CNN Mini-Fashion数据集以及Pytorch初体验
是一个替代原始的MNIST手写数字数据集的另一个图像数据集。 它是由Zalando(一家德国的时尚科技公司)旗下的研究部门提供。其涵盖了来自10种类别的共7万个不同商品的正面图片。Fashion-MNIST的大小、格式和训练集/测试集划分与原始的MNIST完全一致。60000/10000的训练测试数据划分,28x28的灰度图片。你可以直接用它来测试你的机器学习和深度学习算法性能,且不需要改动任何的代码。
Fashion-MNIST 数据集的中文文档说明
标注编号 | 描述 |
0 | T-shirt/top(T恤) |
1 | Trouser(裤子) |
2 | Pullover(套衫) |
3 | Dress(裙子) |
4 | Coat(外套) |
5 | Sandal(凉鞋) |
6 | Shirt(汗衫) |
7 | Sneaker(运动鞋) |
8 | Bag(包) |
9 | Ankle boot(踝靴) |
import torch # 导入pytorch
from torch import nn, optim # 导入神经网络与优化器对应的类
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import datasets, transforms # 导入数据集与数据预处理的方法
from torch.autograd import Variable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
CNN Le-Net5
EPOCH = 3 # 训练次数
LR = 1.0E-3 # 学习率
batch_size = 64
transform = transforms.Compose(
[transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))])
# 下载Fashion-MNIST训练集数据,并构建训练集数据载入器trainloader,每次从训练集中载入64张图片,每次载入都打乱顺序
trainset = datasets.FashionMNIST(
'dataset/', download=True, train=True, transform=transform)
trainloader =
trainset, batch_size, shuffle=True)
# 下载Fashion-MNIST测试集数据,并构建测试集数据载入器trainloader,每次从测试集中载入64张图片,每次载入都打乱顺序
testset = datasets.FashionMNIST(
'dataset/', download=True, train=False, transform=transform)
# 分开验证集的输入和标签
with torch.no_grad():
test_x = Variable(torch.unsqueeze(,dim = 1)).type(torch.FloatTensor)
test_y = testset.targets
### 显示图片和标签
显示多张图片 绘制封面图片的程序
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize # import figsize
figsize(12.5, 4) # 设置 figsize
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 600 #图片像素
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 600 #
imagedemo = image[0:50]
imagedemolabel = label[0:50]
labellist = ['T恤','裤子','套衫','裙子','外套','凉鞋','汗衫','运动鞋','包包','靴子']
for i,img in enumerate(imagedemo):
imagedemo = img.reshape((28,28))
image, label = next(iter(trainloader))
# image图片中有64张图片,我们查看索引为2的图片
imagedemo = image[3]
imagedemolabel = label[3]
imagedemo = imagedemo.reshape((28,28))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
labellist = ['T恤','裤子','套衫','裙子','外套','凉鞋','汗衫','运动鞋','包包','靴子']
print(f'这张图片对应的标签是 {labellist[imagedemolabel]}')
这张图片对应的标签是 包包
构建CNN Le-Net 5 框架
# Building CNN
class CNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=16, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2,bias=True),
nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2) # 默认 stride 为 kernel_size
# 输入的维度 输出的特征图个数 卷积核大小 步长 padding 池化大小 (28+4-5)/1 +1 卷积完 16*28*28
# 池化之后 16*14*14
self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16,out_channels = 32, kernel_size = 5, stride = 1,padding= 2,bias=True),
nn.ReLU(),# (14+4-5)/1+1 32*14*14
nn.MaxPool2d(2), # 32*7*7
self.out = nn.Linear(32*7*7,10)
def forward(self, x):
# make sure input tensor is flattened
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = x.view(x.size(0),-1) # 将数据展成一维向量
output = self.out(x)
return output
cnn = CNN()
