Trie树,也叫字典树、前缀树。可用于”predictive text”和”autocompletion”。亦可用于统计词频(边插入Trie树边更新或加入词频)。




# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# * trie, prefix tree, can be used as a dict
# * author:
import sys
sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # Singleton sentinel - works with pickling
class NULL(object):
pass class Node:
def __init__(self, value = NULL):
self.value = value
self.children = {} class Trie(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = Node() def insert(self, key, value = None, sep = ' '): # key is a word sequence separated by 'sep'
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
node = self.root
for e in elements:
if not e: continue
if e not in node.children:
child = Node()
node.children[e] = child
node = child
node = node.children[e]
node.value = value def get(self, key, default = None, sep = ' '):
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
node = self.root
for e in elements:
if e not in node.children:
return default
node = node.children[e]
return default if node.value is NULL else node.value def delete(self, key, sep = ' '):
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
return self.__delete(elements) def __delete(self, elements, node = None, i = 0):
node = node if node else self.root
e = elements[i]
if e in node.children:
child_node = node.children[e]
if len(elements) == (i+1):
if child_node.value is NULL: return False # not in dict
if len(child_node.children) == 0:
child_node.value = NULL
return True
elif self.__delete(elements, child_node, i+1):
if len(child_node.children) == 0:
return node.children.pop(e)
return True
return False def shortest_prefix(self, key, default = NULL, sep = ' '):
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
results = []
node = self.root
value = node.value
for e in elements:
if e in node.children:
node = node.children[e]
value = node.value
if value is not NULL:
return sep.join(results)
if value is NULL:
if default is not NULL:
return default
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!")
return sep.join(results) def longest_prefix(self, key, default = NULL, sep = ' '):
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
results = []
node = self.root
value = node.value
for e in elements:
if e not in node.children:
if value is not NULL:
return sep.join(results)
elif default is not NULL:
return default
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!")
node = node.children[e]
value = node.value
if value is NULL:
if default is not NULL:
return default
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!")
return sep.join(results) def longest_prefix_value(self, key, default = NULL, sep = ' '):
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
node = self.root
value = node.value
for e in elements:
if e not in node.children:
if value is not NULL:
return value
elif default is not NULL:
return default
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!")
node = node.children[e]
value = node.value
if value is not NULL:
return value
if default is not NULL:
return default
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!") def longest_prefix_item(self, key, default = NULL, sep = ' '):
elements = key if isinstance(key, list) else key.split(sep)
node = self.root
value = node.value
results = []
for e in elements:
if e not in node.children:
if value is not NULL:
return (sep.join(results), value)
elif default is not NULL:
return default
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!")
node = node.children[e]
value = node.value
if value is not NULL:
return (sep.join(results), value)
if default is not NULL:
return (sep.join(results), default)
raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!") def __collect_items(self, node, path, results, sep):
if node.value is not NULL:
results.append((sep.join(path), node.value))
for k, v in node.children.iteritems():
self.__collect_items(v, path, results, sep)
return results def items(self, prefix, sep = ' '):
elements = prefix if isinstance(prefix, list) else prefix.split(sep)
node = self.root
for e in elements:
if e not in node.children:
return []
node = node.children[e]
results = []
path = [prefix]
self.__collect_items(node, path, results, sep)
return results def keys(self, prefix, sep = ' '):
items = self.items(prefix, sep)
return [key for key,value in items] if __name__ == '__main__':
trie = Trie()
trie.insert('happy 站台', 1)
trie.insert('happy 站台 xx', 10)
trie.insert('happy 站台 xx yy', 11)
trie.insert('happy 站台 美食 购物 广场', 2)
trie.insert('sm 国际', 22)
trie.insert('sm 国际 广场', 2)
trie.insert('sm 城市广场', 3)
trie.insert('sm 广场', 4)
trie.insert('sm 新生活 广场', 5)
trie.insert('sm 购物 广场', 6)
trie.insert('soho 尚都', 3) print trie.get('sm')
print trie.longest_prefix([], default="empty list")
print trie.longest_prefix('sm')
print trie.shortest_prefix('happy 站台')
print trie.shortest_prefix('happy 站台 xx')
print trie.shortest_prefix('sm')
print trie.longest_prefix('sm xx', sep = '&', default = None)
print 'sm 广场 --> ', trie.get('sm 广场')
print trie.get('sm 广场'.split(' '))
print trie.get('神马')
print trie.get('happy 站台')
print trie.get('happy 站台 美食 购物 广场')
print trie.longest_prefix('soho 广场', 'default')
print trie.longest_prefix('soho 尚都 广场')
print trie.longest_prefix_value('soho 尚都 广场')
print trie.longest_prefix_value('xx 尚都 广场', 90)
print trie.longest_prefix_value('xx 尚都 广场', 'no prefix')
print trie.longest_prefix_item('soho 尚都 广场') print '============== keys ================='
print 'prefix "sm": ', ' | '.join(trie.keys('sm'))
print '============== items ================='
print 'prefix "sm": ', trie.items('sm') print '================= delete ====================='
print trie.delete('sm 广场')
print trie.get('sm 广场')
print trie.delete('sm 国际')
print trie.get('sm 国际')
print trie.delete('sm xx')
print trie.delete('xx') print '====== no item matches any prefix of given key ========'
print trie.longest_prefix_value('happy')
print trie.longest_prefix_value('soho xx')



empty list


happy 站台

happy 站台



sm 广场 -->  4






soho 尚都



no prefix

('soho \xe5\xb0\x9a\xe9\x83\xbd', 3)

============== keys =================

prefix "sm":  sm | sm 新生活 广场 | sm 城市广场 | sm 广场 | sm 购物 广场 | sm 国际 | sm 国际 广场

============== items =================

prefix "sm":  [('sm', None), ('sm \xe6\x96\xb0\xe7\x94\x9f\xe6\xb4\xbb \xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\x9c\xba', 5), ('sm \xe5\x9f\x8e\xe5\xb8\x82\xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\x9c\xba', 3), ('sm \xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\x9c\xba', 4), ('sm \xe8\xb4\xad\xe7\x89\xa9 \xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\x9c\xba', 6),
('sm \xe5\x9b\xbd\xe9\x99\x85', 22), ('sm \xe5\x9b\xbd\xe9\x99\x85 \xe5\xb9\xbf\xe5\x9c\xba', 2)]

================= delete =====================







====== no item matches any prefix of given key ========

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "./", line 225, in <module>

    print trie.longest_prefix_value('happy')

  File "./", line 128, in longest_prefix_value

    raise Exception("no item matches any prefix of the given key!")

Exception: no item matches any prefix of the given key!

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