HDU 3308 LCIS (线段树·单点更新·区间合并)
题意 给你一个数组 有更新值和查询两种操作 对于每次查询 输出相应区间的最长连续递增子序列的长度
基础的线段树区间合并 线段树维护三个值 相应区间的LCIS长度(lcis) 相应区间以左端点为起点的LCIS长度(lle) 相应区间以右端点为终点的LCIS长度(lri) 然后用val存储数组相应位置的值 当val[mid + 1] > val[mid] 的时候就要进行区间合并操作了
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#define lc lp, s, mid
#define rc rp, mid+1, e
#define lp p<<1
#define rp p<<1|1
#define mid ((s+e)>>1)
using namespace std;
const int N = 100005, M = N * 4;
int lcis[M], lle[M], lri[M], val[N]; void pushup(int p, int s, int e)
lcis[p] = max(lcis[lp], lcis[rp]);
lle[p] = lle[lp], lri[p] = lri[rp];
if(val[mid + 1] > val[mid]) //合并条件
lcis[p] = max(lcis[p], lri[lp] + lle[rp]);
if(lle[lp] == mid + 1 - s) lle[p] += lle[rp];
if(lri[rp] == e - mid) lri[p] += lri[lp];
} void build(int p, int s, int e)
if(s == e)
lcis[p] = lle[p] = lri[p] = 1;
scanf("%d", &val[s]);
pushup(p, s, e);
} void update(int p, int s, int e, int x, int v)
if(s == e)
val[s] = v;
if(x <= mid) update(lc, x, v);
else if(x > mid) update(rc, x, v);
pushup(p, s, e);
} int query(int p, int s, int e, int l, int r)
if(l <= s && e <= r) return lcis[p];
int ret = 0;
if(val[mid + 1] > val[mid])
ret = min(r, mid + lle[rp]) - max(l, mid + 1 - lri[lp]) + 1;
if(l <= mid) ret = max(ret, query(lc, l, r));
if(r > mid) ret = max(ret, query(rc, l, r));
return ret;
} int main()
int T, n, m, a, b;
char op[5];
scanf("%d", &T);
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
build(1, 0, n - 1);
scanf("%s%d%d", op, &a, &b);
if(op[0] == 'Q')
printf("%d\n", query(1, 0, n - 1, a, b));
else update(1, 0, n - 1, a, b);
return 0;
You have two operations:
U A B: replace the Ath number by B. (index counting from 0)
Q A B: output the length of the longest consecutive increasing subsequence (LCIS) in [a, b].
Each case starts with two integers n , m(0<n,m<=105).
The next line has n integers(0<=val<=105).
The next m lines each has an operation:
U A B(0<=A,n , 0<=B=105)
Q A B(0<=A<=B< n).
10 10
7 7 3 3 5 9 9 8 1 8
Q 6 6
U 3 4
Q 0 1
Q 0 5
Q 4 7
Q 3 5
Q 0 2
Q 4 6
U 6 10
Q 0 9
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