# print(cnn)
# params = list(cnn.parameters())
# print(len(params))
# print(params[0].size())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(cnn.parameters(),lr = LR )
loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
for epoch in range(EPOCH):
for step,(x,y) in enumerate(trainloader): # 第几个 batch 和 对应的 (x y)
b_x = Variable(x)
b_y = Variable(y)
output = cnn(b_x)
loss = loss_function(output,b_y)
optimizer.zero_grad() # 每次batch都会重新初始化参数
loss.backward() # 反向传播
optimizer.step() # 参数更新
if step % 100 ==0:
test_output = cnn(test_x)
pred_y = torch.max(test_output,1)[1].data.squeeze()
accuracy = torch.div(sum(pred_y == test_y).float(),test_y.size(0)).item()
print('Epoch: ',epoch, '|Step: {:4d} '.format(step) ,'|train loss: {:.4f}'.format(loss.item()),'|accuracy: {:.4 大专栏 CNN Mini-Fashion数据集以及Pytorch初体验f}'.format(accuracy))
test_output = cnn(test_x[:20])
pred_y = torch.max(test_output,1)[1].data.numpy().squeeze()
print(pred_y[:20],'prediction number')
print(test_y[:20].numpy(),'real number')
Epoch: 0 |Step: 0 |train loss: 2.3198 |accuracy: 0.0985
Epoch: 0 |Step: 100 |train loss: 0.5568 |accuracy: 0.6158
Epoch: 0 |Step: 200 |train loss: 0.4198 |accuracy: 0.7657
Epoch: 0 |Step: 300 |train loss: 0.4027 |accuracy: 0.7500
Epoch: 0 |Step: 400 |train loss: 0.4926 |accuracy: 0.8013
Epoch: 0 |Step: 500 |train loss: 0.5777 |accuracy: 0.8019
Epoch: 0 |Step: 600 |train loss: 0.4225 |accuracy: 0.7863
Epoch: 0 |Step: 700 |train loss: 0.3374 |accuracy: 0.7923
Epoch: 0 |Step: 800 |train loss: 0.3786 |accuracy: 0.8097
Epoch: 0 |Step: 900 |train loss: 0.5368 |accuracy: 0.7916
Epoch: 1 |Step: 0 |train loss: 0.4121 |accuracy: 0.8282
Epoch: 1 |Step: 100 |train loss: 0.1796 |accuracy: 0.8263
Epoch: 1 |Step: 200 |train loss: 0.3874 |accuracy: 0.8095
Epoch: 1 |Step: 300 |train loss: 0.1994 |accuracy: 0.7990
Epoch: 1 |Step: 400 |train loss: 0.2593 |accuracy: 0.8180
Epoch: 1 |Step: 500 |train loss: 0.3459 |accuracy: 0.8109
Epoch: 1 |Step: 600 |train loss: 0.2256 |accuracy: 0.8291
Epoch: 1 |Step: 700 |train loss: 0.2070 |accuracy: 0.8023
Epoch: 1 |Step: 800 |train loss: 0.1974 |accuracy: 0.8039
Epoch: 1 |Step: 900 |train loss: 0.2006 |accuracy: 0.8391
Epoch: 2 |Step: 0 |train loss: 0.1453 |accuracy: 0.7999
Epoch: 2 |Step: 100 |train loss: 0.2584 |accuracy: 0.8271
Epoch: 2 |Step: 200 |train loss: 0.3501 |accuracy: 0.7970
Epoch: 2 |Step: 300 |train loss: 0.2962 |accuracy: 0.8296
Epoch: 2 |Step: 400 |train loss: 0.1276 |accuracy: 0.8364
Epoch: 2 |Step: 500 |train loss: 0.1695 |accuracy: 0.8192
Epoch: 2 |Step: 600 |train loss: 0.1782 |accuracy: 0.7678
Epoch: 2 |Step: 700 |train loss: 0.2317 |accuracy: 0.7607
Epoch: 2 |Step: 800 |train loss: 0.1997 |accuracy: 0.7731
Epoch: 2 |Step: 900 |train loss: 0.3183 |accuracy: 0.8053
[9 2 1 1 6 1 4 6 5 7 4 5 8 3 4 1 2 4 8 0] prediction number
[9 2 1 1 6 1 4 6 5 7 4 5 7 3 4 1 2 4 8 0] real number
Feedforward neural network
