
  接上篇,上篇解析了DefaultBeanGenerator生成bean name的过程(http://www.cnblogs.com/jason0529/p/5272265.html ), 本篇我们继续解析另一类bean name生成方式。


  对两种bean定义方式,spring提供了两种不同的bean name实现方式去实现不同的模式。AnnotationBeanNameGenerator能够处理 Component,Respository,Service,Controller这四个常用的注解,解析为bean name注给他们对应的value属性。另外jee的javax.annotation.ManagedBean和javax.inject.Named也可以支持。

  当Component,Respository,Service,Controller注解的value树形没有自定义时,会根据类的名称生成一个短的bean name。例如: com.xyz.FooServiceImpl -> fooServiceImpl

  入口肯定是BeanNameGenerator接口声明的generateBeanName(BeanDefinition, BeanDefinitionRegistry) 方法,该方法做了一个分类判断,处理AnnotationBeanDefinition和default两种方式的。

public String generateBeanName(BeanDefinition definition, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
//判断是否是否是AnnotatedBeanDefinition的子类, AnnotatedBeanDefinition是BeanDefinition的一个子类
//如果是AnnotatedBeanDefinition , 按照注解生成模式生成信息,否则生成默认的bean name
if (definition instanceof AnnotatedBeanDefinition) {
String beanName = determineBeanNameFromAnnotation((AnnotatedBeanDefinition) definition);
//保证生成的bean name 非空
if (StringUtils.hasText(beanName)) {
// Explicit bean name found.
return beanName;
// Fallback: generate a unique default bean name.
return buildDefaultBeanName(definition, registry);

 先从相对简单的default看起,这段代码的疑点是生成的bean name并没有和DefaultBeanNameGenerator一样做唯一性校验,可能导致不同包下面存在相同的类名时,会产生两个name一样的bean,引发spring 异常。

* Derive a default bean name from the given bean definition.
* <p>The default implementation delegates to {@link #buildDefaultBeanName(BeanDefinition)}.
* @param definition the bean definition to build a bean name for
* @param registry the registry that the given bean definition is being registered with
* @return the default bean name (never {@code null})
protected String buildDefaultBeanName(BeanDefinition definition, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
     //没有做 name 唯一性校验。
return buildDefaultBeanName(definition);
} /**
* Derive a default bean name from the given bean definition.
* <p>The default implementation simply builds a decapitalized version
* of the short class name: e.g. "mypackage.MyJdbcDao" -> "myJdbcDao".
* <p>Note that inner classes will thus have names of the form
* "outerClassName.innerClassName", which because of the period in the
* name may be an issue if you are autowiring by name.
* @param definition the bean definition to build a bean name for
* @return the default bean name (never {@code null})
protected String buildDefaultBeanName(BeanDefinition definition) {
String shortClassName = ClassUtils.getShortName(definition.getBeanClassName());
return Introspector.decapitalize(shortClassName);


  接上篇,上篇解析了DefaultBeanGenerator生成bean name的过程(http://www.cnblogs.com/jason0529/p/5272265.html ), 本篇我们继续解析另一类bean name生成方式。


  对两种bean定义方式,spring提供了两种不同的bean name实现方式去实现不同的模式。AnnotationBeanNameGenerator能够处理 Component,Respository,Service,Controller这四个常用的注解,解析为bean name注给他们对应的value属性。另外jee的javax.annotation.ManagedBean和javax.inject.Named也可以支持。

  当Component,Respository,Service,Controller注解的value树形没有自定义时,会根据类的名称生成一个短的bean name。例如: com.xyz.FooServiceImpl -> fooServiceImpl

  入口肯定是BeanNameGenerator接口声明的generateBeanName(BeanDefinition, BeanDefinitionRegistry) 方法,该方法做了一个分类判断,处理AnnotationBeanDefinition和default两种方式的。

public String generateBeanName(BeanDefinition definition, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
//判断是否是否是AnnotatedBeanDefinition的子类, AnnotatedBeanDefinition是BeanDefinition的一个子类
//如果是AnnotatedBeanDefinition , 按照注解生成模式生成信息,否则生成默认的bean name
if (definition instanceof AnnotatedBeanDefinition) {
String beanName = determineBeanNameFromAnnotation((AnnotatedBeanDefinition) definition);
//保证生成的bean name 非空
if (StringUtils.hasText(beanName)) {
// Explicit bean name found.
return beanName;
// Fallback: generate a unique default bean name.
return buildDefaultBeanName(definition, registry);

 先从相对简单的default看起,这段代码的疑点是生成的bean name并没有和DefaultBeanNameGenerator一样做唯一性校验,可能导致不同包下面存在相同的类名时,会产生两个name一样的bean,引发spring 异常。

