[Angular] HttpParams
It is possible to use HttpParams to set http params.
For example we have this url to make:
So there are two params:
1. orderby
2. limitToFirst
Using HttpParams:
import {HttpParams} from "@angular/common/http"; const params = new HttpParams()
.set('orderBy', '"$key"')
.set('limitToFirst', ""); this.courses$ = this.http
.get("/courses.json", {params})
.map(data => _.values(data))
To notice that HttpParams's instance is an immutable object, everytime you call 'set()' method on it, it will create a new object, so you need to use chain method.
Equivalent way:
const params = new HttpParams({
fromString: 'orderBy="$key"&limitToFirst=1'
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