
WIN7 64bit、VirtualBox 5.0.14、CentOS 6.5、SecureCRT 7.2.3



[root@pc ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
DEVICE=eth0 //指出设备名称
HWADDR=:::::4A //硬件Mac地址
TYPE=Ethernet //网络类型
UUID=c1d0e14c-cd39--af44-37daca90c1f9 //设备UUID编号
ONBOOT=yes //是否启动应用
NM_CONTROLLED=yes //设备是否被NetworkManager管理
BOOTPROT=static //启动类型 dhcp|static
NETMASK= //子网掩码
NETWORK= //网络地址
GATEWAY= //网关地址
[root@pc ~]# service network restart
Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ]
[root@pc ~]# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr :::::2C
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe57:732c/ Scope:Link
RX packets: errors: dropped: overruns: frame:
TX packets: errors: dropped: overruns: carrier:
collisions: txqueuelen:
RX bytes: (11.9 MiB) TX bytes: (341.4 KiB) lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::/ Scope:Host
RX packets: errors: dropped: overruns: frame:
TX packets: errors: dropped: overruns: carrier:
collisions: txqueuelen:
RX bytes: (0.0 b) TX bytes: (0.0 b)
[root@pc ~]# ping www.baidu.com
PING www.baidu.com ( () bytes of data.
bytes from icmp_seq= ttl= time=59.1 ms
bytes from icmp_seq= ttl= time=65.4 ms


[root@pc ~]# yum -y install vsftpd                                        // 安装FTP
[root@pc ~]# service vsftpd start // 启动FTP
Starting vsftpd for vsftpd: [ OK ]
[root@pc ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables // 防火墙开启21端口
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport -j ACCEPT
[root@pc ~]# service iptables restart // 重启防火墙
iptables: Flushing firewall rules: [ OK ]
iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter [ OK ]
iptables: Unloading modules: [ OK ]
iptables: Applying firewall rules: [ OK ]
[root@pc ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep ftp // 新增一个账户ftpuser,并设置密码
ftp:x:::FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin
[root@pc ftp]# useradd -g ftp ftpuser
[root@pc ftp]# passwd ftpuser
Changing password for user ftpuser.


[root@pc ~]# getsebool -a | grep ftp                        // 开启外网访问
allow_ftpd_full_access --> off
ftp_home_dir --> off
[root@pc ~]# setsebool -P allow_ftpd_full_access
[root@pc ~]# setsebool -P ftp_home_dir
[root@pc ~]# vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf // 设定passive模式端口范围
[root@pc ~]# service vsftpd restart // 重启FTP
[root@pc ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables // 开启防火墙对应范围端口
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport : -j ACCEPT
[root@pc ~]# service iptables restart // 重启防火墙


把VirtualBox安装目录下的 VBoxGuestAdditions.iso 解压,并通过FTP客户端filezilla上传到虚拟机

[root@pc ~]# cd /home/ftpuser/
[root@pc ftpuser]# ll
drwxr-xr-x. ftpuser ftp Apr : VBoxGuestAdditions


[root@pc ~]# cd /home/ftpuser/VBoxGuestAdditions/
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# ll
drwxr-xr-x. ftpuser ftp Apr : 32Bit
drwxr-xr-x. ftpuser ftp Apr : 64Bit
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : AUTORUN.INF
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : autorun.sh
drwxr-xr-x. ftpuser ftp Apr : cert
drwxr-xr-x. ftpuser ftp Apr : OS2
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : runasroot.sh
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : VBoxSolarisAdditions.pkg
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : VBoxWindowsAdditions-amd64.exe
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe
-rw-r--r--. ftpuser ftp Apr : VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86.exe
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# chmod +x runasroot.sh
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# ./runasroot.sh
Usage: runasroot.sh DESCRIPTION COMMAND [ADVICE] Attempt to execute COMMAND with root privileges, displaying DESCRIPTION if
possible and displaying ADVICE if possible if no su()-like tool is available.
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# chmod +x VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 5.0. Guest Additions for Linux............
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
Copying additional installer modules ...
Installing additional modules ...
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules [ OK ]
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules
The gcc utility was not found. If the following module compilation fails then
this could be the reason and you should try installing it. The headers for the current running kernel were not found. If the following
module compilation fails then this could be the reason.
The missing package can be probably installed with
yum install kernel-devel-2.6.-.el6.x86_64 Building the main Guest Additions module [FAILED]
(Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong)
Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions [ OK ]
Installing the Window System drivers
Could not find the X.Org or XFree86 Window System, skipping.
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# cat /var/log/vboxadd-install.log
/tmp/vbox./Makefile.include.header:: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop.
Creating user for the Guest Additions.
Creating udev rule for the Guest Additions kernel module.

