Iterator Category | Ability | Providers |
Input iterator | Reads forward | istream |
Output iterator | Writes forward | ostream, inserter |
Forward iterator | Reads and writes forward | |
Bidirectional iterator(双向迭代器) | Reads and writes forward and backward | list, set, multiset, map, multimap |
Random access iterator | Reads and writes with random access | vector, deque string, array |
Input iterators can only step forward element-by-element with read access. Thus, they return values elementwise
Table 7.2. Operations of Input Iterators
Expression | Effect |
*iter | Provides read access to the actual element |
iter ->member | Provides read access to a member (if any) of the actual element |
++iter | Steps forward (returns new position) |
iter++ | Steps forward (returns old position) |
Iter1 == iter2 | Returns whether two iterators are equal |
Iter1 != iter2 | Returns whether two iterators are not equal |
TYPE(iter) | Copies iterator (copy constructor) |
Output iterators are the counterparts of input iterators. They can only step forward with write access. Thus, you can assign new values only element-by-element. You can't use an output iterator to iterate twice over the same range. The goal is to write a value into a "black hole" (whatever that means). So, if you write something for the second time at the same position into the same black hole, it is not guaranteed that you will overwrite a previous value. Table 7.3 lists the valid operations for output iterators. The only valid use of operator * is on the left side of an assignment statement.
Table 7.3. Operations of Output Iterators
Expression | Effect |
*iter = value | Writes value to where the iterator refers |
++iter | Steps forward (returns new position) |
iter++ | Steps forward (returns old position) |
TYPE (iter) | Copies iterator (copy constructor) |
Table 7.4. Operations of Forward Iterators
Expression | Effect |
*iter | Provides access to the actual element |
iter-> member | Provides access to a member of the actual element |
++iter | Steps forward (returns new position) |
iter++ | Steps forward (returns old position) |
iter1 == iter2 | Returns whether two iterators are equal |
iter1 != iter2 | Returns whether two iterators are not equal |
TYPE() | Creates iterator (default constructor) |
TYPE(iter) | Copies iterator (copy constructor) |
iter1 = iter2 |
Assigns an iterator |
Unlike input iterators and output iterators, forward iterators can refer to the same element in the same collection and process the same element more than once.
//OK for output iterators
//ERROR for forward iterators
while (true) {
*pos = foo();
//OK for forward iterators
//IMPOSSIBLE for output iterators
while (pos != coll.end()) {
*pos = foo();
Bidirectional iterators are forward iterators that provide the additional ability to iterate backward over the elements. Thus, they provide the decrement operator to step backward (Table 7.5).
Table 7.5. Additional Operations of Bidirectional Iterators
Expression | Effect |
-- iter | Steps backward (returns new position) |
iter-- | Steps backward (returns old position) |
Random access iterators are bidirectional iterators that can perform random access. Thus, they provide operators for "iterator arithmetic" (in accordance with the "pointer arithmetic" of ordinary pointers). That is, they can add and subtract offsets, process differences, and compare iterators with relational operators such as < and >. Table 7.6 lists the additional operations of random access iterators.
Random access iterators are provided by the following objects and types:
Containers with random access (vector, deque)
Strings (string, wstring)
Ordinary arrays (pointers)
Table 7.6. Additional Operations of Random Access Iterators
Expression | Effect |
iter[n] | Provides access to the element that has index n |
iter+=n | Steps n elements forward (or backward, if n is negative) |
iter-=n | Steps n elements backward (or forward, if n is negative) |
iter+n | Returns the iterator of the nth next element |
n+iter | Returns the iterator of the nth next element |
iter-n | Returns the iterator of the nth previous element |
iter1-iter2 | Returns the distance between iter1 and iter2 |
iter1<iter2 | Returns whether iter1 is before iter2 |
iter1>iter2 | Returns whether iter1 is after iter2 |
iter1<=iter2 | Returns whether iter1 is not after iter2 |
iter1>=iter2 | Returns whether iter1 is not before iter2 |
The following program demonstrates the special abilities of random access iterators:
// iter/itercat.cpp #include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; int main()
vector<int> coll; //insert elements from -3 to 9
for (int i=-; i<=; ++i) {
coll.push_back (i);
} /* print number of elements by processing the distance between beginning and end
* - NOTE: uses operator -for iterators
cout << "number/distance: " << coll.end()-coll.begin() << endl; /* print all elements
* - NOTE: uses operator < instead of operator ! =
vector<int>::iterator pos;
for (pos=coll.begin(); pos<coll.end(); ++pos) {
cout << *pos << ' ';
cout << endl; /* print all elements
* - NOTE: uses operator [ ] instead of operator *
for (int i=; i<coll.size(); ++i) {
cout << coll.begin() [i] << ' ';
cout << endl; /* print every second element
* - NOTE: uses operator +=
for (pos = coll.begin(); pos < coll.end()-; pos += ) {
cout << *pos << ' ';
cout << endl;
The output of the program is as follows:
number/distance: 13
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-3 -1 1 3 5 7
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