Kali linux2.0里Metasploit的服务类型探测
在MSF终端中,可以输入search name:_version命令查看所有可用的服务查点模块
root@kali:~# msfconsole
msf > search name:_version
Matching Modules
Name Disclosure Date Rank Description
---- --------------- ---- -----------
auxiliary/fuzzers/ssh/ssh_version_15 normal SSH 1.5 Version Fuzzer
auxiliary/fuzzers/ssh/ssh_version_2 normal SSH 2.0 Version Fuzzer
auxiliary/fuzzers/ssh/ssh_version_corrupt normal SSH Version Corruption
auxiliary/gather/ibm_sametime_version 2013-12-27 normal IBM Lotus Sametime Version Enumeration
auxiliary/scanner/db2/db2_version normal DB2 Probe Utility
auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_version normal FTP Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/h323/h323_version normal H.323 Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/coldfusion_version normal ColdFusion Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/http_version normal HTTP Version Detection
auxiliary/scanner/http/joomla_version normal Joomla Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/sap_businessobjects_version_enum normal SAP BusinessObjects Version Detection
auxiliary/scanner/http/ssl_version 2014-10-14 normal HTTP SSL/TLS Version Detection (POODLE scanner)
auxiliary/scanner/http/svn_scanner normal HTTP Subversion Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/imap/imap_version normal IMAP4 Banner Grabber
auxiliary/scanner/ipmi/ipmi_version normal IPMI Information Discovery
auxiliary/scanner/lotus/lotus_domino_version normal Lotus Domino Version
auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_version normal MySQL Server Version Enumeration
auxiliary/scanner/oracle/tnslsnr_version 2009-01-07 normal Oracle TNS Listener Service Version Query
auxiliary/scanner/pop3/pop3_version normal POP3 Banner Grabber
auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_version normal PostgreSQL Version Probe
auxiliary/scanner/printer/printer_version_info normal Printer Version Information Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_version normal SAP Management Console Version Detection
auxiliary/scanner/scada/digi_addp_version normal Digi ADDP Information Discovery
auxiliary/scanner/scada/digi_realport_version normal Digi RealPort Serial Server Version
auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbusdetect 2011-11-01 normal Modbus Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version normal SMB Version Detection
auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_version normal SMTP Banner Grabber
auxiliary/scanner/snmp/aix_version normal AIX SNMP Scanner Auxiliary Module
auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version normal SSH Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/telnet/lantronix_telnet_version normal Lantronix Telnet Service Banner Detection
auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_version normal Telnet Service Banner Detection
auxiliary/scanner/vmware/vmauthd_version normal VMWare Authentication Daemon Version Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/vxworks/wdbrpc_version normal VxWorks WDB Agent Version Scanner
exploit/multi/svn/svnserve_date 2004-05-19 average Subversion Date Svnserve
exploit/windows/browser/crystal_reports_printcontrol 2010-12-14 normal Crystal Reports CrystalPrintControl ActiveX ServerResourceVersion Property Overflow
exploit/windows/fileformat/digital_music_pad_pls 2010-09-17 normal Digital Music Pad Version Stack Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/fileformat/orbit_download_failed_bof 2008-04-03 normal Orbit Downloader URL Unicode Conversion Overflow
exploit/windows/fileformat/realplayer_ver_attribute_bof 2013-12-20 normal RealNetworks RealPlayer Version Attribute Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/ftp/filecopa_list_overflow 2006-07-19 average FileCopa FTP Server Pre 18 Jul Version
exploit/windows/scada/iconics_genbroker 2011-03-21 good Iconics GENESIS32 Integer Overflow Version
msf >
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_version
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > show options Module options (auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_version): Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
PASSWORD no The password for the specified username
RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT yes The target port
THREADS yes The number of concurrent threads
TIMEOUT yes Timeout for the Telnet probe
USERNAME no The username to authenticate as msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > set THREADS
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > run [*] - TELNET _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ \x0a _ __ ___ ___| |_ __ _ ___ _ __ | | ___ (_) |_ __ _| |__ | | ___|___ \ \x0a| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` / __| '_ \| |/ _ \| | __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \ __) |\x0a| | | | | | __/ || (_| \__ \ |_) | | (_) | | || (_| | |_) | | __// __/ \x0a|_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|___/ .__/|_|\___/|_|\__\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|_____|\x0a |_| \x0a\x0a\x0aWarning: Never expose this VM to an untrusted network!\x0a\x0aContact: msfdev[at]metasploit.com\x0a\x0aLogin with msfadmin/msfadmin to get started\x0a\x0a\x0ametasploitable login:
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) >
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_version
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > set THREADS
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) > run [*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] - TELNET _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ \x0a _ __ ___ ___| |_ __ _ ___ _ __ | | ___ (_) |_ __ _| |__ | | ___|___ \ \x0a| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` / __| '_ \| |/ _ \| | __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \ __) |\x0a| | | | | | __/ || (_| \__ \ |_) | | (_) | | || (_| | |_) | | __// __/ \x0a|_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|___/ .__/|_|\___/|_|\__\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|_____|\x0a |_| \x0a\x0a\x0aWarning: Never expose this VM to an untrusted network!\x0a\x0aContact: msfdev[at]metasploit.com\x0a\x0aLogin with msfadmin/msfadmin to get started\x0a\x0a\x0ametasploitable login:
[*] - TELNET Ubuntu 10.04. LTS\x0aLast login: Thu Dec :: PST on pts/