查找报错 Building the main Guest Additions module [FAILED](参考    http://www.xuebuyuan.com/2039380.html

[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# yum -y install gcc make gcc-c++
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# yum -y install kernel
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# yum -y install kernel-devel
[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# yum -y install kernel-headers

重启CentOS并再次执行VBoxLinuxAdditions.run,依旧报错(参考 http://askubuntu.com/questions/22743/how-do-i-install-guest-additions-in-a-virtualbox-vm

[root@pc VBoxGuestAdditions]# yum update
[root@pc ~]# /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-5.0./uninstall.sh
[root@pc ~]# /home/ftpuser/VBoxGuestAdditions/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
[root@pc ~]# cat /var/log/vboxadd-install.log
/bin/sh: perl: command not found

这次变成报没有 perl,于是  yum -y install perl  补齐


[root@pc ~]# /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-5.0./uninstall.sh
[root@pc ~]# /home/ftpuser/VBoxGuestAdditions/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 5.0. Guest Additions for Linux............
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
You appear to have a version of the VBoxGuestAdditions software
on your system which was installed from a different source or using a
different type of installer. If you installed it from a package from your
Linux distribution or if it is a default part of the system then we strongly
recommend that you cancel this installation and remove it properly before
installing this version. If this is simply an older or a damaged
installation you may safely proceed. Do you wish to continue anyway? [yes or no]
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules [ OK ]
grep: /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-*/init/*: No such file or directory
Copying additional installer modules ...
Installing additional modules ...
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules [ OK ]
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules
Building the main Guest Additions module [ OK ]
Building the shared folder support module [ OK ]
Building the OpenGL support module [FAILED]
(Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong. The module is not built but the others are.)
Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions [ OK ]
Starting the VirtualBox Guest Additions [ OK ]
Installing the Window System drivers
Could not find the X.Org or XFree86 Window System, skipping.

终于成功了,其中 OpenGL 失败是因为我的CentOS是精简版没有界面的!


[root@pc ~]# ll /media/
drwxrwx---. root vboxsf Mar : sf_win_www


 [root@localhost ~]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
% /
tmpfs % /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 % /boot
.host://www 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/htdocs
.host://log 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/log
.host://vmware 157300384 89902340 67398044 58% /datas/vmware
[root@localhost ~]# vmware-hgfsclient #查看共享目录
[root@localhost ~]# mount -t vmhgfs .host:/python /datas/python #挂载
Error: cannot canonicalize mount point: No such file or directory
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /datas/python
[root@localhost ~]# mount -t vmhgfs .host:/python /datas/python
[root@localhost ~]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
% /
tmpfs % /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 % /boot
.host:/www 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/htdocs
.host:/log 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/log
.host:/vmware 157300384 89902340 67398044 58% /datas/vmware
.host:/python 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/python
[root@localhost ~]# ll /datas/python/
-rwxrwxrwx root root May .log
[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/fstab #自动挂载
.host:/python /datas/python vmhgfs iocharset=utf8,rw,uid=www,gid=www 0 1
[root@localhost ~]# init
[root@localhost ~]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
% /
tmpfs % /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 % /boot
.host:/www 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/htdocs
.host:/log 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/log
.host:/vmware 157300384 89902340 67398044 58% /datas/vmware
.host:/python 165686344 81123004 84563340 49% /datas/python



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