Exception Information

The third part of the crash log shows information about the processor exception that was the immediate cause of the crash.  Listing 5 shows a typical example.

Listing 5: Exception information

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0

The "Crashed Thread" field denotes the thread that crashed; it is redundant because the backtrace section highlights the crashing thread.

Note: The "Crashed Thread" field was introduced in version 2 crash logs. Prior to version 6 crash logs it was called "Thread" and it appeared in the process information section.

The most common forms of exception are:

  • EXC_BAD_ACCESS/KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS — This is caused by the thread accessing unmapped memory. It may be triggered by either a data access or an instruction fetch; the Thread State section describes how to tell the difference.

  • EXC_BAD_ACCESS/KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE — This is caused by the thread trying to write to read-only memory. This is always caused by a data access.

  • EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION — This is caused by the thread executing an illegal instruction.

  • EXC_ARITHMETIC/EXC_I386_DIV — This is caused by the thread doing an integer divide by zero on an Intel-based computer.

For memory access exceptions (EXC_BAD_ACCESS) the exception part of the crash log contains the address that triggered the exception (the exception address). In Listing 5 that address is 0x0000000000000000.

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Backtrace Information

The fourth part of the crash log, which displays a backtrace for all of the threads in the crashed process, is typically the most interesting.  Listing 6 shows an example.

Listing 6: Backtrace information

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 ??? 0000000000 0 + 0
1 0x942cf0fe CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 18…
2 0x942cfd38 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
3 0x919e58a4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode…
4 0x919e56bd ReceiveNextEventCommon + …
5 0x919e5531 BlockUntilNextEventMatchi…
6 0x9390bd5b _DPSNextEvent + 657
7 0x9390b6a0 -[NSApplication nextEvent…
8 0x939046d1 -[NSApplication run] + 79…
9 0x938d19ba NSApplicationMain + 574
10 0x00001df6 0x1000 + 3574

In this example there is only one thread, so there's only one backtrace. In a multi-threaded process, there is one backtrace per thread. Thus, it's critical that you identify the thread that crashed. CrashReporter makes this easy by tagging that backtrace with the text "Thread <ThreadNumber> Crashed:". However, it's easy to overlook this text and erroneously assume that the Thread 0 is the one that crashed.

Note: Your process may be multi-threaded even if you don't explicitly create any threads. Various frameworks can create threads on your behalf. For example, CFSocket creates a thread to integrate sockets with the runloop.

Each line of the backtrace describes a nested function invocation (a frame), with the most recently executed function at the top and the least recently executed at the bottom. For each frame, the columns in the backtrace are as follows.

  • The first column is the frame number, starting at 0 (indicating the function that crashed) and incrementing for each nested function call.

  • The second column is the name of the binary image containing the code executing in this frame; this is derived by cross referencing the program counter address (from the next column) with the list of loaded binary images.

  • The third column is the program counter address within the frame. For frame 0 this is typically the address of the instruction that caused the exception. For higher frames this is the return address for that frame. That is, for frame N it points to the next instruction that will execute when the function referenced by frame N - 1 returns.

  • The fourth column is the symbolic name for the program counter address given in the third column. If you strip debugging symbols before shipping your application to end users, this column will just contain a hex number. You can work out the corresponding symbolic name using the technique described later in this document.

Finally, if your program is multi-threaded, you can often identify which thread is which by looking at the symbolic names deep within the backtrace. For example, in Listing 6, frame 9 lists NSApplicationMain as its symbolic address, indicating that this thread is the main thread. In contrast, the deepest frame for a pthread is always the routine _pthread_start.

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