* Derive a default bean name from the given bean definition.
* <p>The default implementation delegates to {@link #buildDefaultBeanName(BeanDefinition)}.
* @param definition the bean definition to build a bean name for
* @param registry the registry that the given bean definition is being registered with
* @return the default bean name (never {@code null})
protected String buildDefaultBeanName(BeanDefinition definition, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {
     //没有做 name 唯一性校验。
return buildDefaultBeanName(definition);
} /**
* Derive a default bean name from the given bean definition.
* <p>The default implementation simply builds a decapitalized version
* of the short class name: e.g. "mypackage.MyJdbcDao" -> "myJdbcDao".
* <p>Note that inner classes will thus have names of the form
* "outerClassName.innerClassName", which because of the period in the
* name may be an issue if you are autowiring by name.
* @param definition the bean definition to build a bean name for
* @return the default bean name (never {@code null})
protected String buildDefaultBeanName(BeanDefinition definition) {
String shortClassName = ClassUtils.getShortName(definition.getBeanClassName());
return Introspector.decapitalize(shortClassName);


* Get the class name without the qualified package name.
* @param className the className to get the short name for
* @return the class name of the class without the package name
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the className is empty
public static String getShortName(String className) {
Assert.hasLength(className, "Class name must not be empty");
int lastDotIndex = className.lastIndexOf(PACKAGE_SEPARATOR);
int nameEndIndex = className.indexOf(CGLIB_CLASS_SEPARATOR);
if (nameEndIndex == -1) {
nameEndIndex = className.length();
String shortName = className.substring(lastDotIndex + 1, nameEndIndex);
return shortName;


* Derive a bean name from one of the annotations on the class.
* 从类的注解中包含value属性的注解生成一个bean name
* @param annotatedDef the annotation-aware bean definition
* @return the bean name, or {@code null} if none is found
protected String determineBeanNameFromAnnotation(AnnotatedBeanDefinition annotatedDef) {
AnnotationMetadata amd = annotatedDef.getMetadata();
Set<String> types = amd.getAnnotationTypes();
String beanName = null;
for (String type : types) {
AnnotationAttributes attributes = MetadataUtils.attributesFor(amd, type);
if (isStereotypeWithNameValue(type, amd.getMetaAnnotationTypes(type), attributes)) {
String value = (String) attributes.get("value");
if (StringUtils.hasLength(value)) {
if (beanName != null && !value.equals(beanName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Stereotype annotations suggest inconsistent " +
"component names: '" + beanName + "' versus '" + value + "'");
beanName = value;
return beanName;


public static AnnotationAttributes attributesFor(AnnotationMetadata metadata, String annoClassName) {
return AnnotationAttributes.fromMap(metadata.getAnnotationAttributes(annoClassName, false));
* Retrieve the attributes of the annotation of the given type,
* if any (i.e. if defined on the underlying class, as direct
* annotation or as meta-annotation).
* @param annotationType the annotation type to look for
* @param classValuesAsString whether to convert class references to String
* class names for exposure as values in the returned Map, instead of Class
* references which might potentially have to be loaded first
* @return a Map of attributes, with the attribute name as key (e.g. "value")
* and the defined attribute value as Map value. This return value will be
* {@code null} if no matching annotation is defined.
Map<String, Object> getAnnotationAttributes(String annotationType, boolean classValuesAsString);


    private static final String COMPONENT_ANNOTATION_CLASSNAME = "org.springframework.stereotype.Component";
* Check whether the given annotation is a stereotype that is allowed
* to suggest a component name through its annotation {@code value()}.
* @param annotationType the name of the annotation class to check
* @param metaAnnotationTypes the names of meta-annotations on the given annotation
* @param attributes the map of attributes for the given annotation
* @return whether the annotation qualifies as a stereotype with component name
protected boolean isStereotypeWithNameValue(String annotationType,Set<String> metaAnnotationTypes, Map<String, Object> attributes) { boolean isStereotype = annotationType.equals(COMPONENT_ANNOTATION_CLASSNAME) ||
(metaAnnotationTypes != null && metaAnnotationTypes.contains(COMPONENT_ANNOTATION_CLASSNAME)) ||
annotationType.equals("javax.annotation.ManagedBean") ||
return (isStereotype && attributes != null && attributes.containsKey("value"));


    生成bean name有两条处理线,使用AnnotationBeanDefinition注解和不使用的。

    不使用AnnotationBeanDefinition注解的,直接将类名(不含包名)改为驼峰形式作为bean name。






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