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(telnet_version) >
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version
msf auxiliary(ssh_version) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(ssh_version) > set THREADS
msf auxiliary(ssh_version) > run [*] - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4 ( service.version=.3p1 openssh.comment=Debian-3ubuntu4 service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH os.vendor=Ubuntu os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.version=10.04 )
[*] - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu7 ( service.version=.3p1 openssh.comment=Debian-3ubuntu7 service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH os.vendor=Ubuntu os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.version=10.04 )
[*] - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2. ( service.version=.2p2 openssh.comment=Ubuntu-4ubuntu2. service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH os.vendor=Ubuntu os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.certainty=0.75 )
[*] - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-
[*] - SSH server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4 ( service.version=.3p1 openssh.comment=Debian-3ubuntu4 service.vendor=OpenBSD service.family=OpenSSH service.product=OpenSSH os.vendor=Ubuntu os.device=General os.family=Linux os.product=Linux os.version=10.04 )
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(ssh_version) >
msf > search name:_login Matching Modules
================ Name Disclosure Date Rank Description
---- --------------- ---- -----------
auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_enum_sql_logins normal Microsoft SQL Server SUSER_SNAME SQL Logins Enumeration
auxiliary/admin/oracle/oracle_login -- normal Oracle Account Discovery
auxiliary/admin/vmware/terminate_esx_sessions normal VMWare Terminate ESX Login Sessions
auxiliary/fuzzers/smb/smb_ntlm1_login_corrupt normal SMB NTLMv1 Login Request Corruption
auxiliary/fuzzers/tds/tds_login_corrupt normal TDS Protocol Login Request Corruption Fuzzer
auxiliary/fuzzers/tds/tds_login_username normal TDS Protocol Login Request Username Fuzzer
auxiliary/scanner/acpp/login normal Apple Airport ACPP Authentication Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/afp/afp_login normal Apple Filing Protocol Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/couchdb/couchdb_login normal CouchDB Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_login normal FTP Authentication Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/appletv_login normal AppleTV AirPlay Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/axis_login normal Apache Axis2 Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/buffalo_login normal Buffalo NAS Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/caidao_bruteforce_login normal Chinese Caidao Backdoor Bruteforce
auxiliary/scanner/http/chef_webui_login normal Chef Web UI Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/cisco_asa_asdm normal Cisco ASA ASDM Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/cisco_ironport_enum normal Cisco Ironport Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/cisco_ssl_vpn normal Cisco SSL VPN Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/dell_idrac normal Dell iDRAC Default Login
auxiliary/scanner/http/dlink_dir_300_615_http_login normal D-Link DIR-300A / DIR- / DIR-615D HTTP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/dlink_dir_615h_http_login normal D-Link DIR-615H HTTP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/dlink_dir_session_cgi_http_login normal D-Link DIR-300B / DIR-600B / DIR- / DIR- HTTP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/dolibarr_login normal Dolibarr ERP/CRM Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/etherpad_duo_login normal EtherPAD Duo Login Bruteforce Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/frontpage_login normal FrontPage Server Extensions Anonymous Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/gitlab_login normal GitLab Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/glassfish_login normal GlassFish Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/hp_sys_mgmt_login normal HP System Management Homepage Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/http_login normal HTTP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/infovista_enum normal InfoVista VistaPortal Application Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/ipboard_login normal IP Board Login Auxiliary Module
auxiliary/scanner/http/jenkins_login normal Jenkins-CI Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/joomla_bruteforce_login normal Joomla Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/manageengine_desktop_central_login normal ManageEngine Desktop Central Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/mybook_live_login normal Western Digital MyBook Live Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/octopusdeploy_login normal Octopus Deploy Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/openmind_messageos_login normal OpenMind Message-OS Portal Login Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/oracle_ilom_login normal Oracle ILO Manager Login Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/owa_ews_login normal OWA Exchange Web Services (EWS) Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/owa_login normal Outlook Web App (OWA) Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/pocketpad_login normal PocketPAD Login Bruteforce Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/radware_appdirector_enum normal Radware AppDirector Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/rfcode_reader_enum normal RFCode Reader Web Interface Login / Bruteforce Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/sentry_cdu_enum normal Sentry Switched CDU Bruteforce Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/sevone_enum -- normal SevOne Network Performance Management Application Brute Force Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/splunk_web_login normal Splunk Web Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/symantec_web_gateway_login normal Symantec Web Gateway Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login normal Tomcat Application Manager Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/typo3_bruteforce normal Typo3 Login Bruteforcer
