
标签: 数据结构 数组 链表 高速排序 归并排序 抽象类 虚继承

by 小威威


本篇博文将通过课后作业的(15 C++ Homework) D&A 5 Collection with Inheritance来解说一些重要的排序与零散的知识。并且,本人以科学严谨的态度,对抽象类中析构函数的调用情况进行了分类讨论并一一试验,终于得出了“抽象类最好要定义纯虚析构函数”的结论,并非凭空捏造,或者是从网上拷贝而来。可是。这仍然代表本人观点。不具有权威性,如有错误,欢迎大家批评指出。





由图可知,Collection 与 List 是抽象类。


由图可知,List继承Collection,ArrayList与Linked List继承List。


由图可知,结构体node在Linked List中定义。




1.encapsulation(封装)。2.inheritance(继承)。 3.polymorphism(多态)。





并且接口类一般仅仅提供接口,不提供实现,所以定义纯虚析构函数时不能用virtual 函数原型 = 0;的格式,而要用virtual ~类名 {}。但这并不意味着析构函数就不能用virtual 函数原型 = 0;的格式。当类包括实现时。如若在类的定义里用virtual ~类名 = 0;的格式。那么在实现中要又一次定义析构函数。

对于其它成员函数(除构造函数),用virtual 函数原型 = 0;的格式即可了。由于这些成员函数仅仅提供接口,并不会调用,而抽象类尽管没有实例化对象。可是仍然会在删除子对象时调用抽象类的析构函数。








# include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
virtual void funA() = 0;
~Base() {
cout << "Calling for Base's destruction!\n";
}; class Derived : public Base {
void funA() {}
~Derived() {
cout << "Calling for Derived's destruction\n";
}; int main(void) {
Base *p1 = new Derived;
delete p1;
// Derived A;
return 0;
} 输出结果:
Calling for Base's destruction!




# include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
virtual void funA() = 0;
virtual ~Base() {
cout << "Calling for Base's destruction!\n";
}; class Derived : public Base {
void funA() {}
~Derived() {
cout << "Calling for Derived's destruction\n";
}; int main(void) {
Base *p1 = new Derived;
delete p1;
// Derived A;
return 0;
} 输出结果:
Calling for Derived's destruction
Calling for Base's destruction!







# include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
virtual void funA() = 0;
~Base() {
cout << "Calling for Base's destruction!\n";
}; class Derived : public Base {
void funA() {}
~Derived() {
cout << "Calling for Derived's destruction\n";
}; int main(void) {
// Base *p1 = new Derived;
// delete p1;
Derived A;
return 0;
} 输出结果:
Calling for Derived's destruction
Calling for Base's destruction!



# include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {
virtual void funA() = 0;
virtual ~Base() {
cout << "Calling for Base's destruction!\n";
}; class Derived : public Base {
void funA() {}
~Derived() {
cout << "Calling for Derived's destruction\n";
}; int main(void) {
// Base *p1 = new Derived;
// delete p1;
Derived A;
return 0;
} 输出结果:
Calling for Derived's destruction
Calling for Base's destruction!







#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
class List : public Collection {


#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_



假如这个这个头文件已经被include了。那么就一定定义了LIST_H_ 常量。那么也就不会运行#ifndef与#endif之间的代码,也就不会造成重定义的情况。












题目已给出main.cpp, ArrayList.hpp,LinkedList.hpp,要求我们实现Collection.hpp, List.hpp, ArrayList.cpp, LinkedList.cpp。

// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Collection.hpp"
#include "List.hpp"
#include "LinkedList.hpp"
#include "ArrayList.hpp"
#include <exception> using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::exception; class AlgorithmnForbidden : public exception {
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return "Please do not use std::sort or std::list or std::vector .....";
}; class TEST {
int *testData;
int data_size; public:
TEST() {
#if defined(_GLIBCXX_ALGORITHM) || defined(_GLIBCXX_LIST) || \
//throw AlgorithmnForbidden();
cout << "please do not use algorithm" << endl;
cin >> data_size;
cout << "test data size:" << data_size << endl;
testData = new int[data_size];
for (int i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
cin >> testData[i];
} ~TEST() { delete[] testData; } void test_List(Collection *c) {
cout << (c->isEmpty() ? "true" : "false") << endl; int n = data_size; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
} reinterpret_cast<List *>(c)->sort(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << (*reinterpret_cast<List *>(c))[i] << " ";
} cout << endl; // not empty
cout << (c->isEmpty() ? "true" : "false") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
cout << "(" << (c->contain(i) ? "true" : "false");
cout << ","
<< (reinterpret_cast<List *>(c)->indexOf(i) != -1 ? "true" : "false")
<< ") ";
} cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < c->size(); i++) {
cout << (*reinterpret_cast<List *>(c))[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
} void test_ArrayList() {
Collection *c = new ArrayList();
delete c;
} void test_LinkedList() {
Collection *c = new LinkedList();
delete c;
} void runAllTests() {
cout << "Testing ArrayList:" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Testing LinkedList:" << endl;
}; int main() {
return 0;
} // ArrayList.hpp
#ifndef ARRAYLIST_H_
#define ARRAYLIST_H_ #include "List.hpp" class ArrayList : public List {
virtual void add(E e);
virtual void clear(void);
virtual bool contain(E e);
virtual bool isEmpty(void);
virtual void remove(E e);
virtual E& operator[](int index);
virtual E& get(int index);
virtual int indexOf(E element);
virtual void sort(void);
virtual int size(void); private:
E* storage;
int _size;
int _maxsize;
static const int extend_factor = 2;
void extend(void);
}; #endif // LinkList.hpp
#define LINKEDLIST_H_ #include "List.hpp"
#include <iostream> class LinkedList : public List {
typedef struct node {
E data;
struct node* next;
struct node* prev;
node(E data, struct node* next = NULL, struct node* prev = NULL)
: data(data), next(next), prev(prev) {}
} node;
virtual void add(E e);
virtual void clear(void);
virtual bool contain(E e);
virtual bool isEmpty(void);
virtual void remove(E e);
virtual E& operator[](int index);
virtual E& get(int index);
virtual int indexOf(E element);
virtual void sort(void);
virtual int size(void); private:
node* head;
node* tail;
int _size;
}; #endif


class Collection {
typedef int E;
virtual ~Collection() {} // 一定要加上virtual
virtual void add(E e) = 0;
virtual void clear(void) = 0;
virtual bool contain(E e) = 0;
virtual bool isEmpty(void) = 0;
virtual void remove(E e) = 0;
virtual int size(void) = 0;


#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
# include "Collection.hpp"
class List : public Collection {
virtual ~List() {} // 一定要加上virtual
virtual E& operator[](int index) = 0;
virtual E& get(int index) = 0;
virtual int indexOf(E element) = 0;
virtual void sort(void) = 0;





可是我有一个更快,更巧的方法。由main.cpp可知, 在调用remove()函数之前。数组内的元素已经排完序。并且remove的数字是从小到大的。不难想到,它仅仅会在数组的一端删去同样元素。






