_w not active, but pipe not written", ev_is_active (&pipe_w)));
ev_feed_event (EV_A_ &pipe_w, EV_CUSTOM);
} /* update ev_rt_now, do magic */
time_update (EV_A_ waittime + sleeptime);
} /* queue pending timers and reschedule them */
timers_reify (EV_A); /* relative timers called last *///对pending的timer事件进行收集 EV_INVOKE_PENDING; //遍历所有pending事件
while (expect_true (
&& !loop_done
&& !(flags & (EVRUN_ONCE | EVRUN_NOWAIT))
)); if (loop_done == EVBREAK_ONE)
loop_done = EVBREAK_CANCEL; return activecnt;










  1. libev学习笔记

    转 libev的使用--结合Socket编程 作者:cxy450019566 之前自己学过一些libev编程的基础,这次写压测刚好用上了,才算真正动手写了些东西,在这里做一些总结.写这篇文章是为了用浅 ...

  2. libev 学习使用

    libev 简单的I/O库.  a high performance full featured event loop written in c libev 的大小也比 libevent 小得多并且自 ...

  3. 【转载】使用事件模型 & libev学习

    参考这篇文章: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-edntwk/ 这里面使用的是 libev ,不是libevent Nodejs就是采用 ...

  4. libev学习(一)

    一.libev简介 Libev是一个事件循环:你注册感兴趣的特定事件(比如一个文件可以读取时或者发生超时时),它将管理这些事件源,将这些事件反馈给你的程序.为了实现这些,至少要在你的进程(或线程)中执 ...

  5. Libev学习笔记4

    这一节首先分析Libev的定时器部分,然后分析signal部分. 对定时器的使用主要有两个函数: ev_timer_init (&timeout_watcher, timeout_cb, .) ...

  6. Libev学习笔记3

    设置完需要监听的事件之后,就开始event loop了.在Libev中,该工作由ev_run函数完成.它的大致流程如下: int ev_run (EV_P_ int flags) { do { /* ...

  7. Libev学习笔记2

    这一节根据官方文档给出的简单示例,深入代码内部,了解其实现机制.示例代码如下: int main (void) { struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT; ev_io_i ...

  8. Libev学习笔记1

    和Libevent相似,Libev是一个高性事件驱动框架,据说性能比Libevent要高,bug比Libevent要少.Libev只是一个事件驱动框架,不是网络库,因为它的内部并没有任何socket编 ...

  9. libev学习代码


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