auxiliary/scanner/http/vcms_login normal V-CMS Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum normal WordPress Brute Force and User Enumeration Utility
auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_xmlrpc_login normal Wordpress XML-RPC Username/Password Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/http/zabbix_login normal Zabbix Server Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/lotus/lotus_domino_login normal Lotus Domino Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/misc/cctv_dvr_login normal CCTV DVR Login Scanning Utility
auxiliary/scanner/misc/oki_scanner normal OKI Printer Default Login Credential Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/mongodb/mongodb_login normal MongoDB Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/msf/msf_rpc_login normal Metasploit RPC Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/msf/msf_web_login normal Metasploit Web Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login normal MSSQL Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login normal MySQL Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/nessus/nessus_ntp_login normal Nessus NTP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/nessus/nessus_rest_login normal Nessus RPC Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/nessus/nessus_xmlrpc_login normal Nessus XMLRPC Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/nexpose/nexpose_api_login normal NeXpose API Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/openvas/openvas_gsad_login normal OpenVAS gsad Web Interface Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/openvas/openvas_omp_login normal OpenVAS OMP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/openvas/openvas_otp_login normal OpenVAS OTP Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/oracle/isqlplus_login normal Oracle iSQL*Plus Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/oracle/oracle_login normal Oracle RDBMS Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/pcanywhere/pcanywhere_login normal PcAnywhere Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/pop3/pop3_login normal POP3 Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_login normal PostgreSQL Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/redis/redis_login normal Redis Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/rservices/rexec_login normal rexec Authentication Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/rservices/rlogin_login normal rlogin Authentication Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/rservices/rsh_login normal rsh Authentication Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/sap/sap_mgmt_con_brute_login normal SAP Management Console Brute Force
auxiliary/scanner/sap/sap_soap_rfc_brute_login normal SAP SOAP Service RFC_PING Login Brute Forcer
auxiliary/scanner/sap/sap_web_gui_brute_login normal SAP Web GUI Login Brute Forcer
auxiliary/scanner/scada/koyo_login -- normal Koyo DirectLogic PLC Password Brute Force Utility
auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login normal SMB Login Check Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login normal SNMP Community Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/ssh/karaf_login normal Apache Karaf Login Utility
auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login normal SSH Login Check Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login_pubkey normal SSH Public Key Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/telnet/brocade_enable_login normal Brocade Enable Login Check Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_login normal Telnet Login Check Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/vmware/vmauthd_login normal VMWare Authentication Daemon Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/vmware/vmware_http_login normal VMWare Web Login Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login normal VNC Authentication Scanner
auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_login normal WinRM Login Utility
auxiliary/voip/asterisk_login normal Asterisk Manager Login Utility
exploit/dialup/multi/login/manyargs -- good System V Derived /bin/login Extraneous Arguments Buffer Overflow
exploit/linux/http/airties_login_cgi_bof -- normal Airties login-cgi Buffer Overflow
exploit/linux/http/belkin_login_bof -- normal Belkin Play N750 login.cgi Buffer Overflow
exploit/linux/misc/hp_vsa_login_bof -- normal HP StorageWorks P4000 Virtual SAN Appliance Login Buffer Overflow
exploit/multi/http/coldfusion_rds -- great Adobe ColdFusion Administrative Login Bypass
exploit/osx/afp/loginext -- average AppleFileServer LoginExt PathName Overflow
exploit/windows/brightstor/lgserver_rxrlogin -- average CA BrightStor ARCserve for Laptops and Desktops LGServer Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/http/hp_power_manager_login -- average Hewlett-Packard Power Manager Administration Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/http/integard_password_bof -- great Race River Integard Home/Pro LoginAdmin Password Stack Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/http/solarwinds_fsm_userlogin -- excellent Solarwinds Firewall Security Manager 6.6. Client Session Handling Vulnerability
exploit/windows/imap/mailenable_login -- great MailEnable IMAPD (2.34/2.35) Login Request Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/imap/mercur_login -- average Mercur Messaging IMAP Login Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/imap/mercury_login -- average Mercury/ LOGIN Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/misc/hp_dataprotector_dtbclslogin -- normal HP Data Protector DtbClsLogin Buffer Overflow
exploit/windows/scada/realwin_on_fcs_login -- great RealWin SCADA Server DATAC Login Buffer Overflow
post/osx/gather/autologin_password normal OSX Gather Autologin Password as Root
post/windows/gather/credentials/windows_autologin normal Windows Gather AutoLogin User Credential Extractor msf >
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/tnslsnr_version
msf auxiliary(tnslsnr_version) > set RHOSTS
msf auxiliary(tnslsnr_version) > set THREADS
msf auxiliary(tnslsnr_version) > run [*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Scanned of hosts (% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(tnslsnr_version) >
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