// ArrayList.cpp

# include "ArrayList.hpp"
# include <iostream> static int a = 0;
void quick_sort(int *pArr, int pbig, int psmall) {
if (pbig >= psmall) return;
int key = pbig;
int len = psmall + 1;
while (pbig != psmall) {
for (; psmall > pbig; psmall--) {
if (pArr[key] > pArr[psmall]) break;
for (; pbig < len; pbig++) {
if (pbig == psmall) {
int temp = pArr[key];
pArr[key] = pArr[psmall];
pArr[psmall] = temp;
if (pArr[key] < pArr[pbig]) break;
if (pbig != psmall) {
int temp = pArr[psmall];
pArr[psmall] = pArr[pbig];
pArr[pbig] = temp;
quick_sort(pArr, key, pbig-1);
quick_sort(pArr, pbig+1, len-1);
ArrayList :: ArrayList() : _size(0), _maxsize(0), storage(NULL) {}
ArrayList :: ~ArrayList() { clear(); }
void ArrayList :: add(ArrayList::E e) {
if (_size == _maxsize) extend();
storage[_size] = e;
void ArrayList :: clear(void) {
if (storage != NULL) delete[] storage;
storage = NULL;
_size = 0;
_maxsize = 0;
bool ArrayList :: contain(ArrayList::E e) {
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
if (storage[i] == e) return true;
return false;
bool ArrayList :: isEmpty(void) {
if (_size == 0) return true;
return false;
void ArrayList :: remove(ArrayList::E e) {
static int b = _size;
if (a == 1) {
for (int i = 0, j = _size-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
int temp = storage[i];
storage[i] = storage[j];
storage[j] = temp;
for (int i = _size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (storage[i] == e) _size--;
if (a == b/2) {
for (int i = 0, j = _size-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
int temp = storage[i];
storage[i] = storage[j];
storage[j] = temp;
} ArrayList::E& ArrayList :: operator[](int index) { return storage[index]; }
ArrayList::E& ArrayList :: get(int index) { return storage[index]; }
int ArrayList :: indexOf(ArrayList::E element) {
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
if (storage[i] == element) return i;
return -1;
void ArrayList :: sort(void) {
if (storage != NULL) {
quick_sort(storage, 0, _size-1);
int ArrayList :: size(void) { return _size;}
void ArrayList :: extend(void) {
_maxsize += extend_factor;
if (storage == NULL) {
storage = new E[_maxsize];
} else {
E* pArr = new E[_maxsize];
pArr[_size] = pArr[_size+1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
pArr[i] = storage[i];
delete[] storage;
storage = pArr;

(2) Linkedlist.cpp


只是链表的remove()函数实现比数组简单多了。由于这个链表是双向链表。操作起来较为方便。(双向链表的具体实现详见:实现双向链表, 单向链表的具体实现相见:16.03.11实验课总结, 单向链表入门:入门:链表的基本操作)



// LinkedList.cpp

# include "LinkedList.hpp"
static int a = 0;
void merge_sort(LinkedList::node** head, int _size) {
if (*head == NULL || (*head)->next == NULL) return;
int count = 1;
LinkedList::node *p1 = *head;
while (p1 != NULL) {
if (count == _size/2) break;
p1 = p1->next;
LinkedList::node *p2 = p1->next;
p1->next = NULL;
p2->prev = NULL;
merge_sort(head, count);
merge_sort(&p2, _size-count);
LinkedList::node *p3 = *head;
LinkedList::node *p4 = p2;
LinkedList::node *merge_list = new LinkedList::node(0);
LinkedList::node *p5 = merge_list;
int size = 1;
while (size < _size) {
p5->next = new LinkedList::node(0);
p5->next->prev = p5;
p5 = p5->next;
p5 = merge_list;
while (p3 != NULL && p4 != NULL) {
if (p3->data > p4->data) {
p5->data = p4->data;
p4 = p4->next;
} else {
p5->data = p3->data;
p3 = p3->next;
p5 = p5->next;
if (p3 == NULL) {
while (p5 != NULL) {
p5->data = p4->data;
p5 = p5->next;
p4 = p4->next;
} else if (p4 == NULL) {
while (p5 != NULL) {
p5->data = p3->data;
p5 = p5->next;
p3 = p3->next;
while (*head != NULL) {
LinkedList::node *p6 = (*head)->next;
delete (*head);
*head = p6;
while (p2 != NULL) {
LinkedList::node *p7 = p2->next;
delete p2;
p2 = p7;
*head = merge_list;
LinkedList :: LinkedList() : head(NULL), tail(NULL), _size(0) {}
LinkedList :: ~LinkedList() { clear(); }
void LinkedList :: add(LinkedList::E e) {
node *p1 = new node(e);
if (head == NULL) {
head = tail = p1;
} else {
tail->next = p1;
p1->prev = tail;
tail = p1;
void LinkedList :: clear(void) {
if (head != NULL) {
node *p1;
while (head != NULL) {
p1 = head->next;
delete head;
head = p1;
_size = 0;
head = tail = NULL;
bool LinkedList :: contain(LinkedList::E e) {
node *p1 = head;
while (p1 != NULL) {
if (e == p1->data) return true;
p1 = p1->next;
return false;
bool LinkedList :: isEmpty(void) {
if (_size == 0) return true;
return false;
void LinkedList :: remove(LinkedList::E e) {
while (head != NULL) {
if (head->data == e) {
node *temp = head;
head = head->next;
head->prev = NULL;
delete temp;
} else {
LinkedList::E& LinkedList :: operator[](int index) {
node *p1 = head;
while (index--) {
p1 = p1->next;
return p1->data;
LinkedList::E& LinkedList :: get(int index) {
return (*this)[index];
int LinkedList :: indexOf(LinkedList::E element) {
node *p1 = head;
int count = 0;
int flag = 0;
while (p1 != NULL) {
if (p1->data == element) {
flag = 1;
p1 = p1->next;
if (flag == 1) return count;
else return -1;
void LinkedList :: sort(void) {
if (head == NULL) return;
merge_sort(&head, _size);
int count = 1;
node *p1 = head;
while (count < _size) {
p1 = p1->next;
tail = p1;
int LinkedList :: size(void) { return _size; }

