usually we need to export the database tables to backup and others use. So we must know what to do export those data .

just exmple when I export the oracle all database tables with dmp files.

the method is following :

#exp oracle_userName/"""oracle_userPassword"""@orcl file=/SpecifiedPath/Name.dmp full=y

Note :why to do use the """oracle_userPassword"""" .if your password contains special characters ,then you can use this method .

orcl:spcified your database name .by default ,the database is orcl.

file=/SpecifiedPath/CustomName.dmp .Must use the name sufffix ".dmp".

by default ,the dmp files maybe have 20G of the size .

I have tried to export the dmp files ,if you have any dobut , you can contact me .learn form each other .

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