C++ map的基本操作和使用


1. map最基本的构造函数;
   map<string , int >mapstring;         map<int ,string >mapint;
   map<sring, char>mapstring;         map< char ,string>mapchar;
   map<char ,int>mapchar;            map<int ,char >mapint;

2. map添加数据;

map<int ,string> maplive;  
   3, maplive[112]="April";//map中最简单最常用的插入添加!


map<int ,string >::iterator l_it;; 
                cout<<"we do not find 112"<<endl;
   else cout<<"wo find 112"<<endl;
   map<int ,string >::iterator l_it;;
        cout<<"we do not find 112"<<endl;
   else  maplive.erase(l_it);  //delete 112;
5,map中 swap的用法:
  For example:
  #include <map>
  #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )
      map <int, int> m1, m2, m3;
      map <int, int>::iterator m1_Iter;

m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 1, 10 ) );
      m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 2, 20 ) );
      m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 3, 30 ) );
      m2.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 10, 100 ) );
      m2.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 20, 200 ) );
      m3.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 30, 300 ) );

cout << "The original map m1 is:";
   for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ )
      cout << " " << m1_Iter->second;
      cout   << "." << endl;

// This is the member function version of swap
   //m2 is said to be the argument map; m1 the target map
   m1.swap( m2 );

cout << "After swapping with m2, map m1 is:";
   for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ )
      cout << " " << m1_Iter -> second;
      cout  << "." << endl;
   cout << "After swapping with m2, map m2 is:";
   for ( m1_Iter = m2.begin( ); m1_Iter != m2.end( ); m1_Iter++ )
      cout << " " << m1_Iter -> second;
      cout  << "." << endl;
   // This is the specialized template version of swap
   swap( m1, m3 );

cout << "After swapping with m3, map m1 is:";
   for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ )
      cout << " " << m1_Iter -> second;
      cout   << "." << endl;

  For example:
  #include <map>
  #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )
   map <int, int> m1;
   map <int, int>::iterator m1_Iter;

m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 1, 20 ) );
   m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 4, 40 ) );
   m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 3, 60 ) );
   m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 2, 50 ) );
   m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 6, 40 ) );
   m1.insert ( pair <int, int>  ( 7, 30 ) );

cout << "The original map m1 is:"<<endl;
   for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ )
      cout <<  m1_Iter->first<<" "<<m1_Iter->second<<endl;
  The original map m1 is:
  1 20
  2 50
  3 60
  4 40
  6 40
  7 30
  请按任意键继续. . .

7,   map的基本操作函数:
      C++ Maps是一种关联式容器,包含“关键字/值”对
      begin()          返回指向map头部的迭代器
      clear()         删除所有元素
      count()          返回指定元素出现的次数
      empty()          如果map为空则返回true
      end()            返回指向map末尾的迭代器
      equal_range()    返回特殊条目的迭代器对
      erase()          删除一个元素
      find()           查找一个元素
      get_allocator()  返回map的配置器
      insert()         插入元素
      key_comp()       返回比较元素key的函数
      lower_bound()    返回键值>=给定元素的第一个位置
      max_size()       返回可以容纳的最大元素个数
      rbegin()         返回一个指向map尾部的逆向迭代器
      rend()           返回一个指向map头部的逆向迭代器
      size()           返回map中元素的个数
      swap()            交换两个map
      upper_bound()     返回键值>给定元素的第一个位置
      value_comp()      返回比较元素value的函数

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