Windows NT 4 introduced a set of new features for command line parameters:

%CmdCmdLine% will return the entire command line as passed to CMD.EXE
%* will return the remainder of the command line starting at the first command line argument (in Windows NT 4, %* also includes all leading spaces)
%~dn will return the drive letter of %n (n can range from 0 to 9) if %n is a valid path or file name (no UNC)
%~pn will return the directory of %n if %n is a valid path or file name (no UNC)
%~nn will return the file name only of %n if %n is a valid file name
%~xn will return the file extension only of %n if %n is a valid file name
%~fn will return the fully qualified path of %n if %n is a valid file name or directory
Note: %CmdCmdLine% and %* will leave all delimiters intact, except, in Windows 2000 and later, leading spaces before the first argument

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