App Design

Apps do not exist on their own. They not only interact seamlessly with their environment, they also leverage the features that OS X has to offer. Users expect your app to behave the same as the system-supplied apps such as Mail, Calendar, and Calculator. To implement features in your app, you need to understand the underlying technologies and how to use them.

应用程序不会自己存在。 它们不仅跟它们环境无缝交互,还充分利用OS X 提供的各种功能。 用户期待你的应用程序能跟系统提供的各种应用程序一样工作,比如 邮箱,日历 和计算机。 为了实现应用程序里的功能,你需要理解一些底层科技,并知道如何使用它们。

After you have an idea of what features your app will support, you need to decide what form your app will take. Is your app a single-window utility app or a multiple-window document-based app? The design decisions you make affect the architecture of your app. All Mac apps are built from the same set of core app objects. Before you can begin customizing these objects to fit your app’s behavior, you need to understand how they work together.

在你对你的应用程序支持的各种功能有想法了之后,你需要决定应用程序该选择哪种形式。比如, 是单一窗口实用应用 还是多窗口基于文档的应用? 你的设计决定影响了应用程序的整个结构。 所有的Mac 应用程序都建立在同一套内核应用对象上。在你开始定制这些对象使它们适合你的应用程序行为之前,你需要理解如果使它们一起工作。

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