树: https://suanfa.herokuapp.com/3%E6%A0%91/binarytree/


首先我们定义需要的数据结构。注意,TreeNode的左右节点都是*TreeNode type的,而树只有一个Root数据域,为*TreeNode type

type TreeNode struct {
Value int
Left *TreeNode
Right *TreeNode
} type BinarySearchTree struct {
Root *TreeNode



func (tree BinarySearchTree) Insert (v int) {
} func (node *TreeNode) Insert (v int){
if v < node.Value {
if node.Left != nil{
node.Left = &TreeNode{v, nil, nil}
}else {
if node.Right != nil{
node.Right = &TreeNode{v, nil, nil}



func (tree BinarySearchTree) InOrder() []int{
var res []int
return res
} func (node *TreeNode) InOrder(result *[]int) {
if node.Left != nil{
*result = append(*result, node.Value)
if node.Right != nil{


func (tree BinarySearchTree) FindMin() int {
node := tree.Root
for {
if node.Left != nil {
node = node.Left
return node.Value
} func (tree BinarySearchTree) FindMax() int {
node := tree.Root
for {
if node.Right != nil {
node = node.Right
return node.Value


func (tree BinarySearchTree) Contains(v int) bool {
node := tree.Root
for {
if node == nil{
return false
}else if (node.Value == v) {
return true
}else if (node.Value > v){
node = node.Left
node = node.Right

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