BZOJ 3531: [Sdoi2014]旅行 (树剖+动态开点线段树)
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
inline void read(int &num) {
char ch; int flg=1; while(!isdigit(ch=getchar()))if(ch=='-')flg=-flg;
for(num=0; isdigit(ch); num=num*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar()); num*=flg;
const int MAXN = 100005;
const int INF = 1e9;
int n, m, cnt, tmr, fir[MAXN], fa[MAXN], dfn[MAXN], top[MAXN], sz[MAXN], son[MAXN], dep[MAXN];
struct edge { int to, nxt; }e[MAXN<<1];
inline void Add(int u, int v) {
e[cnt] = (edge){ v, fir[u] }, fir[u] = cnt++;
void dfs(int x) {
dep[x] = dep[fa[x]] + (sz[x]=1);
for(int v, i = fir[x]; ~i; i = e[i].nxt)
if((v=e[i].to) != fa[x]) {
fa[v] = x, dfs(v), sz[x] += sz[v];
if(sz[v] > sz[son[x]]) son[x] = v;
void dfs2(int x, int tp) {
top[x] = tp; dfn[x] = ++tmr;
if(son[x]) dfs2(son[x], tp);
for(int v, i = fir[x]; ~i; i = e[i].nxt)
if((v=e[i].to) != son[x] && v != fa[x]) dfs2(v, v);
namespace SegmentTree {
struct seg {
seg *ls, *rs;
int mx, sum;
inline void* operator new(size_t, seg *_ls, seg *_rs, int _mx, int _sum) {
static seg *mempool, *C;
if(mempool == C) mempool = (C = new seg[1<<15]) + (1<<15);
C->ls = _ls;
C->rs = _rs;
C->mx = _mx;
C->sum = _sum;
return C++;
inline void update(seg *x) {
x->mx = x->sum = 0;
if(x->ls) x->mx = max(x->mx, x->ls->mx), x->sum += x->ls->sum;
if(x->rs) x->mx = max(x->mx, x->rs->mx), x->sum += x->rs->sum;
void insert(seg *&x, int l, int r, int pos, int val) {
if(!x) x = new(0x0, 0x0, 0, 0) seg;
if(l == r) {
x->sum = x->mx = val;
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(pos <= mid) insert(x->ls, l, mid, pos, val);
else insert(x->rs, mid+1, r, pos, val);
int querysum(seg *p, int l, int r, int x, int y) {
if(!p) return 0;
if(l == x && r == y) return p->sum;
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(y <= mid) return querysum(p->ls, l, mid, x, y);
else if(x > mid) return querysum(p->rs, mid+1, r, x, y);
else return querysum(p->ls, l, mid, x, mid) + querysum(p->rs, mid+1, r, mid+1, y);
int querymx(seg *p, int l, int r, int x, int y) {
if(!p) return 0;
if(l == x && r == y) return p->mx;
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(y <= mid) return querymx(p->ls, l, mid, x, y);
else if(x > mid) return querymx(p->rs, mid+1, r, x, y);
else return max(querymx(p->ls, l, mid, x, mid), querymx(p->rs, mid+1, r, mid+1, y));
inline int Sum(SegmentTree::seg *r, int x, int y) {
int res = 0;
while(top[x] != top[y]) {
if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y);
res += SegmentTree::querysum(r, 1, n, dfn[top[x]], dfn[x]);
x = fa[top[x]];
if(dep[x] < dep[y]) swap(x, y);
res += SegmentTree::querysum(r, 1, n, dfn[y], dfn[x]);
return res;
inline int Max(SegmentTree::seg *r, int x, int y) {
int res = 0;
while(top[x] != top[y]) {
if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y);
res = max(res, SegmentTree::querymx(r, 1, n, dfn[top[x]], dfn[x]));
x = fa[top[x]];
if(dep[x] < dep[y]) swap(x, y);
res = max(res, SegmentTree::querymx(r, 1, n, dfn[y], dfn[x]));
return res;
int c[MAXN], w[MAXN];
int main() {
memset(fir, -1, sizeof fir);
read(n), read(m);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) read(w[i]), read(c[i]);
for(int x, y, i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
read(x), read(y);
Add(x, y), Add(y, x);
dfs(1); dfs2(1, 1);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) SegmentTree::insert(SegmentTree::rt[c[i]], 1, n, dfn[i], w[i]);
int x, y; char s[2];
while(m--) {
while(!isalpha(s[0] = getchar())); s[1] = getchar();
read(x), read(y);
if(s[0] == 'C' && s[1] == 'W') SegmentTree::insert(SegmentTree::rt[c[x]], 1, n, dfn[x], w[x]=y);
else if(s[0] == 'C' && s[1] == 'C') SegmentTree::insert(SegmentTree::rt[c[x]], 1, n, dfn[x], 0), c[x] = y, SegmentTree::insert(SegmentTree::rt[c[x]], 1, n, dfn[x], w[x]);
else if(s[0] == 'Q' && s[1] == 'S') printf("%d\n", Sum(SegmentTree::rt[c[x]], x, y));
else printf("%d\n", Max(SegmentTree::rt[c[x]], x, y));
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