## feedforward_nn
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision.datasets as datasets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as data
from torch.autograd import Variable
input_size = 784
hedden_size = 100
num_classes = 10
num_epochs = 15
batch_size = 64
lr = 0.001
# 数据预处理:标准化图像数据,使得灰度数据在-1到+1之间
transform = transforms.Compose(
[transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))])
# 下载Fashion-MNIST训练集数据,并构建训练集数据载入器trainloader,每次从训练集中载入64张图片,每次载入都打乱顺序
trainset = datasets.FashionMNIST(
'dataset/', download=True, train=True, transform=transform)
trainloader =
trainset, batch_size, shuffle=True)
# 下载Fashion-MNIST测试集数据,并构建测试集数据载入器trainloader,每次从测试集中载入64张图片,每次载入都打乱顺序
testset = datasets.FashionMNIST(
'dataset/', download=False, train=True, transform=transform)
testloader =, batch_size, shuffle=True)
with torch.no_grad():
test_x = Variable(torch.unsqueeze(,dim = 1)).type(torch.FloatTensor)
test_y = testset.targets
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,input_size,hidden_size,num_calsses):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size,hedden_size)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size,num_classes)
def forward(self, x):
out = self.fc1(x)
out = self.relu(out)
out = self.fc2(out)
return out
net = Net(input_size,hedden_size,num_classes)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(),lr = lr)
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for step,(image,label) in enumerate(trainloader):
images = Variable(image.view(-1,28*28))
labels = Variable(label)
output = net(images)
loss = criterion(output,label)
if (step) % 100 == 0:
loss = loss.item()
print("Epoch: {:2d}/{:2d}".format(epoch,num_epochs),
"step: {:3d}/{:d}".format(step,int(len(trainset)/batch_size)),
"loss: {:4f}".format(loss))
# 计算准确率
correct = 0
total = 0
for images,labels in testloader:
images = Variable(images.view(-1,28*28))
outputs = net(images)
_,predict = torch.max(,1)
total += labels.size(0)
correct += (predict == labels).sum()
corre = correct.item()/total*100
print("Accuracy of feedforward neural network is {:.2f}%".format(corre))
test_x = test_x[:20].view(-1,28*28)
test_output = net(test_x)
pred_y = torch.max(,1)[1].data.numpy().squeeze()
print("real number,",test_y[:20].numpy())
print("pred number,",pred_y)
Epoch: 14/15 step: 200/937 loss: 0.233361
Epoch: 14/15 step: 300/937 loss: 0.137285
Epoch: 14/15 step: 400/937 loss: 0.177613
Epoch: 14/15 step: 500/937 loss: 0.255258
Epoch: 14/15 step: 600/937 loss: 0.174280
Epoch: 14/15 step: 700/937 loss: 0.132471
Epoch: 14/15 step: 800/937 loss: 0.348314
Epoch: 14/15 step: 900/937 loss: 0.172310
Accuracy of feedforward neural network is 92.24%
real number, [9 0 0 3 0 2 7 2 5 5 0 9 5 5 7 9 1 0 6 4]
pred number, [6 0 0 6 0 2 7 2 5 5 0 9 5 6 0 9 1 2 6 4]
- 构造数据集
- 创建CNN神经网络正向传播对象,需要定制网络的卷积核大小,步长等参数,以及激活函数等。
- 在epoch循环中,喂进去batchsize,调用cnn对象,正向传播,损失函数,逆向传播,优化算法进行下一步更新。
- 就算准确率,格式化输出你想要的loss或Accuracy
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