Python GUI - Tkinter tkMessageBox: tkMessageBox模块用于显示在您的应用程序的消息框。此模块提供了一个功能,您可以用它来显示适当的消息





  1. tkMessageBox.FunctionName(title, message [, options])


  • FunctionName: 这是相应的消息框函数的名称.

  • title: 这是在一个消息框,标题栏显示的文本.

  • message: 这是要显示的文字作为消息.

  • options: 选项有替代的选择,你可以用它来定制一个标准的消息框。一些可以使用的选项是默认的。默认选项是用来指定默认的按钮,如中止,重试,或忽略在消息框中。父选项是用来指定要显示的消息框上的顶层窗口.

If the standard message boxes are not appropriate, you can pick the closest alternative (askquestion, in most cases), and use options to change it to exactly suit your needs. You can use the following options (note that messageand title are usually given as arguments, not as options).

default constant

Which button to make default: ABORTRETRYIGNOREOKCANCEL,YES, or NO (the constants are defined in the tkMessageBox module).

icon (constant)

Which icon to display: ERRORINFOQUESTION, or WARNING

message (string)

The message to display (the second argument to the convenience functions). May contain newlines.

parent (widget)

Which window to place the message box on top of. When the message box is closed, the focus is returned to the parent window.

title (string)

Message box title (the first argument to the convenience functions).

type (constant)

Message box type; that is, which buttons to display:ABORTRETRYIGNOREOKOKCANCELRETRYCANCELYESNO, orYESNOCANCEL.

  • showinfo()

  • showwarning()

  • showerror ()

  • askquestion()

  • askokcancel()

  • askyesno ()

  • askretrycancel ()



  1. import Tkinter
  2. import tkMessageBox
  4. top = Tkinter.Tk()
  5. def hello():
  6. tkMessageBox.showinfo("Say Hello", "Hello World")
  8. B1 = Tkinter.Button(top, text = "Say Hello", command = hello)
  9. B1.pack()
  11. top.mainloop()



不显示window root窗口

  1. import Tkinter
  2. import tkMessageBox
  4. top = Tkinter.Tk()
  5. top.withdraw()
  6. tkMessageBox.askyesno("Say Hello", "Hello World")



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