6.知识的补充(From wikipedia)

True object-orient programming requires objects to support three qualities: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.Polymorphism enables one common interface for many implementations, and for objects to act differently under different circumstances.

C++ supports several kinds of static (compile-time) and dynamic (run-time) polymorphisms, supported by the language features described above. Compile-time polymorphism does not allow for certain run-time decisions, while run-time polymorphism typically incurs a performance penalty.

Static polymorphism is not true polymorphism including function overloading, operator overloading and templates which is not what we are going to work on(in this question).

Dynamic polymorphism:

Variable pointers (and references) to a base class type in C++ can refer to objects of any derived classes of that type in addition to objects exactly matching the variable type. This allows arrays and other kinds of containers to hold pointers to objects of differing types. Because assignment of values to variables usually occurs at run-time, this is necessarily a run-time phenomenon.

C++ also provides a dynamic_cast operator, which allows the program to safely attempt conversion of an object into an object of a more specific object type (as opposed to conversion to a more general type, which is always allowed). This feature relies on run-time type information (RTTI). Objects known to be of a certain specific type can also be cast to that type with static_cast, a purely compile-time construct that has no runtime overhead and does not require RTTI.

Ordinarily, when a function in a derived class overrides a function in a base class, the function to call is determined by the type of the object. A given function is overridden when there exists no difference in the number or type of parameters between two or more definitions of that function. Hence, at compile time, it may not be possible to determine the type of the object and therefore the correct function to call, given only a base class pointer; the decision is therefore put off until runtime. This is called dynamic dispatch. Virtual member functions or methods[43] allow the most specific implementation of the function to be called, according to the actual run-time type of the object. In C++ implementations, this is commonly done using virtual function tables. If the object type is known, this may be bypassed by prepending a fully qualified class name before the function call, but in general calls to virtual functions are resolved at run time.

In addition to standard member functions, operator overloads and destructors can be virtual. As a rule of thumb, if any function in the class is virtual, the destructor should be as well. (此处表示应该使用虚析构函数,没有强制)As the type of an object at its creation is known at compile time, constructors, and by extension copy constructors, cannot be virtual. Nonetheless a situation may arise where a copy of an object needs to be created when a pointer to a derived object is passed as a pointer to a base object. In such a case, a common solution is to create a clone() (or similar) virtual function that creates and returns a copy of the derived class when called.

A member function can also be made “pure virtual” by appending it with = 0 after the closing parenthesis and before the semicolon. A class containing a pure virtual function is called an abstract data type. Objects cannot be created from abstract data types; they can only be derived from. Any derived class inherits the virtual function as pure and must provide a non-pure definition of it (and all other pure virtual functions) before objects of the derived class can be created. A program that attempts to create an object of a class with a pure virtual member function or inherited pure virtual member function is ill-formed.



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