3.wiki :Flash memory controller
FTL是Flash translation layer的英文缩写,FTL是一种软件中间层,最初是由intel提出的,用于将闪存模拟成为虚拟块设备,从而能够在闪存上实现FAT等等块设备类文件系统。
Flash translation layer(FTL) is a middle layer of software, originally proposed by the intel for the flash simulate a virtual block device, enabling FAT file system, and so block device class on the flash.
FTL首先构造数据“虚拟”块,这些虚拟块独立于Flash设备的物理可擦除块,接着FTL管理Flash上的数据,使其看起来像原地更新(write in place),事实上这些数据被存储在Flash中不同的位置,最后FTL管理Flash物理块,进行垃圾回收,使得系统有一些已经被擦除过的、干净的空闲块用于存储数据。如果系统中存在多个Flash芯片,FTL通过编程模式将这些芯片组织成为一块“逻辑”芯片。
FTL first construct data "virtual" block, these virtual block device-independent Flash erasable physical blocks, then FTL Flash on the management of data, to make it look like write in place, the fact that these data are stored in a different location in Flash, last FTL management Flash physical blocks, garbage collection, so that the system has some had already been erased, clean free blocks for storing data. If there are multiple Flash chip systems, FTL mode by programming these chips will be organized into a "logic" chips.
Flash memory read and write in pages, but generally 4KB page size or 8KB, but our operating system to read and write data is carried out according to the size of the HDD sector (512Byte (bytes)), more trouble is flash erase block as a unit, but did not erase it can not be written, it causes the file system is now used by the operating system simply can not manage SSD, need to be replaced more advanced, complex file to solve this problem, but this will increase the burden of the operating system . In order not to increase the burden of the operating system, SSD using software approach to the operation of the virtual memory operations into separate sectors of the disk, which is FTL. Because FTL exists between the file system and the physical media (flash) in the operating system just as with the original LBA can operate, and LBA to PBA all conversion work, on the whole by FTL responsible.
(1)WL(Wear leveling)磨损平衡:http://www.pceva.com.cn/topic/Plextor/index-jc-3.html
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