九、C# 合式类型
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
{ Angle a = new Angle(,,);
Angle b = new Angle(,,);
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate();
Coordinate c2 = new Coordinate();
c1.Latitude = a;
c2.Latitude = a;
c1.Longitude = b;
c2.Longitude = b;
Console.WriteLine(c1 == c2);
Console.WriteLine(c1 != c2);
Console.ReadLine(); }
struct Angle
{ public Angle(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
_Hours = hours;
_Minutes = minutes;
_Seconds = seconds;
public int Hours
return _Hours;
private int _Hours;
public int Minutes
return _Minutes;
private int _Minutes;
public int Seconds
return _Seconds;
private int _Seconds;
public Angle Move(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
return new Angle(Hours + hours, Minutes + minutes, Seconds + seconds);
} class Coordinate
public Angle Latitude
return _Latitude;
_Latitude = value;
private Angle _Latitude; public Angle Longitude
return _Longitude;
_Longitude = value;
private Angle _Longitude;
public static bool operator ==(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
if (ReferenceEquals(leftHandSide, null))
return ReferenceEquals(rightHandSide, null);
return (leftHandSide.Equals(rightHandSide));
public static bool operator !=(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
return !(leftHandSide == rightHandSide); }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())
return false;
return Equals((Coordinate)obj);
public bool Equals(Coordinate obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(obj, null))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
if (this.GetHashCode() != obj.GetHashCode())
return false;
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(base.GetType() != typeof(object));
//if (!base.Equals(obj))
// return false;
//最后,写上自定义的Equals 计算方法
return Longitude.Equals(obj.Longitude) && (Latitude.Equals(obj.Latitude));
public override int GetHashCode()
int hashCode = Longitude.GetHashCode();
hashCode ^= Latitude.GetHashCode();//使用自定义的计算方法(本处常用异或 )
return hashCode;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
{ Angle a = new Angle(, , );
Angle b = new Angle(, , );
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate();
Coordinate c2 = new Coordinate();
c1.Latitude = a;
c2.Latitude = a;
c1.Longitude = b;
c2.Longitude = b;
Console.WriteLine(c1 == c2);
Console.WriteLine(c1 != c2);
Console.WriteLine((c1 + c2).ToString());
Console.ReadLine(); }
struct Angle
{ public Angle(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
_Hours = hours;
_Minutes = minutes;
_Seconds = seconds;
public int Hours
return _Hours;
private int _Hours;
public int Minutes
return _Minutes;
private int _Minutes;
public int Seconds
return _Seconds;
private int _Seconds;
public Angle Move(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
return new Angle(Hours + hours, Minutes + minutes, Seconds + seconds);
} class Coordinate
public Angle Latitude
return _Latitude;
_Latitude = value;
private Angle _Latitude; public Angle Longitude
return _Longitude;
_Longitude = value;
private Angle _Longitude; public static bool operator ==(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
if (ReferenceEquals(leftHandSide, null))
return ReferenceEquals(rightHandSide, null);
return (leftHandSide.Equals(rightHandSide));
public static bool operator !=(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
return !(leftHandSide == rightHandSide); }
public static Coordinate operator +(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
Coordinate a = new Coordinate();
a.Latitude = new Angle(
leftHandSide.Latitude.Hours + rightHandSide.Latitude.Hours,
leftHandSide.Latitude.Minutes + rightHandSide.Latitude.Minutes,
leftHandSide.Latitude.Seconds + rightHandSide.Latitude.Seconds
a.Longitude = new Angle(
leftHandSide.Longitude.Hours + rightHandSide.Longitude.Hours,
leftHandSide.Longitude.Minutes + rightHandSide.Longitude.Minutes,
leftHandSide.Longitude.Seconds + rightHandSide.Longitude.Seconds
return a;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())
return false;
return Equals((Coordinate)obj);
public bool Equals(Coordinate obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(obj, null))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
if (this.GetHashCode() != obj.GetHashCode())
return false;
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(base.GetType() != typeof(object));
//if (!base.Equals(obj))
// return false;
//最后,写上自定义的Equals 计算方法
return Longitude.Equals(obj.Longitude) && (Latitude.Equals(obj.Latitude));
public override int GetHashCode()
int hashCode = Longitude.GetHashCode();
hashCode ^= Latitude.GetHashCode();//使用自定义的计算方法(本处常用异或 )
return hashCode;
public override string ToString()
string str = "";
str = "Latitude " + ((Latitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Latitude.Hours.ToString() : "" + Latitude.Hours.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Latitude.Minutes.ToString().Length == ) ? Latitude.Minutes.ToString() : "" + Latitude.Minutes.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Latitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Latitude.Seconds.ToString() : "" + Latitude.Seconds.ToString());
str += "\n";
str += "Longitude " + ((Longitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Longitude.Hours.ToString() : "" + Longitude.Hours.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Longitude.Minutes.ToString().Length == ) ? Longitude.Minutes.ToString() : "" + Longitude.Minutes.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Longitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Longitude.Seconds.ToString() : "" + Longitude.Seconds.ToString());
return str;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
{ Angle a = new Angle(, , );
Angle b = new Angle(, , );
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate();
c1.Latitude = -a;
c1.Longitude = -b; Console.WriteLine(c1 ); Console.ReadLine(); }
