Nuance is a leading provider of voice and language solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. At Nuance, we believe in the power of intelligent systems, and quite specifically what that power can do for you. Our innovations in voice, natural language understanding, reasoning and systems integration come together to create more human technology.

Company Strength
• Approximately 14,000 employees
• Regional offices in 35 countries
• Worldwide headquarter in Burlington, MA, United States
• Sales representation in more than 70 countries
• FY 2014 non-GAAP revenue was approximately $2.0 billion

Innovative Solutions
• Nuance speech solutions support up to 80 different languages
• Nuance holds more than 4,300 patents and patent applications
• A team of more than 2,000 voice and language scientists, developers and engineers
• A team of 1,200 services personnel oversees the implementation of Nuance solutions

Proven Use
• Nearly two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies rely on Nuance solutions
• The 8 largest handsets and 10 largest auto makers use Nuance solutions
• Nuance solutions have shipped in more than 5 billion mobile phones and approximately 110 million voice-enabled vehicles globally
• There are more than 22 million registered users of Nuance desktop solutions
For more information:

As we continue our growth in Greater China, we are currently looking for IT talents with solid coding skill and have experience or an interest in Automatic Speech Recognition or Natural Language Processing. If you are interested in our opportunities, please kindly send your resume to:

Join Nuance and help shape the future!


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  4. 网络语音视频技术浅议(附多个demo源码下载)

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  8. AI 语音对话技术

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