#!/usr/bin/env python

import dns.resolver, sys

def get_domain_ip(domain):
"""Get the DNS record, if any, for the given domain."""
dns_records = list()
# get the dns resolutions for this domain
dns_results = dns.resolver.query(domain)
dns_records = [ip.address for ip in dns_results]
except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN as e:
print "the domain does not exist so dns resolutions remain empty. domain:", domain
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer as e:
print "the resolver is not answering so dns resolutions remain empty, domain:", domain
return dns_records hostname = sys.argv[1]
print "Recursive name lookup (simulates dig)..." n=hostname
while True:
for rdata in dns.resolver.query(n, 'CNAME') :
print n, "cname is", rdata
print get_domain_ip(n)


python dig_ip.py 8264.com
Recursive name lookup (simulates dig)...
8264.com cname is qaz2d84guo7uz5q2.gfnormal01at.com.
[u''] =>IP地址

python dig_ip.py www.baidu.com
Recursive name lookup (simulates dig)...
www.baidu.com cname is www.a.shifen.com.
www.a.shifen.com. cname is www.wshifen.com.
[u'', u''] =>IP地址

来一个无查询结果的 DGA域名:

python dig_ip.py s09xo3-l5domek9ck5ct3go4m.com
Recursive name lookup (simulates dig)...
the domain does not exist so dns resolutions remain empty. domain: s09xo3-l5domek9ck5ct3go4m.com


python dig_ip.py www.baidu.com
Recursive name lookup (simulates dig)...
www.baidu.com cname is www.a.shifen.com.
www.a.shifen.com. cname is www.wshifen.com.
The DNS response does not contain an answer to the question: www.wshifen.com. IN CNAME


#!/usr/bin/env python

import dns.resolver, sys

def get_domain_ip(domain):
"""Get the DNS record, if any, for the given domain."""
dns_records = list()
# get the dns resolutions for this domain
dns_results = dns.resolver.query(domain)
dns_records = [ip.address for ip in dns_results]
except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN as e:
print "the domain does not exist so dns resolutions remain empty. domain:", domain
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer as e:
print "the resolver is not answering so dns resolutions remain empty, domain:", domain
return dns_records def dig_ip(n):
while True:
for rdata in dns.resolver.query(n, 'CNAME') :
print n, "cname is", rdata
except Exception as e:
print e
return get_domain_ip(n) if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Recursive name lookup (simulates dig)..."
print dig_ip(sys.argv[1])

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