In this lesson, we will cover Interfaces and Mixins. Interfaces act as a contract containing properties and methods that a class must define once it “implements” this interface. Mixins are Dart’s way of sharing properties and methods from multiple classes, since by design Dart adopts a single-inheritance model.

Abstract class:

void main() {
var pixel = Phone('Pixel XL', 'HTC');
} abstract class Device {
String name;
String manufacturer;
void getDeviceInfo();
} class Phone implements Device {
String name;
String manufacturer; void getDeviceInfo() => print('''
Device name: $name
Manufactured by: $manufacturer
'''); Phone(, this.manufacturer);


Define a mixin:

mixin FeaturesMixin {
bool blueTooth = true;
bool dualSim = false;
bool nfc = true;

Extends a mixin:

// Extends FeaturesMixin
mixin UtilitiesMixin on FeaturesMixin {
bool calculator = true;
bool flashlight = true;
bool thermometer = false; String _has(bool feat) => feat ? 'Yes': 'No'; void getAllFeatures() => print('''
--FEATURES-- Bluetooth: ${_has(super.blueTooth)}
Dual SIM: ${_has(super.dualSim)}
NFC: ${_has(super.nfc)}
Calculator: ${_has(calculator)}
Flashlight: ${_has(flashlight)}
Thermometer: ${_has(thermometer)}

use Mixin:

class Phone with FeaturesMixin, UtilitiesMixin implements Device {


void main() {
var pixel = Phone('Pixel XL', 'HTC');
/* ===
Device name: Pixel XL
Manufactured by: HTC --FEATURES-- Bluetooth: Yes
Dual SIM: No
NFC: Yes
Calculator: Yes
Flashlight: Yes
Thermometer: No
=== */
} mixin FeaturesMixin {
bool blueTooth = true;
bool dualSim = false;
bool nfc = true;
} // Extends FeaturesMixin
mixin UtilitiesMixin on FeaturesMixin {
bool calculator = true;
bool flashlight = true;
bool thermometer = false; String _has(bool feat) => feat ? 'Yes': 'No'; void getAllFeatures() => print('''
--FEATURES-- Bluetooth: ${_has(super.blueTooth)}
Dual SIM: ${_has(super.dualSim)}
NFC: ${_has(super.nfc)}
Calculator: ${_has(calculator)}
Flashlight: ${_has(flashlight)}
Thermometer: ${_has(thermometer)}
} abstract class Device {
String name;
String manufacturer;
void getDeviceInfo();
} class Phone with FeaturesMixin, UtilitiesMixin implements Device {
String name;
String manufacturer; void getDeviceInfo() => print('''
Device name: $name
Manufactured by: $manufacturer
'''); Phone(, this.manufacturer);

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