hdu5924Mr. Frog’s Problem
Mr. Frog’s ProblemTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
One day, you, a clever boy, feel bored in your math class, and then fall asleep without your control. In your dream, you meet Mr. Frog, an elder man. He has a problem for you.
He gives you two positive integers A and B, and your task is to find all pairs of integers (C, D), such that A≤C≤B,A≤D≤B and AB+BA≤CD+DC
first line contains only one integer T (T≤125),
which indicates the number of test cases. Each test case contains two integers A and B (1≤A≤B≤1018).
For each test case, first output one line "Case #x:", where x is the case number (starting from 1).
Then in a new line, print an integer s indicating the number of pairs you find. In each of the following s lines, print a pair of integers C and D. pairs should be sorted by C, and then by D in ascending order.
Sample Input
10 10 9 27
Sample Output
Case #1:
1 10 10 Case #2: 2 9 27 27 9
题目大意:A≤C≤B,A≤D≤B and A/B+B/A≤C/D+D/C,z找到满足关系式的c,d对数
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main()
int t;
ll path=1;
ll a,b;
printf("Case #%lld:\n",path++);
printf("%lld %lld\n",a,b);
else if(a!=b)
printf("Case #%lld:\n",path++);
printf("%lld %lld\n",a,b);
printf("%lld %lld\n",b,a);
else if(a>b)
printf("%lld %lld\n",b,a);
printf("%lld %lld\n",a,b);
return 0;
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