ant design for vue 关于table的一些问题
1、为table添加分页: :pagination="pagination" pagination: {
defaultPageSize: 10,
showTotal: (total) => `共${total} 条数据`,
total: 0,
showSizeChanger: true,
pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '50'],
onShowSizeChange: (current, pageSize) => {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
onChange: (page, pageSize) => {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.pageNum = page;
} }, 2、为table添加序号:在columns中: 添加一行: {"title": "序号",customRender: (value, row, index) => `${(this.pageNum-1)*10+index+1}`},
/**pageNum 当前第几页*/ 3、 为table添加编辑、删除功能
<template slot="sensorId" slot-scope="text, record, index">
<a-button @click.native="editTableRow(record)" size="small" type="link">编辑</a-button>
<a-button @click.native="removeTableRow(record)" size="small" type="link">删除</a-button>
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