MYSQL 45道练习题
表(一)Student (学生表)
属性名 |
数据类型 |
可否为空 |
含 义 |
Sno |
varchar (20) |
否 |
学号(主码) |
Sname |
varchar (20) |
否 |
学生姓名 |
Ssex |
varchar (20) |
否 |
学生性别 |
Sbirthday |
datetime |
可 |
学生出生年月 |
Class |
varchar (20) |
可 |
学生所在班级 |
属性名 |
数据类型 |
可否为空 |
含 义 |
Cno |
varchar (20) |
否 |
课程号(主码) |
Cname |
varchar (20) |
否 |
课程名称 |
Tno |
varchar (20) |
否 |
教工编号(外码) |
属性名 |
数据类型 |
可否为空 |
含 义 |
Sno |
varchar (20) |
否 |
学号(外码) |
Cno |
varchar (20) |
否 |
课程号(外码) |
Degree |
Decimal(4,1) |
可 |
成绩 |
主码:Sno+ Cno |
属性名 |
数据类型 |
可否为空 |
含 义 |
Tno |
varchar (20) |
否 |
教工编号(主码) |
Tname |
varchar (20) |
否 |
教工姓名 |
Tsex |
varchar (20) |
否 |
教工性别 |
Tbirthday |
datetime |
可 |
教工出生年月 |
Prof |
varchar (20) |
可 |
职称 |
Depart |
varchar (20) |
否 |
教工所在部门 |
Sno |
Sname |
Ssex |
Sbirthday |
class |
108 |
曾华 |
男 |
1977-09-01 |
95033 |
105 |
匡明 |
男 |
1975-10-02 |
95031 |
107 |
王丽 |
女 |
1976-01-23 |
95033 |
101 |
李军 |
男 |
1976-02-20 |
95033 |
109 |
王芳 |
女 |
1975-02-10 |
95031 |
103 |
陆君 |
男 |
1974-06-03 |
95031 |
Cno |
Cname |
Tno |
3-105 |
计算机导论 |
825 |
3-245 |
操作系统 |
804 |
6-166 |
数字电路 |
856 |
9-888 |
高等数学 |
831 |
Sno |
Cno |
grade |
103 |
3-245 |
86 |
105 |
3-245 |
75 |
109 |
3-245 |
68 |
103 |
3-105 |
92 |
105 |
3-105 |
88 |
109 |
3-105 |
76 |
101 |
3-105 |
64 |
107 |
3-105 |
91 |
108 |
3-105 |
78 |
101 |
6-166 |
85 |
107 |
6-166 |
79 |
108 |
6-166 |
81 |
Tno |
Tname |
Tsex |
Tbirthday |
Prof |
Depart |
804 |
李诚 |
男 |
1958-12-02 |
副教授 |
计算机系 |
856 |
张旭 |
男 |
1969-03-12 |
讲师 |
电子工程系 |
825 |
王萍 |
女 |
1972-05-05 |
助教 |
计算机系 |
831 |
刘冰 |
女 |
1977-08-14 |
助教 |
-- 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、Ssex和Class列。
SELECT Sname,Ssex,Class from student
-- 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。
SELECT distinct Depart from teacher
-- 查询Student表的所有记录。
SELECT * from student
-- 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。
SELECT * from Score where grade>60 and grade<80
-- 查询Score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。
SELECT * from Score where grade in (85,86,88)
-- 查询Student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
SELECT * from Student where class="95031" or Ssex=false
-- 以Class降序查询Student表的所有记录。
SELECT * from Student order by Class desc
-- 以Cno升序、Degree降序查询Score表的所有记录。
SELECT * from score order by Cno asc,grade desc
-- 查询“95031”班的学生人数。
SELECT count(*) from student where Class = '95031'
-- 查询Score表中的最高分的学生学号和课程号。(子查询或者排序)
SELECT * from score order by grade desc
-- 查询每门课的平均成绩。
SELECT Cno, avg(grade) from score group by Cno
-- 查询Score表中至少有5名学生选修的并以3开头的课程的平均分数。
SELECT Cno , avg(grade) from score where Cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(Sno)>=5
SELECT avg(grade) from score where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from score where Cno like '3%'
Cno in(
SELECT Cno from score group by Cno having count(Sno)>=5
group by Cno
-- 查询分数大于70,小于90的Sno列。
SELECT Sno from score where grade>70 and grade<90
-- 查询所有学生的sname、cno和degree列
SELECT Sname,Cno,grade from score join student on score.Sno=student.Sno
-- 查询所有学生的sno、sname和degree列
SELECT Sno,Cname,grade from score join course on score.Cno=course.Cno
-- 查询所有学生的sname、cname和degree列
SELECT Sname,Cname,grade from score join student on score.Sno=student.Sno
join course on score.Cno=course.Cno
SELECT Sname,Cname,grade from student,course,score where score.Cno=course.Cno and
-- 查询“95033”班学生的平均分
SELECT avg(grade) from score join student on score.Sno=student.Sno where class="95033"
-- 使用下面命令建立一个grade表
create table grad (
low int (3),
upp int (3),
rank char (1)
insert into grad values (90,100,'A')
insert into grad values (80,89,'B')
insert into grad values (70,79,'C')
insert into grad values (60,69,'D')
insert into grad values (0,59,'E')
-- 查询所有同学的sno、cno和rank列
SELECT Sno,Cno,rank from score,grad where grade between low and upp
-- 查询选修3-105课程的成绩高于109号同学成绩的所有同学的记录
SELECT grade from score where Cno='3-105' and grade>(
SELECT grade from score where Sno=109 and Cno='3-105'
-- 查询score中选修多门课程的同学中分数为非最高分成绩的记录
SELECT sum(grade) from score group by Sno having count(Sno)>=2
order by sum(grade) desc
SELECT sum(grade) from score where Sno in(
SELECT Sno from score group by Sno having count(Sno)>=2
group by Sno-- 分组求和,否则求出总数
-- 查询成绩高于学号为109、课号为3-105 的成绩的所有记录
SELECT * from score where grade>(
SELECT grade from score where Sno=109 and Cno='3-105'
-- 查询京津教师任课的学生成绩