struct Angle
{ public Angle(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
_Hours = hours;
_Minutes = minutes;
_Seconds = seconds;
public int Hours
return _Hours;
private int _Hours;
public int Minutes
return _Minutes;
private int _Minutes;
public int Seconds
return _Seconds;
private int _Seconds;
public Angle Move(int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
return new Angle(Hours + hours, Minutes + minutes, Seconds + seconds);
public static Angle operator -(Angle a)
Angle temp = new Angle();
temp._Hours = -a.Hours;
temp._Minutes = -a.Minutes;
temp._Seconds =- a.Seconds;
return temp;
} class Coordinate
public Angle Latitude
return _Latitude;
_Latitude = value;
private Angle _Latitude; public Angle Longitude
return _Longitude;
_Longitude = value;
private Angle _Longitude; //二元运算符重载
public static bool operator ==(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
if (ReferenceEquals(leftHandSide, null))
return ReferenceEquals(rightHandSide, null);
return (leftHandSide.Equals(rightHandSide));
public static bool operator !=(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
return !(leftHandSide == rightHandSide); }
public static Coordinate operator +(Coordinate leftHandSide, Coordinate rightHandSide)
Coordinate a = new Coordinate();
a.Latitude = new Angle(
leftHandSide.Latitude.Hours + rightHandSide.Latitude.Hours,
leftHandSide.Latitude.Minutes + rightHandSide.Latitude.Minutes,
leftHandSide.Latitude.Seconds + rightHandSide.Latitude.Seconds
a.Longitude = new Angle(
leftHandSide.Longitude.Hours + rightHandSide.Longitude.Hours,
leftHandSide.Longitude.Minutes + rightHandSide.Longitude.Minutes,
leftHandSide.Longitude.Seconds + rightHandSide.Longitude.Seconds
return a;
} //Object成员方法重写
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())
return false;
return Equals((Coordinate)obj);
} public override int GetHashCode()
int hashCode = Longitude.GetHashCode();
hashCode ^= Latitude.GetHashCode();//使用自定义的计算方法(本处常用异或 )
return hashCode;
} public override string ToString()
string str = "";
str = "Latitude " + ((Latitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Latitude.Hours.ToString() : "" + Latitude.Hours.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Latitude.Minutes.ToString().Length == ) ? Latitude.Minutes.ToString() : "" + Latitude.Minutes.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Latitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Latitude.Seconds.ToString() : "" + Latitude.Seconds.ToString());
str += "\n";
str += "Longitude " + ((Longitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Longitude.Hours.ToString() : "" + Longitude.Hours.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Longitude.Minutes.ToString().Length == ) ? Longitude.Minutes.ToString() : "" + Longitude.Minutes.ToString()) + ":"
+ ((Longitude.Hours.ToString().Length == ) ? Longitude.Seconds.ToString() : "" + Longitude.Seconds.ToString());
return str;
public bool Equals(Coordinate obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(obj, null))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
if (this.GetHashCode() != obj.GetHashCode())
return false;
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(base.GetType() != typeof(object));
//if (!base.Equals(obj))
// return false;
//最后,写上自定义的Equals 计算方法
return Longitude.Equals(obj.Longitude) && (Latitude.Equals(obj.Latitude));
if (c1)
public static bool operator false(Coordinate c)
if (c.Latitude.Hours < )
{ return false;
return true;
public static bool operator true(Coordinate c)
if (c.Latitude.Hours < )
return false;
return true;
public static implicit operator double(Coordinate c)
return (double)c.Latitude.Hours;
public static implicit operator Coordinate(double hours)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate();
c.Latitude = new Angle((int)hours, , );
return c;
implict 隐式 explicit显式
private WeakReference Data;
public FileStream GetData()
FileStream data = (FileStream)Data.Target;
if (data != null)
return data;
return data;
public class TemporaryFileStream
private readonly FileStream _Stream;
public FileStream Stream
get { return _Stream; }
private FileInfo _File = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
public FileInfo File
get { return _File; }
} public TemporaryFileStream()
_File = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
_Stream = new FileStream(File.FullName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
public void Close()
if (Stream != null)
if (File != null)
} }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TemporaryFileStream fileStream = new TemporaryFileStream();
//Use temporary file stream; //.. fileStream.Dispose(); //.. }
} public class TemporaryFileStream : IDisposable
private readonly FileStream _Stream;
public FileStream Stream
get { return _Stream; }
private FileInfo _File = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
public FileInfo File
get { return _File; }
} public TemporaryFileStream()
_File = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
_Stream = new FileStream(File.FullName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
public void Close()
if (Stream != null)
if (File != null)
// Turn off calling the finalizer
public void Dispose()
} }
static void Search()
using (TemporaryFileStream fileStream1 = new TemporaryFileStream(), fileStream2 = new TemporaryFileStream())
class DataCache
private TemporaryFileStream _FileStream = null;
public TemporaryFileStream FileStream
if (_FileStream == null)
_FileStream = new TemporaryFileStream();
return _FileStream;
} }
class DataCache
{ //为泛型和lambda表达式使用推迟加载(C#4.0 CLR添加了一个新类来帮助进行推迟初始化:System.Lazy<T>
private Lazy<TemporaryFileStream> _FileStream = null; public DataCache()
_FileStream = new Lazy<TemporaryFileStream>(()=> new TemporaryFileStream() );
public TemporaryFileStream FileStream
return _FileStream.Value;
} }
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