SELECT grade from score where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from course where Tno in(
SELECT Tno from teacher where Tname='京津'
SELECT grade from score join course on score.Cno=course.Cno
join teacher on course.Tno=teacher.Tno where Tname='京津'
SELECT Tname from teacher where Tno in(
SELECT Tno from course where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from score group by Cno having count(Sno)>=5
-- group by Cno
-- 查询95033班和95031班全体学生的记录
SELECT * from score where Sno in(
SELECT Sno from student where class in(95033,95031)
-- 查询存在有85分以上成绩的课程Cno
SELECT distinct Cname from course join score on course.Cno=score.Cno
where grade>=85
SELECT distinct Cno from score where grade>=85
-- 查询出 计算机系 教师所教课程的成绩表
SELECT grade from score where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from course where Tno in(
SELECT Tno from teacher where Depart='计算机系'
SELECT grade from score join course on score.Cno=course.Cno
join teacher on course.Tno=teacher.Tno
where Depart='计算机系'
-- 查询计算机系与电子工程系不同职称的Tname和Prof教师的
SELECT Tname,Prof from teacher where Depart='计算机系' and Prof not in (
SELECT prof from teacher where Depart='电子工程系'
union all
SELECT Tname,Prof from teacher where Depart='电子工程系' and Prof not in (
SELECT prof from teacher where Depart='计算机系'
SELECT Tname,Prof from teacher a where Prof
not in (SELECT Prof from teacher b where a.Depart != b.Depart)
-- 查询选修编号为“3-105“课程且成绩至少高于选修编号
-- 为“3-245”的同学的Cno、Sno和Degree,并按Degree从高到低次序排序。
SELECT * from score where Cno='3-105'
and grade >
any(SELECT grade from score where Cno='3-245'
order by grade asc
-- all 所有,any 任意
-- 查询选修编号为“3-105”且成绩高于选修编号为“3-245”课程的同学的Cno、Sno和Degree.
SELECT * from score where Cno='3-105'
and grade >
(SELECT max(grade) from score where Cno='3-245'
-- 查询所有教师和同学的name、sex和birthday.
SELECT Tname,sex from teacher
union all
SELECT Sname,Ssex from student
-- 查询所有“女”教师和“女”同学的name、sex和birthday.
SELECT Tname,sex from teacher where sex=0
union all
SELECT Sname,Ssex from student where Ssex=0
-- 查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表。
SELECT * from score where Cno='3-245' and grade<
(SELECT avg(grade) from score where Cno='3-245'
SELECT * from score where Cno='3-105' and grade<
(SELECT avg(grade) from score where Cno='3-105'
SELECT * from score where Cno='6-116' and grade<
(SELECT avg(grade) from score where Cno='6-116'
SELECT * from score join (SELECT Cno,avg(grade) as a from score group by Cno) as b on
(b.Cno=score.Cno) where grade<a
Select * from score a where grade<(select avg(grade) from score b where a.cno=b.cno)
-- 查询所有任课教师的Tname和Depart.
SELECT Tname,Depart from teacher where Tno in(
SELECT Tno from course where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from score group by Cno
SELECT Tname,Depart from teacher where Tno not in(
SELECT Tno from course where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from score group by Cno
SELECT Tname,Depart from teacher where Tno not in(
SELECT Tno from course where Cno in(
SELECT distinct Cno from score
-- 查询至少有2名男生的班号。
SELECT distinct class from student where Ssex in(
SELECT Ssex from student where Ssex=1 and Ssex in(
SELECT Ssex from student group by Ssex having count(Ssex)>=2
SELECT class from student where Ssex='1' group by class having count(*)>=2
-- 查询Student表中不姓“王”的同学记录。
SELECT * from student where Sname not like '王%'
-- 查询Student表中每个学生的姓名和年龄。
SELECT Sno,Sname from student
alter table student add column birthday varchar(30);
select sname as '姓名',(year ( date ( now() )) - year(birthday) ) as '年龄' from student;
select sname,(year(date(now()) ) -year(birthday) ) from student;
-- 查询Student表中最大和最小的Sbirthday日期值。
SELECT max(Sno)from student
SELECT min(Sno)from student
SELECT max(Sno) as '最大值',min(Sno) '最小值' from student
SELECT * from student order by class desc,Sno desc
-- 查询“男”教师及其所上的课程。
SELECT Cname from course where Tno in(
SELECT Tno from teacher where sex=1
-- 查询最高分同学的Sno、Cno和Degree列。
SELECT Sno,Cno,grade from score where grade in(
SELECT max(grade) from score
SELECT Sname from student where Ssex in (
SELECT Ssex from student where Sname='张三'
SELECT Sname from student where class in (
SELECT class from student where Sname='张三'
Ssex in(
SELECT Ssex from student where Sname='张三'
SELECT grade from score where Cno in(
SELECT Cno from course where Cname='计算机导论'
Sno in(
SELECT Sno from student where
Ssex in(
SELECT Ssex from student where Ssex=1
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